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Tetris Breaks Another Block Barrier


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[color="#008000"][u][b][size="4"]Tetris Alliance Announcement[/size][/b][/u][/color]


We haven't really hit any milestones as an alliance before, apart from our 1 year anniversary a couple of months ago. But now we have a few which are worth celebrating. We did these all on our own without any help whatsoever *. We are pleased to announce:


We recently surpassed [b]50 members[/b]. We have also recently Hit [b]1 million strength[/b]. BUT WAIT, there's more. We have also surpassed [b]4.00 score[/b]. This is coincidental, as 4 is also the average IQ of [s]Tetris' members[/s] Mack. Our members are delighted with these achievements, as you can clearly see:

[quote][18:46] <@Rhaemyr> Yay[/quote]

To celebrate these achievements, we decided to have a party.


As you can see, Our mantra still holds true.

[quote name='Logan' timestamp='1254363762' post='1874993']
In Tetris we dress up in cardboard boxes that resemble tetrominoes and jump off buildings in attempt to make neat stacks of bodies. That's how seriously we take our theme.

In case you missed the last announcement regarding us, we also recently moved forums. The new address is

Our IRC channel is, as it has always been #Tetris on coldfront. We have cookies :D


*[sub]Except for a small, teeny tiny merger.[/sub]

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1284839954' post='2457394']
Congrats, Tetris. I won't lie, you guys have exceeded any expectations I've ever had. Glad to see you're doing well for yourselves. :)
Not gonna lie, I was in this boat as well, having seen Logan's destructive power firsthand in two separate micro-alliances that I was a member of. Good to see that you haven't screwed this one up yet. :P

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1284839403' post='2457385']
I don't think people realize how hard it be to gain infra when every time we build something correctly, it explodes.

o/ Tetris
o/ Cookies
I think this may be the wittiest application of your theme to date.

o/ Tetris (the four block lines kind)
o/ Tetris (the fleet kind)

OOC: This pirate thing will be the death of me yet. <.<

Edited by Locke
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