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Ninja Election Announcement


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[quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' timestamp='1285775356' post='2468359']
It's the same standard used to justify tech raids on groups of people who miss a "cutoff" number.

Hey, like I said: I'm not complaining in the slightest. Not only are you now validating tech raids (it's the same standard!), but this will definitely make things more fun from now on.

I'm liking it!

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1285776461' post='2468377']
Hey, like I said: I'm not complaining in the slightest. Not only are you now validating tech raids (it's the same standard!), but this will definitely make things more fun from now on.

I'm liking it!

I am too. Think of all the people we can attack now because we don't like them. And since they don't like us, (most likely)and I'm sure we can find them asking us to fight them somewhere in some context, they shouldn't be allowed to call on their allies to help. Right? Right?

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285736219' post='2467723']
You honestly didn't expect GOONS to face down 11 or 12 of you alone did you?

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285736255' post='2467727']
[color="#0000FF"]All I can say is that I approve of this, and hope to see others following in your footsteps. I'd join you, but I don't have a war chest. Nevertheless you have my full and unconditional moral support. Make them hurt. Godspeed.[/color]
Thank you kind sir :)

[quote name='Gamemaster1' timestamp='1285736342' post='2467733']
Aww, gonna sanction these guys too GOONS?
Who cares, there is gray O.o

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285736447' post='2467740']
A pity, you shan't be getting away easy for this. Have at us then.
Right back at ya.

[quote name='Raider' timestamp='1285736867' post='2467768']
I'm very afraid :awesome:
You should.

[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738032' post='2467838']
Thus begins the They Were Big Meanies War.
I like the name ^^

[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738452' post='2467863']
The day I conceed that we are an alliance of cowards is the day we need help to deal with an alliance of 10kNS nations.

But that will never happen.
You just wait a while.. you just wait.

[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738927' post='2467879']
My apologies, but this is an aggressive action against us without a legitimate CB. How are we not defending ourselves?

The precedent some of you are trying to set, that inviting someone else to fight you is a CB, is a dangerous one indeed. I'm sure every alliance here has at one point had a member invite another alliance to fight them over whatever grievance the two might have with eachother.
If you are allowed to raid other nations under AA's you don't consider alliances, so are we.
This is not a war until you decide to make it one.

[quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1285739532' post='2467911']
"Dear GOONS, we are going to attack you and you should just let us attack you and keep it between us. We will deal out a pretty substantial amount of damage to you and aren't really planning on surviving this, so we don't care about our nations. You should tell your allies to stay out so we can hurt you more than we would if they came in. Them coming in would really ruin our ability to inflict max damage on you, so please, keep them out."

What everyone in this thread who wants GOONS to 1v1 them is basically saying.
What made you think that we are quitting? Have we said something along those lines? Hey, maybe we might do the same as you did before, go rogue and continue playing, just that we don't go rogue: we raid goons. >_>

[quote name='delendum' timestamp='1285740800' post='2467965']
They [s]went rogue on[/s]raided GOONS - which, mind you, I'm not trying to decry - but really, the fact that they have more than 10 members doesn't change that.
Raiding isn't allowed only for the big AA's, no matter what you think.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285762018' post='2468189']
Alright since there's apparently some debate on this issue I'll spell it out. We consider the Ninjas an alliance, not a very good alliance, but an alliance nonetheless.

Even still, I hope you guys realize what you've gotten yourselves into, if you truly do not intend to disband. We are not the type to say live and let live and grant white peace. We are going to be fighting you for a very, very long time, and when we're finally ready to entertain the notion of peace, you're going to be paying us for a very, very long time.

Aaaaw man....and I was hoping to get out in the first round. Well 3.5 billion should last me about 2 years on your mid tier. I guess I should have a [ooc]life[/ooc] by then.

I figure 2 years of fighting you guys is better than 2 years of doing nothing.

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1285774952' post='2468352']
So I'm glad that the cyberverse has once again redefined what's acceptable to use when attacking someone! And I mean that, no sarcasm at all. I truly will enjoy this for future wars.

Everyone who's posted their support to Ninjas in this thread, just remember: I'll try not to say, "I told you so", I promise.
It's been going on for years, we just didn't disguise it with a retarded excuse.

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285735975' post='2467711']
You told me to do something about it, well here we are. I would die ten times over for every brother fighting tonight and in the coming days and/or months. Now you’ll have the opportunity to witness a true brotherhood fighting as one, not a bunch of people under a single name merely for statistical purposes. We don’t care if we win; we care about causing you utter destruction. You have two options Goons.

Stay true to your word and fight for yourselves, together as one, or run to your allies because you’re worried about 1s and 0s.1s and 0s change with a click, but your decisions...no, not them...they will be remembered throughout the ages, and no one can change them. Not even the winner.

We know people will bounce on us because we have no allies; you’re cowards. If you only can attack someone without allies, you have no balls. We are looking destruction in the eye and we’re still saluting the one finger peace sign. That’s a ninja, and it’s nice to meet you. You can’t see us all, but you will soon.

Good luck Goons. I tip my ninja hat.
[/quote]I find it ironic that an alliance called "The Ninjas" are complaining that we lack honor.

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[quote name='Heinlander' timestamp='1285779539' post='2468431']
I find it ironic that an alliance called "The Ninjas" are complaining that we lack honor.

No, what would be ironic is if instead of our nukes blowing up each other, they instead built our nations up.

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[quote name='Udelar Johnson' timestamp='1285740379' post='2467946']
By all means, continue to allow the alliances that answer your rallying call of "Roll GOONS!" to be cut down one by one.

Udelar has a point here. Some discipline and teamwork between the various alliances that take issue with GOONS would be nice. All giving in to the GOONS baiting does is provide them (and apparently their allies)an opportunity to get more of what they want - relatively easy wars based on numbers.

I'm not saying The Ninjas are in any way unskilled warriors. However, IF even the past two groups who have declared on the GOONS had joined in one alliance - by GOONS standards - there would be no argument about the AA being an alliance. You would be granting them war and a win, so I'm not advocating this actually be done, but at least we wouldn't have to listen to alliance vs. not an alliance arguments.

Edited by Mistress Demona
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1285737942' post='2467828']
Bullies never fight that way...they goad you into fighting, then call in their buddies the moment you throw the first punch.

I wish you godspeed, Ninjas. Not the way I would have done it, but no one should doubt the bravery.

CHARMAN HAL is the appointed Champion of e-Honor,puppies,unicorns and transvestites everywhere.

I salute you!

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1285776710' post='2468384']
I am too. Think of all the people we can attack now because we don't like them. And since they don't like us, (most likely)and I'm sure we can find them asking us to fight them somewhere in some context, they shouldn't be allowed to call on their allies to help. Right? Right?
Depends if you prance along these halls saying you don't hide behind your allies. ;)

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[quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1285748268' post='2468085']
I love it when my point gets demonstrated through action. Good luck Ninjas and GOONS, but a shame that others are getting in on this as well. It would have been more interesting had it stayed confined.
[/quote]Good for GOONS that the world doesn't spin the way you like ;)

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1285781878' post='2468470']
Yeah, and I honestly applaud you for that.
Everything is cool. Some are getting a little rioted up a tad, but in the end...all need to chill, relax, and argue about other things instead of this whole "Is it a valid CB." We think it's valid as they called us out, so we went in and fulfilled their desires. Consider it a duel...we get the art of surprise as they kinda have a little more members than us. It's like playing football: One person gets the ball first, the other gets it at half time.

In the end, we are an alliance and we aren't rage quitting. We're doing this because we were called out. I would honestly like to see DoWs if people like MK want to war with us; we were an alliance last week, we're still one this week. Much respect my friend; that's all you see from us.

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1285774952' post='2468352']
So I'm glad that the cyberverse has once again redefined what's acceptable to use when attacking someone! And I mean that, no sarcasm at all. I truly will enjoy this for future wars.

Everyone who's posted their support to Ninjas in this thread, just remember: I'll try not to say, "I told you so", I promise.

It's okay, I'll say it for you.

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[quote name='Egwaterboy61' timestamp='1285778989' post='2468423']
Aaaaw man....and I was hoping to get out in the first round. Well 3.5 billion should last me about 2 years on your mid tier. I guess I should have a [ooc]life[/ooc] by then.

I figure 2 years of fighting you guys is better than 2 years of doing nothing.
Many parts of this quote lead me to believe your goal is probably to lofty.

Edited by Jakome
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To all the people calling us cowards but refusing to fight:

Your sickening display of patting each other on the back for accomplishing absolutely nothing repulses me. If your hollow words meant anything at all to you, you would all be declaring tonight at update.

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[quote name='Egwaterboy61' timestamp='1285784514' post='2468498']
Have you thought that perhaps we have already achieved our goal?
Chin up buddy, you'll get there one day

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