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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282743633' post='2430771']
When was the last time BAPS fought in a major war for longer than a week or two? Two years ago? Three?
You appear to have forgotten BiPolar. That would be the last time.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1282743687' post='2430772']
You appear to have forgotten BiPolar. That would be the last time.

Right, that was three weeks. In the two+ years before then, they fought in the Karma War for two weeks, the biggest opponent they faced didn't use nukes. They keep their member base small. How is it hard for them to stockpile a high % of WRCs if you don't involve yourself in wars?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282744625' post='2430787']
Right, that was three weeks. In the two+ years before then, they fought in the Karma War for two weeks, the biggest opponent they faced didn't use nukes. They keep their member base small. How is it hard for them to stockpile a high % of WRCs if you don't involve yourself in wars?
Uh, BAPS and TOP was full-on nuclear for the whole war (BAPS first-struck TOP, TOP responded in kind). I know you and RoK meatshielded for Karma, but realistically how much damage did you guys take after the first month or so? It's a lot easier to just cycle nations in and out when you're on the winning side of the curbstomp.

They do have a small member base, yes. They're an elite alliance. You're not, my alliance isn't, NSO isn't. Just stop trying to make out you're elite super warriors when people know better.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1282744833' post='2430792']
Uh, BAPS and TOP was full-on nuclear for the whole war (BAPS first-struck TOP, TOP responded in kind). I know you and RoK meatshielded for Karma, but realistically how much damage did you guys take after the first month or so? It's a lot easier to just cycle nations in and out when you're on the winning side of the curbstomp.

They do have a small member base, yes. They're an elite alliance. You're not, my alliance isn't, NSO isn't. Just stop trying to make out you're elite super warriors when people know better.

Point conceded, my attention was a little tied up in Karma, so excuse me for not noticing BAPS.

We recruit from all corners of the world, we won't stop doing that so our WRC% goes up. Still, NSO had ~167 members pre-war and 19 WRCs (one joined during the war) so it puts them at ~11.5%. But that is beside the point. When you fight for things you believe in as often as we do, it becomes hard to stockpile 8500 infra nations.

And 'meatshielded for Karma?', even NPO wouldn't make that argument.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1282742154' post='2430746']
I'm not sure if you're confusing me with someone, or if you're just incredibly keen to get some highfives from RoK[/quote]
Most of the posting I do is for my own entertaining. Basically I high five myself. If someone jumps into before lefty meets righty, then that's just icing on the cake.

[quote]but I think you'll find that I haven't called Hoo evil or a liar or mentioned him at all throughout the thread.[/quote]
It may not have been you directly, but anyone who mentions that Hoo imposed terms after saying he wouldn't is both mentioning Hoo and, by highlighting the contradiction of his words versus his actions, calling him a liar. I really don't like having to explain these kind of simple, linear things so let's not play this game.

[quote]While you certainly have a case to make regarding differences in the harshness of terms from this war and times past[/quote]
That's exactly the point I was making. Go ahead and follow the flow of these quotes back a bit and see. Back in NPO's Hegemony days, alliances were attacked for far, far less and had to endure far, far worse terms, if they got any at all. And this wasn't an infrequent thing. This was the norm. And yet somehow we'll have people crying that it's all the same today. I just don't get it.

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I also have respect for BAPS as an alliance, AlterEgo aside. This wasn't intended to belittle their accomplishment, which is significant, but merely frame it as reference for the debate.

I'm off to be productive elsewhere for the next twelve hours.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282743370' post='2430765']
Also VE and Rok have a history of getting involved in wars that pretty much will cripple your WRC-buying abilities every few months. Now that we emerge from this one pretty unscathed, the world is on notice to get ready for a war in December/January.
Being on a loosing side of any major coalition of war cripples WRC buying ability for a while, its not a specific, rather a side affect.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282745077' post='2430797']
And 'meatshielded for Karma?', even NPO wouldn't make that argument.
As I like to remind you on occasion, I don't speak for NPO.

Anyway. I'm not sure what you call sending lower-ranked nations in to fight against beaten-down huge nations is, watching them getting horrifically beaten, in order to keep the beaten-down targets in nuclear anarchy. I call it meatshielding. It's what you were doing.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1282745160' post='2430799']
Most of the posting I do is for my own entertaining. Basically I high five myself. If someone jumps into before lefty meets righty, then that's just icing on the cake.

It may not have been you directly, but anyone who mentions that Hoo imposed terms after saying he wouldn't is both mentioning Hoo and, by highlighting the contradiction of his words versus his actions, calling him a liar. I really don't like having to explain these kind of simple, linear things so let's not play this game.

That's exactly the point I was making. Go ahead and follow the flow of these quotes back a bit and see. Back in NPO's Hegemony days, alliances were attacked for far, far less and had to endure far, far worse terms, if they got any at all. And this wasn't an infrequent thing. This was the norm. And yet somehow we'll have people crying that it's all the same today. I just don't get it.
Keep trying man, you might get something to stick one day. Like I said, I was pointing out to the people who were trying to say that there are no terms that there actually are terms imposed on NSO. I didn't mention Hoo or what he said, and I frankly don't care. I wouldn't take anyone's word as gospel during negotiations until the deal was signed and done. You wouldn't have to play that game you're playing if you stopped trying to twist my words in some desperate attempt to 'score a point'.

And no, that's not the point you were trying to make, at least that's not what your posts earlier where saying. You were one of the herd trying to claim that light terms equal no terms. Something is not nothing. 0.00000001 is not 0. You finally recognized that point on the previous page. Congratulations. I don't remember seeing anyone claiming these terms are as bad as some in the past though, are you making stuff up again?

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1282746411' post='2430817']
Keep trying man, you might get something to stick one day. Like I said, I was pointing out to the people who were trying to say that there are no terms that there actually are terms imposed on NSO. I didn't mention Hoo or what he said, and I frankly don't care. I wouldn't take anyone's word as gospel during negotiations until the deal was signed and done. You wouldn't have to play that game you're playing if you stopped trying to twist my words in some desperate attempt to 'score a point'.

And no, that's not the point you were trying to make, at least that's not what your posts earlier where saying. You were one of the herd trying to claim that light terms equal no terms. Something is not nothing. 0.00000001 is not 0. You finally recognized that point on the previous page. Congratulations. I don't remember seeing anyone claiming these terms are as bad as some in the past though, are you making stuff up again?
Cool it there Don Quixote, I'm not looking to score points or argue at all. I just stopped by to say that the terms (and yes I know there are terms in the OP) are really negligible and nothing to complain about. That's exactly what my earlier posts said.

I'm not making up stuff. If you frequent the boards often (as I know you do) you can see people spouting on and on about how this "new Hegemony" is just like the old one. And yet here we have more evidence of change. It was just a general observation.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282743370' post='2430765']
Also VE and Rok have a history of getting involved in wars that pretty much will cripple your WRC-buying abilities every few months.
[color="#0000FF"]I'm sorry to break it to you, but so does the NSO. We've had very few WRC capable nations pass through our ranks, but that who can usually do tend to buy a WRC.

You sunk my battleship.[/color]

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[quote name='Kirkhill' timestamp='1282713592' post='2430525']
There comes a time when you throw your hands up in the air and say I can't take anymore. Well, for me that time has come. I'm new to the NSO one week today to be exact, and all I can say is WOW. Look you played the bratty kid routine one to many times, and RoK and Company smacked you in the face for it, then you come out to the OWF saying you hit me for no reason, We did not do anything. Now, you get peace and 20 more pages of crying and whining about that too. Just stop already! You got peace, you have no terms no matter how much you try and spin that fact. Hoo did not lie, he did exactly what he said he was going to do, no matter how much you try and spin that fact as well. Hoo, I am pretty sure if you paid them 3 million for peace, they would come to the OWF and cry and whine about what color the bills were that you gave them. I can no longer be a part of the NSO it is embarrassing to be associated with them, so take this as my resignation.

Congrats on getting out before they tried to reprogram you.

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1282711926' post='2430493']
Xerxer, ROK by itself couldn't handle NSO. If you care to teach us a lesson then do it without calling your allies. Then I'll be impressed.

Dude, we've had protectorates bigger than your current size, maybe dial down the "We're bad $@!" rhetoric just a little?

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1282710226' post='2430464']
That's a really stupid thing to say. Because, you know, Pacifica intervening against your coalition wouldn't have triggered a wave of DoW's from SF and all its tag-alongs, resulting in even worse odds for NSO? Besides which, we like to honour the requests of our allies, as we did in this war when they asked us not to get involved.

You wouldn't have jumped in if NSO had begged you too. NPO would of found a way to avoid it, as always.

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1282711926' post='2430493']
Xerxer, ROK by itself couldn't handle NSO. If you care to teach us a lesson then do it without calling your allies. Then I'll be impressed.

Anytime you want to go one on one with us step up. Rok would be more than happy to crush you by herself. Then again NSO already knows this that's why you ran to PM, leaving us no option but to call in our allies so we could catch as many members of NSO as we could before you jumped into peace mode. Face it, you talk a big game but when it comes down to it your nothing.

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[quote name='chris8967' timestamp='1282768519' post='2431148']
You wouldn't have jumped in if NSO had begged you too. NPO would of found a way to avoid it, as always.

That seems uncalled for, when in recent memory has NPO failed to help an ally in need?

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[quote name='chris8967' timestamp='1282768817' post='2431154']
Anytime you want to go one on one with us step up. Rok would be more than happy to crush you by herself. Then again NSO already knows this that's why you ran to PM, leaving us no option but to call in our allies so we could catch as many members of NSO as we could before you jumped into peace mode. Face it, you talk a big game but when it comes down to it your nothing.
[color="#0000FF"]We had no idea RoK would be declaring alone. As far as we knew we'd be getting attacked by every single ally you had and their allies by extension. That has been the trend in recent history. Why would RoK have been any different? With that being the understanding we had, getting as many people into peace mode was the only option available to us. We'd have then exited as soon as possible and once a counter offensive had been planned and a target chosen. If you truly believe we would have sat the entire war in peace mode then you really do not understand us at all.

You sunk my battleship.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='chris8967' timestamp='1282768519' post='2431148']
You wouldn't have jumped in if NSO had begged you too. NPO would of found a way to avoid it, as always.
"As Always???!!!" Really???? I can't wait to hear you back this up.

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[quote name='chris8967' timestamp='1282768519' post='2431148']
You wouldn't have jumped in if NSO had begged you too. NPO would of found a way to avoid it, as always.

I'm not really sure where this comment came from, but it certainly is not the consensus at Ragnarok.

Also, going into peacemode when you know you are about to be attacked is a viable tactic. We called in other alliances to stop said viable tactic, but it does not mean that the NSO were cowardly for trying.

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[quote name='chris8967' timestamp='1282768519' post='2431148']
You wouldn't have jumped in if NSO had begged you too. NPO would of found a way to avoid it, as always.

Well this is a rather bold claim to make.

Of course by making it one would also assume that you have the ability to provide and clear and concise historical track record in which NPO has habitually ran for cover anytime they or an ally of theirs came under fire to back up this claim.

I for one am very interested in seeing you provide this track record.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282769496' post='2431164']
[color="#0000FF"]We had no idea RoK would be declaring alone. As far as we knew we'd be getting attacked by every single ally you had and their allies by extension. That has been the trend in recent history. Why would RoK have been any different? With that being the understanding we had, getting as many people into peace mode was the only option available to us. We'd would then exit as soon as possible once a counter offensive had been planned and a target chosen. If you truly believe we would have sat the entire war in peace mode then you really do not understand us at all.

You sunk my battleship.[/color]

If that was the case RV then I can't say as I blame you. However Rok and TENE where the only 2 that was going to declare on you. As I said though if NSO believed that Rok was coming with all her allies I don't blame NSO for slipping into PM.

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