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GOON spy orders


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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285212929' post='2461766']
The real win is getting to #69 :awesome:

[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285212929' post='2461766']
Sigh, it did sound better in my head :(
It would have been funnier if you had said "dude."


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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285210471' post='2461729']
Because the GOONS made such a huge deal about getting reps and making profits in every Meth related case so far. My original comment that spiraled all of this was that I'd be curious to see the damage this causes vs the reps received. I didn't say anything about infra hugging or pixel saving or anything like that.
This whole line of argument makes no sense though. GOONS are asking for 90m to deter people from aiding their rogue. Clearly it is ineffective. Now they could back down, which would send the message that helping rogues fight GOONS is perfectly acceptable, or they could choose to punish the nations who attack them by proxy. Money doesn't mean much when it comes to defending your alliance and establishing your sovereignty. As an added bonus, GOONS seem to enjoy fighting rogues.

The 90m was said to 'recoup costs' the first time Methrage fought GOONS and was bailed out by TOP. It's since turned into some sort of standard procedure.

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To those of you concerned about our financial position following the actions of this latest rogue attack, let me share a parable with you from a prophet I greatly admire.

See... we're an alliance of simple tastes. We enjoy gunpowder, dynamite... and GASOLINE. And do you know what they have in common? They're CHEAP.

It isn't about the money. It has never been about the money. If we have to set our warchests aflame to send a message, so be it.

Edited by JT Jag
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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1285208467' post='2461695']
Seeing Methrage haven't received any new aid they can be fairly certain you didn't. If you did it secretly another ??????????? would have popped up.
This is called logic. THIS is something which holds validity. I'm hoping others finally catch on. Somethings are universally true, some are skepticisms.

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To all rogues.

Stop saying you are not rogues. If you attack an alliance by yourself or with a very small group for the sake of inflicting harm with your CB being something like "hurr I don't like them" you are a rogue.

Just embrace it. I quite like the name rogue.

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285214186' post='2461794']
This is called logic. THIS is something which holds validity. I'm hoping others finally catch on.

We can definitely agree that there's a whole lot of illogic going on in this thread.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1285212774' post='2461764']
No, this is not the definition you're using, as you have defined UOKMB as a group of rogues. By definition, a group is affiliated.[/quote]
UOKMB [b]defined themselves as rogues[/b] on more than one occasion, so we're going to go with them on this one. A group of rogues they may be, but not an alliance.

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1285213569' post='2461776']
The 90m was said to 'recoup costs' the first time Methrage fought GOONS and was bailed out by TOP. It's since turned into some sort of standard procedure.
More of a running gag really. :awesome:

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1285203802' post='2461599']
No, the outrage comes from wanting 90 million from 5 nukes at 6k NS. That said, the outrage is very much justified.

Anyone who thinks aiding a rogue is okay are seriously morons.
Well if people are THAT upset about it stop sending him money, i dont like GOONS but ffs the LAST time someone said "dont aid this guy" and someone aided him an entire alliance got their faces stomped in. compared to that 90 mil it pocket money

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1285184665' post='2461246']
Jim, you disappoint me. There's so many better ways to make a point than throwing cash at Methrage. I don't really understand why so many people are happy to aid him, really, and I considered myself one of his better friends back in Citadel. He's in an active war with an established alliance and one which has shown itself quite capable of working out who did it.

Spare me the disappointment speech please Bob. The fact that you now vouch for Goons does not erase my experience with them.

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I was waiting for the obvious spy report since Jim came up with this ridiculous thread. I see now that it's been posted and it's as hilarious as I expected. Right down to the predictable responses from the usual OWF superstars.

Edited by Biazt
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So, this was an epic read first.

Second, your all idiots.

YAY, lets go to war over 3 million in secret aid! Oh god, its so awful, he gave him some money, oh boohoo, now were going to ruin our best nation plus some of our allies best nations.

Over all, this situation is a sad a pathetic excuse by both parties.

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[quote name='James Wilson' timestamp='1285219907' post='2461895']
So, this was an epic read first.

Second, your all idiots.

YAY, lets go to war over 3 million in secret aid! Oh god, its so awful, he gave him some money, oh boohoo, now were going to ruin our best nation plus some of our allies best nations.

Over all, this situation is a sad a pathetic excuse by both parties.
I take it you read the first page or so and then decided to reply with your ill-formed opinions on the topic.

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[quote name='Kubla Khan' timestamp='1285170279' post='2461003']
Something it seems we are all forgetting is the fact that GOONS is now contracting out spy attacks on people the think might maybe be aiding someone they are at war with. Go ahead GOONS, attack him. I'm guessing, since I dont spy people randomly on hunches, Jim has a massive War Chest and would be quite happy to sucessfully spy a proper GOONS target and destroy his nation, [b]one does not become the 22nd largest nation in the game by making poor decisions [/b]on a regular basis.

Some man alliance fighting back against a group of tech raiders has now caused some 50 pages of discussion. Sorry GOONS, you get no sympathy from me and frankly there is little use trying to win in the court of public opinion.

Best luck to both parties, I hope this can be solves with an increase in the GRL.
God knows the most bitter medicine is when you get a taste of your own.
Probably right. But he certainly became number 25 real fast by making a poor decision.

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I never should have accepted that 90m figure at first. I created a dangerous precedent it seems, as far as GOONS are concerned.

To be honest, this issue is a tad ridiculous and I'm pretty much against spying "suspected" targets but it's a damn shame it's Umar you're fighting 'cause he's a gentleman and a scholar. :ph34r:

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='James Wilson' timestamp='1285219907' post='2461895']
So, this was an epic read first.

Second, your all idiots.

YAY, lets go to war over 3 million in secret aid! Oh god, its so awful, he gave him some money, oh boohoo, now were going to ruin our best nation plus some of our allies best nations.

Over all, this situation is a sad a pathetic excuse by both parties.

Oh good here's GATO, the resident "running away" experts, to explain to all of us how to best hug our infrastructure.

Edited by Mandolus
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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1285221087' post='2461908']
Oh good here's GATO, the resident "running away" experts, to explain to all of us how to best hug our infrastructure.
I'm sorry, but if your really going to go and beat that dead horse this isn't the place to do so besides the fact that it has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Good of you to keep on topic though ^_^.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1285221038' post='2461907']
I never should have accepted that 90m figure at first. I created a dangerous precedent it seems, as far as GOONS are concerned.
Only when it comes to Methrage. ^_^ And secret aid.

We've had a handful of incidents of varying degrees and targets which we've handled without asking for 90m. It's only when people blatantly aid nuclear rogues that we have to try and discourage them.

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[quote name='gantanX' timestamp='1285221366' post='2461913']
i predict a white peace after one round of war :smug:
no one really like getting nuked..
[/quote]Clearly you underestimate the stubbornness of GOONS.

Unless you mean Jim, in which case maybe.

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