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CN Treaty Web


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So I'm going to attempt to create and maintain a treaty web (WWW [World Wide Web]) for all of the alliances within the game. Please include your flag link, I'll be adding those who do so, first.

[quote]Alliance Name:
Alliance Abbreviation:
Flag Link:
Treaties (In order from MADP to NAP [Including whether chaining or not]):[/quote]

Notes (Please Read):[/u][/b]
[*]If you want to be added fill out the above. or you want it edited just post the alliance name and any changes.
[*]If you can include the flags of your allies, I'd appreciate it, but if not, I'll look them up.
[*]I will do my best to keep this up to date, but with the mere size of the task, it will be difficult, if yours isn't added in a while, PM/query/message me.
[*] This web will only show treaties posted here, so for the time being, if you post and your ally doesn't. Only the treaty between you will be shown.
[*]Any suggestions for improvement will be considered, and if any mistakes are made, please inform me, I'm only human.
[*]I am aware that there may be other webs out there, but I'm interested in creating an all level treaty web with everyone on it and to be updated regularly.
[*]The treaty web will be both posted here, and linked.
[*] Key to the Treaty Web [Included on Web]
[*]MDAP - Purple
[*]MDoAP - Blue
[*]MDP - Red
[*]ODP - Orange
[*]PIAT - Green
[*]NAP & Other - Cyan
[*]Chaining - Dotted Line (Color based on treaty)
[*]Blocs - Will be listed with the respective color and a thicker line.

Web So Far (Note The Names are Not Visable to You Guys, that's on the layer names, I'll add them later. Just figured I'd get the basic web out. Only the first few posts. Rest are being added as we speak.)

Edited by Joey67500
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Alliance Name: Sparta
Flag Link: [url=http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc265/cameronsparta/Custom43.png]Here[/url]
Blocs: NOIR
Treaties (In order from MADP to NAP [Including whether chaining or not]):
[*]The Brigade - Sparta MADP
[*]Alpha Omega - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Umbrella - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Random Insanity Alliance - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Athens - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Mostly Harmless Alliance - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Global Order of Darkness - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Federation of Buccaneers - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Asgaard - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Ragnarok - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Orange Defense Network - Sparta MDoAP
[*]BACoN - Sparta MDoAP
[*]Fark - Sparta MDP
[*]The Templar Knights - Sparta PIAT w/ ODP
[*][s]Valut 99 - Sparta Protectorate[/s]

edit: Don't think you need protectorates, but it's here if you do.

edit2: Pretty sure none of them are chaining. Could be wrong, though.

Edited by LordJohnson
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Alliance Name: The Killer Turtle Brigade
Flag Link: [img]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/821/turtleflag.png[/img]
Blocs: Sirius oDoAP
MDoAP with New Polar Order
MDoAP with The Conservative Underground
MDoAP with The Imperial Order
ODP with Republic of Aquisgrana

All non-chaining

Edited by James Maximus
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Your best shot at getting this completed is going through [url="http://www.cybernations.net/allAlliances_display.asp"]this. [/url]Then, go to the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page"]CN Wiki[/url] and look up each of these alliances and draw the information you need from there. However, you should exclude any AA's that have the "name" Applicant since these are just Temporary AA's that larger alliances use while processing their applicants.

I don't know how this WEB will be different, but Good Luck!

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Alliance Name: The Order of Righteous Nations (TORN)
Flag Link:http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091029185311/cybernations/images/thumb/c/c6/TORN.svg/350px-TORN.svg.png
Blocs: OUT (ODP Bloc)
Treaties (In order from MADP to NAP: All are non-chaining

TORN-Valhalla MDoAP

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Alliance Name: Europa

Flag Link: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100429225510/cybernations/images/thumb/3/31/Europaflag1.png/200px-Europaflag1.png

Blocs: Peace and Love Train Accords (MDoAP Chaining)

Treaties (In order from MADP to NAP [Including whether chaining or not]):
FEAR-MDoAP (Chaining)

Got a question? Dont ask me.

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Alliance Name: MERC
Flag Link: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080514010551/cybernations/images/d/d7/MERC_Flag_03.PNG
Blocs: NOIR
Treaties (In order from MADP to NAP [Including whether chaining or not]):
PIAT with Menotah
PIAT with The Centurion Brotherhood(or what's left of them...)
IDK if protectorates count, but if so, protectorate of Athens.

None of these are binding except the protectorate I guess...

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[quote name='PorkPotPie' timestamp='1284185508' post='2449600']
Alliance Name: MERC
Flag Link: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080514010551/cybernations/images/d/d7/MERC_Flag_03.PNG
Blocs: NOIR
Treaties (In order from MADP to NAP [Including whether chaining or not]):
PIAT with Menotah
PIAT with The Centurion Brotherhood(or what's left of them...)
IDK if protectorates count, but if so, protectorate of Athens.

None of these are binding except the protectorate I guess...

:wub: MERC :wub: Don't touch them. :3

And for little old Athens:


Complaints and Grievances Union (MDAP): Athens, League of Shadows Treaty, Orange Defense Network, Mushroom Kingdom, Federation of Buccaneers and the Greenland Republic.


Mushroom Kingdom *


Poison Clan
Imperial Assault Alliance
Deck of International Card Experts
Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations
The Goa'uld Empire
Global Alliance and Treaty Organization
Federation of Imperial Red Empires
Orange Defense Network **
Greenland Republic **
Federation of Buccaneers **


Coalition of Independent Nations


The Imperial Order


Terran Empire


* = Athens and the Mushroom Kingdom are both members of CnG but hold a separate MDAP outside of CnG
** = Athens holds MDoAPs with all these alliances but these alliances are also members of CnG which is a MDAP.

All treaties with mandatory defense clauses are non chaining except for the Complaints and Grievances Union which is a MDAP and is fully chaining.

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Octava Orden


Power Puff Girls(bloc) - MDP - AzN

MDP - The Mafia
ODOAP - Sanitarium
PIAT - The German Empire

How'd I post right after Jgoods? :awesome:


Edited by Ezequiel
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[b]Alliance Name:[/b] Avalon
[b]Flag Link:[/b] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080510002325/cybernations/images/0/0c/Avalon_flag.png[/img]
[b]Blocs:[/b] Freedom of The Seas (FoS)
[b]Treaties:[/b] TPF-Avalon ODP [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55344"]"The Caliburn Declaration"[/url]

Showing how it should be done.

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