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We're Going Old School


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Greetings my fellow old coots'! This week I come to you with a special edition of OCWL. I'm aware that the last special edition of OCWL wasn't positively received, hopefully I can make it up to you with a nice surprise(for some of you the surprise will be minimal) at the end of this issue.
Update: I told you fellers that my shuffle board team went to Pacifica for a tournament last issue (My teammates were Kevlar, Doppelganger and Hrmmm with Omni serving as the water control manager) I'm pleased to report that we finished 4th in the tournament of 16 teams. This was our last tourney as we decided to hang 'em up after this last tourney, it's been a blast my fellow coots. Without further adieu, OCWL SE#2:

[i][b][size=5][color="#800080"]The Old Coots' Weekly Letters[/color][/size][/b][/i]
[size=4][b]Special Edition #2[/b][/size][/center]

[size="5"][u][b]News Flashes[/b][/u][/size]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92527"][u][b]A Donation of Respect[/b][/u][/url]

Recently Hime Themis announced a competition for CNers who have proved themselves over the years. The winners, whom will be decided by The Order of the Black Rose, will receive a special prize. I wish the competitors the best of luck as OBR ponders on who is worthy of their prizes.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92496"][u][b]Sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! [/b][/u][/url]

Word Federation have come far. <- is a complete understatement. Now I'm not sure how far apart the two screenshots of stats are from each other, but how the heck did wF pull this off? How long did it take? They dropped 30 nations over a mysterious period of time, but at the same time they gained 3 million NS. This takes a lot of planning and hard work, I tip my hat to you wF - nicely done.

[u][b]The Newsletter Rant[/b][/u]
Today my rant is about new alliances forming. Seriously people, give it a rest. No one cares about your ambitions, dreams or goals. There needs to be a limited amount of alliances on Bob, we need more stable alliances to make this world a better Bob. There is absolutely no need for any new alliances to be formed, but there is a need for already established alliances to gain more members. Instead of making an alliance, go to an established alliance. It's better for everyone.

With that said...

That's all on the news folks, because I had to save room for my special part of the issue. This is a little bit different than the typical interview, enjoy-


[size="5"][b]The University[/b][/size]
[size="3"][i]Strength of Mind, Strength of Soul, Strength of One[/i][/center][/size]

[b]Section I – Admission[/b]
Enrolling at The University (or gaining membership) is considered a great honor. Even as an Alumnus, University members should show their alliance-pride by wearing their letter jackets, bragging to others how they started on The University’s football team, and/or wearing school colors.
-In order to gain admission to The University, a nation must first change its Alliance Affliction to ‘The University’ and apply at the official forum of The University. (http://cn-university.co.cc/index.php)
-The nation joining is expected to read and understand the charter and follow the guidelines as written.
-As soon as a nation’s application is processed and accepted, the nation is then enrolled and is granted the title of ‘Freshman’.

Section II – Alliance Roles[/b]
There are several different roles a nation can fill at The University. However there are some ground rules.

A. Student
-Each member is a student until she or he graduates with a certain Grade Point Average (GPA).
-Each member starts out as a Freshman and advances through the “years” through acts of activity, loyalty and effort. A solid Freshman should be able to go onto their Sophomore “year” in 3 months’ time. An ‘acceptable’ GPA for moving onto the next level is a 2.5.
-Every Saturday each member will be graded on their activity and effort they put into The University. The grading will be done by the Professors of The University. The grading will be done using letter grades (A, B, C, D, & F) and using a 4.0 grading-scale. (All A’s = 4.0, All B’s = 3.0, All C’s = 2.0, etc)
-If a student feels that she/he are being graded unfairly, the student may file a complaint with the Dean of Admissions, the Vice President or The President. If one or all of these individuals decide that the grading is unfair, they will give the student a grade that they deem acceptable.
-After a student graduates, they can go back and pursue different degrees (such as a doctrine). The grading will be done the same for these extra degrees.

B. Professor
-A student is promoted to a Professor by the President, Vice President or Dean of Admissions. The student will still be a student (assuming she/he has not graduated yet) while also taking up the tasks as a professor.
-The Professor’s task is to assess students’ activity and effort each week. A letter grade is to be handed out for both Activity and Effort.
-The Professor may ask for assistance when grading a student
-The Professor is subject for demotion if the Professor is failing his/her classes (effort/activity) or for any reason that the Dean of Admissions, Vice President or President see fit.

C. Graduates
-Once a student graduates, they have the freedom to go out and explore whatever else is out in Planet Bob, or they have the option to stay in The University and help as a staff member or re-enroll for another degree.
-Graduating from The University should be considered one of the highest honors on Planet Bob, for it would take ~1 year for a member to do so. During the graduation the member will receive the highest of honors and will receive their choice of 800 tech or $24 million for their hard work and dedication to their alliance.

D. Frat Party Leaders
-Each Defensive Battalion will be separated by “Frats”. Each ‘Frat’ will have a leader. It is the responsibility of the Frat Party Leaders to make sure that their pledges are signed-in and are constantly prepared for war.
-When war does occur, the Frat Party Leaders should work closely with the Dean of Discipline. Their primary objective: ‘Party, Win, Grin’.

E. Advisors
Each Dean will have advisors to help them out with day-to-day activities. They are to be appointed by the Dean on the 3rd of every month. The responsibilities of the advisors are as follows:
-To assist the Dean with projects and to make sure that the quality of the department stays at a high-level.
-To stay active and make sure that the members in their department fill out responsibilities. (Such responsibilities are to be determined by the Dean of said department)

F. Deans
The position of Dean comprises of leading a department and making sure that said department is fully functional and active. The Deans will be appointed by The President every 2nd of each month.
--Dean of Admissions
-The Dean of Admissions is responsible for the following:
*The wellbeing of enrolled students
*Bringing in students to The University
*Making sure that grades are given out fairly
*Setting up Trades/Trade Circles
*Keeping the forum in an active state
*Student-to-Student Issues (such as acts of disrespect, arguments, etc)

--Dean of Abroad Studies
-The Dean of Abroad Studies is responsible for the following:
*Relations with friendly alliances are fruitful and ongoing
*Constant activity between allies
*Foreign issues that may pop up
*(Alongside the Dean of Discipline) Dealing with rogues

--Dean of Financial Aid
-The Dean of Financial Aid is responsible for the following:
*Coordinating Aid Programs
*Coordinating Tech Programs
*Working with allies to ensure University and allied nations are as strong as possible
*Making sure University nations are aware of how to build their nations properly

--Dean of Discipline
-The Dean of Discipline is responsible for the following:
*Leading The University’s army to the best possible outcome
*Maintaining The University’s military
*Organizing Frat Houses/Appointing Frat House Leaders
*(Alongside the Dean of Abroad Studies)Dealing with Rogues

F. Vice President
The Vice President serves as the President’s right-hand and is second-in-command of all departments. The Vice President is appointed by The President on the 1st of every 2 months.
The responsibilities of the Vice President are as follows:
*Assisting the President in any and all matters
*Doing what she/he can to create a fun/safe community for all University students and faculty
*Giving advice to the departments
*Serving as President in case of an unexpected or expected absence of the President
*Record University meetings

G. President
The President serves as the leader of The University and first-in-command of all departments.
The President is elected by the students and faculty of The University every 3 months. In order to run for the position of ‘President’, a University member must be at least a Sophomore and receive 5 nominations from students. (At least 1 of those nominations must be from a Dean) Each University member may only nominate 1 member for the position of ‘President’. There will be 1 week of debating between the candidates before the election takes place. After 1 week is up, members will have 48 hours to vote. After the 48 hours are up, the winner is announced by the Vice President .
The responsibilities of the President are as follows:
*To ensure that The University is the best community it can possibly be
*To ensure that all Deans are active and fulfilling their duties (if not, the President has the power to demote Deans/Vice President and replace them with a more qualified member)
*To oversee and help out any department that needs it
*To be a positive figurehead for The University
*To address student and faculty concerns
*To take care of problem members (if a member is being disrespectful to others, etc; the President may take a course of action that is best for the community of The University)
*To approve/reject treaties and make sure that the membership of The University are in support of such treaties
*To declare war when necessary and make sure that the membership of The University are in support of such a declaration

III. Vote of No Confidence[/b]

A government member, including the President, may be voted out of office. In order for a government member to be voted out, a member must post a VoNC in the proper place on the before-mentioned alliance forums. It will then have 72 hours to be okayed by either 2 Deans or the President. If 2 Dean and/or the President does not endorse the VoNC, then the VoNC will be placed into The University Archives and will no longer be valid.
If a VoNC is shot down by the government, then The University students have the option of holding a vote. If the vote reaches 70% in favor for the removal of the government member, then the government member is to be removed. If the said government member is the President, the Vice President will fulfill the President’s duties until the next election.

[b]IV. Amendments[/b]

In order for this charter to be amended, a member must post their proposed amendment and present it forth in the proper area on The University forum. Members had 72 hours to vote on whether the amendment should pass or not. If 60% of the membership vote for the amendment to be passed, then the amendment shall be added to the official charter of The University.[/quote]

It's been a blast to set this thing up with everyone in University. I have no doubt we're going to continue to be a solid community. We will embrace our potential, set goals and we will accomplish them together.

If you read the charter, you would have noticed that we are not a usual alliance. We're taking different approaches on what this alliance will be to us and I have no doubt we will succeed. I'd like to thank Schatt and the rest of CoJ for their support of the past few weeks. I would also like to thank Twazzlepop for being Twazzlepop. Perhaps the most special thanks of all goes to GOD for taking us in, they won't regret it. (There are others that deserve tons of thanks as well, you know who you are :) )

[u][b]The First Government of The University[/b][/u]

President: Kevanovia
Vice President: Anikei

Dean of Admissions: TheStig
Dean of Abroad: Shadeslayers09
Dean of Financial Aid: 13Pittsburgh13
Dean of Discipline: monkmasta

The University's Party Animal: Jensofthedesert, TheStig

IRC Channel - #university on Coldfront
Forums - http://cn-university.co.cc/index.php

Thanks again to all of our friends and allies. :blush:

Edited by Kevanovia
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285045939' post='2459676']
I am sure they will....

facepalm sums this right up
Don't you have a family under a bridge somewhere you need to be feeding?

It feels great to finally get this off the ground. Muchos thanks to GOD for offering protection, and o/ to Kevin for his inspiring ideas and motivation :wub:

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1285089467' post='2460060']
Well, that's not true. To be fair, they usually die afterwards.

Okay Chey, I'll bite.

My alliances:

2008 - Paragon Ascendancy. It was a pretty solid alliance and I strongly believe that it would have continued being an alliance if it had not been for the BLEU War. The alliance membership was split on whether to go to war or not. A lot of members jumped ship to go to LoSS and other various alliances. (In the end the remaining members ended up jumping in alongside our protectors, MK) But you would know that Chey, you helped found it. ;)

2009 - The Realm. A tight-knit group whose community even lasts today. We had a solid FA-team. Our close friends'(TFO) leader, Jens, has even remained a close friend. We had a MDP with The Galactic Republic (Sound familiar Chey?) and the Random Insanity Alliance. We were also solid IA-wise. Overall The Realm was a great alliance. It folded because I was being much too ambitious. Merging Realm into FIRE is perhaps my biggest mistake/regret. So you could criticize my leadership in that regard, but as far as me making trash alliances - your argument isn't very good.

2009 - Crimson Guard. This alliance seriously does not count, but I figured you would try and say I founded this to. I had a busy summer and had little to no time for Planet Bob's political affairs. HellScream asked me to join so that they could have another name that people could recognize. I wasn't active, I didn't participate. They gave me some random title and I just let my nation sit there. This was not my alliance.

2009 - Federation of Allied Republics. After FIRE folded, Kevanovia was restored. I made FAR with a few friends from FIRE and Damsky(I don't remember how he even came into the equation :P But he was a good leader) FAR is still alive and well. Pandas is leading them into a recovery period and he's doing it well.

What about you Chey? How have your alliances fared? You making a point about my alliances no longer living is so incredibly hilarious Chey.

I have learned from my past mistake with Realm, I'm sticking with this one Chey.

Edited by Kevanovia
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Good luck with your alliance, it will be interesting to see how the grading system works. I am curious about The University's relationship to the reborn FIRE, as there seem to be a decent amount of ex-FIRE members in The University. Is it a splinter, a successor, or were the University members just helping FIRE get setup in the initial stages?

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1285097786' post='2460192']
Good luck with your alliance, it will be interesting to see how the grading system works. I am curious about The University's relationship to the reborn FIRE, as there seem to be a decent amount of ex-FIRE members in The University. Is it a splinter, a successor, or were the University members just helping FIRE get setup in the initial stages?

I think the answer to your question is "yes" :P

There was a squabble between a few of the founders and thus University came to be. Personally I hold no ill-will towards FIRE.

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[quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1285101331' post='2460240']
I think the answer to your question is "yes" :P

There was a squabble between a few of the founders and thus University came to be. Personally I hold no ill-will towards FIRE.

We'll need to have a chat sometime in the near future. Catch me on IRC later tonight.

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