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The R&R Civil War has come to a close


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Ladies, Gentlemen, Dutchies,

As most of you have heard (and if you haven't you must be more oblivious than WickedJ), R&R has been undergoing constant civil war for quite a while now, what with all the successive coups, countercoups, revolutions, and whatnot. It all started with the sekrit plot to make GoFastLeft evil dictator of R&R, which competed heavily with the CMEA takeover for control over R&R. Things were looking grim, GFL seemed to have brought the leader of the CMEA takeover (Hawk) to his knees, and blocked Hawk's second-in-command Demonspawn from ascending to Trium with cmf, GFL's personal lapdog. However, a vengeful Bilzey who hoped to gain the position over cmf revealed the evil plans of Hawk and GFL, who were forced to abandon their plans. But despite the fact that their fearless leader, Hawk, had flew south, the CMEA takeover lived on. Demonspawn was able to take office, and led his forces into many mighty positions. He recruited cmf to his force, and with his servant VG, the three ruled established a tyranny over R&R. Little did we know, an even mightier foe had arisen...

FOK. These dutchies were considered our greatest friends, loyal, helpful, and they abused our animals for us. But they turned out to be our worst enemies. We all suspected that Ego-Freaky was a reroll of some sort, but we dismissed it. How could we be so naive? He was a FOK spy, but as we all know, FOK is actually run by NSO spies. So technically, this was a NSO takeover. It was so discreet, but before we knew it, he took over. This became the darkest time in R&R yet. He ran the CMEA takeover out of the alliance. He rigged our elections. The R&R anthem became "hide you kids, hide you wife, hide yo farm animals cause the dutchies be rapin everybody up in here". The corruption was terrible, and the alliance was in terror.

But all was not lost. A revolution was being planned. To restore honor and justice to this alliance once more. It was led by one man. A brilliant man. A daring man. A beautiful man. A sexy man. A strong man. A modest man. Stealthkill. Never before had R&R seen such a spectacular leader, and he became a symbol for all things good. He exposed the vile evils of the dutch overlord and his kind, and led a glorious revolution. He succeeded beyond all measures, outcasting the corrupted men and leading R&R into a new era. He modestly accepted the meek role of God-Emperor for all eternity as compensation for his good doings.

It was like nothing ever seen before. After defeating the FOK coup of R&R, Stealthy sought to right the wrongs. He made use of the old foes of FOK, the CMEA takeover, and the GFL dictatorship plan. Together, the three countercouped FOK and iFOK, bringing the ex-NSO spies (a secret surrender term in the last war was releasing FOK as their puppet) to submit to the divine man who is Stealthy. Stealthy became the leader of all four alliances involved, R&R, FOK, iFOK, and CMEA, and all answer to him, and him alone. However, despite his greatness, not all agreed with him. Mostly out of their own personal greed. First to go was MoSW General Oreo, whose positively unacceptable comments against the holy Stealthkill granted him a 2 year exile to the San Bernardino county. Stealthy used his divine knowledge to decide the election, and new that his close friend and top supporter Jon the Warlord was fit to take his place as Minister of Silly Walks. Our R&R board now offers cookies/cake/pie to all visitors! Next was juslen, who's inflammatory speeches made him public enemy number one. He was quickly sacked as MoI, but, in his great mercy, Stealthy agreed to let him resign under the guise of "I can't put in the activity anymore". FOK loyalist jj had to go as well, and was replaced by reformed Fokker Outlander as our Deputy of Defense. Finally, was the opening left by my own ascension, Minister of Foreign Affairs. For this, my humble [s]pawn[/s] friend Bongoshan has been chosen to take that position.

However, being the sole ruler of an alliance is such a large burden, Stealthy decreed that it would not be fair to the people if he did not have others to rule beside him. Therefore, he chose two [s]scapegoats[/s] people to rule beside him who [s]pretend to[/s] have equal power. In his absolute knowledge he chose the reformed dutch man Ego-Freaky and [s]a worthless noob[/s] LincolnC. The General Assembly let out a great hoorah with all these excellent reforms Stealthy had made, and made it clear that they intended to [s]blindly[/s] support him in all that he did.

All hail God-Emperor Stealthy!

[i]R&R [s]Puppet[/s] Government[/i]

Stealthkill (Stealthy) - God-Emperor for Life
Ego-Freaky - Dutch !@#$%^&, Ex-FOK operative, Acting Minister of Defense and Triumvir
LincolnC (Coe) - Worthless noob, Triumvir

Andy_R - lolcanada, Minister of Interior
Bongoshan - Simple pawn, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Outlander - Deputy of Defense

Dannyboy - Judge, Link to God

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[quote name='Stealthkill' timestamp='1285022333' post='2459259']
MoSW isn't gov :P
LIES! We all know Oreo is the TRUE Emperor of R&R. Congrats on the promotion Stealthy..R&R needed less fail in their tri :P

[quote]LincolnC (Coe) - Worthless noob, Triumvir[/quote]
My name is WickedJ, and i approve this message

EDIT: Forgot the obligatory Blanding for Tri!

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='Gofastleft' timestamp='1285031946' post='2459466']
abandoned my plans???? I have not abandoned anything, just changed tactics. But one day you will wake up and out of the blue you will find GoFastLeft where he belongs, as the evil dictator of R&R. The scary thing is you will not even see it coming. :ph34r:

Oh yeah, congrats
Tease :(

Get your old ass back to R&R

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