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War Ends

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282700292' post='2430208']
As much as STA loves involving themselves in issues that have nothing to do with them and as much as STA so desperately wishes they were in on conversations they have no business being in ... you are not privy to what went on during the discussions that got us to this point.

I can tell you though, that with as many times as the NSO have been the instigators in issues involving this side of the treaty web ... this resolution is not the one most people over here wanted. So yes, this was merciful and yes, this was due to us seeking an end to the conflict that included all of our allies. The quest for this statement or terms at all was not ours, but the very notion of ending this now for all of us was.

To sum it up for you: We were ready to walk away now as promised. In order to make it so that [b]everyone[/b] did so, we went to our allies and asked what it would take to make that happen.

You and pezstar and the rest of STA can go ahead and fall silent now. Thus far you have added nothing to any conversation involving this war and have only shown to hold some odd grudge that we were never aware of.
You activated your treaties. You turned a TENE/ROK/NSO issue into something more by bringing your allies in. By doing so your allies fought for what you wanted to achieve. If they joined to achieve anything else then thats a poor show on their part. You laying out what you wanted out of this war is not by any means you dictating to your allies as someone from your side previously mentioned. Its a simple matter of respect. You called them in and they should fight for what you state and nothing more. If they have an issue with us then they should state it and declare war and their reasons in a different topic from the start. Hints that your allies could have stayed past your peacing out is where your sides inconsistencies are.

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[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1282702198' post='2430261']
Congrats on peace, NSO.

222 Million in aid sent so far from NPO to NSO. o/

And it is much appreciated. You may want to be careful though, we may be considered a "Rogue". :unsure:

*spelling is never my friend

Edited by brentbee
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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282627515' post='2428915']
You guys were poor fighters, almost universally turtled, in many cases were too demoralized even to purchase/fire nukes each day, and inflicted a fraction of the damage they could have done to the attackers.

Better? I was going to post a 'good fight NSO' comment but apparently that's not what you're looking for.

This is one of the richest things i have ever read. I have never seen Bob as a whole collectively facepalm before now. Thank you for this goldmine! Turtling is a widely practiced strategy when faced with a curbstomp. So is Peace mode. Have you been living under a rock for 2 years?

I want to state first that I have no dog in this fight as a Legionnaire but this war was stupid to begin with from both sides. We can all go back to our individual businesses.

o/ peace

/edit spelling

Edited by justavictim82
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[quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1282705292' post='2430329']
This is one of the richest things i have ever read. I have never seen Bob as a whole collectively facepalm before now. Thank you for this goldmine! Turtling is a widely practiced strategy when faced with a curbstomp. So is Peace mode. Have you been living under a rock for 2 years?

I want to state first that I have no dog in this fight as a Legionnaire but this war was stupid to begin with from both sides. We can all go back to our individual businesses.

o/ peace

/edit spelling

Turtling is a great strategy. Turtling and not nuking or sending missiles is an awful strategy. I should have clarified further.

I also was not criticizing the strategy. The post I made was in response to a NSO member saying something like "we don't want any 'good fight' posts from you guys" to which I responded that it wasn't a good fight, and explained my reasons why. Seems quite a few people quoted it and took it out of context, but whatever.

Edited by goldielax25
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[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1282702198' post='2430261']
Congrats on peace, NSO.

222 Million in aid sent so far from NPO to NSO. o/

I thank you all for that. I also like to thank STA, Hydra, TPF, CoJ, Carpe Diem, Europa, and all our other allies for the great support.

[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1282702450' post='2430271']
For the love of God, stop complaining. This is basically white peace.

Who is complaining, if anything I'm quite content with the terms, a forced apology and an excellent beer review. And no reps.

[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1282705755' post='2430346']
So those who were at war with NSO will allow them to make a mockery of the surrender terms like this?

Ok, whatever, just as long as they lost some infra I guess.

Do something about it. [img]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/467/nsosmugsmall.png[/img]

Edited by kevin32891
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See, this is why when you grant peace, you just go grant peace. No little strings attached, no apologies, no beer reviews, no nothing, you just make an announcement that the war is over, may everyone live long and prosper.

Because seriously, Rok, God, and the rest of their girlfriends are looking like a pack of raving fools.

Good luck rebuilding NSO, glad to see you guys made it out in one piece, and that's some damn nice aid you lads are swimming in, damn nice indeed.

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282701731' post='2430248']
We politely declined Pezstar's request to mediate due to the fact that she would not be an impartial party in our eyes. Pezstar, and to a lesser extent STA, have not shutup since.

You didn't politely decline. You never responded at all. Another lie.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282706506' post='2430368']
You didn't politely decline. You never responded at all. Another lie.

Really? No one in Ragnarok government responded to you? Before I continue ... are you [b]sure[/b]?

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1282705973' post='2430351']Do something about it. [img]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/467/nsosmugsmall.png[/img][/quote]

You should re-assess how little I care about this. Just pointing it out in case it hasn't been done already so that your attackers can hang their heads in shame for not even being able to handle a surrender properly.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1282702619' post='2430277']
I thought you were busy sending aid to TPF, or has that stopped now?

Actually it has...and it worked so well we are now sending quite a bit to NSO to help them rebuild.

Seems to me from reading this GOD awful (pun intended) thread that it boils down to this:

Rok asked for help from their allies, who were more than eager to come in, but didn't respect Hoo or Rok enough to go with thier allies wishes as far as an end to the war went.

and then comes the point...if Hoo/Rok's allies don't respect them enough to abide with their wishes in a war to support Hoo/Rok, why should anyone else??

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282706676' post='2430375']
Really? No one in Ragnarok government responded to you? Before I continue ... are you [b]sure[/b]?


[quote][17:25] <pezstar> NSO would like a meeting with RoK. I'll be mediating it unless you folks have an objection. Can you gather your folks at some point and head to #stafa?
[17:27] <KaitlinK[RoK]> Sadly the only RC on are myself and Rampage.
01[17:27] <pezstar> ok.
[17:27] <KaitlinK[RoK]> The only person that would be authorized to negotiate is Hoo and he isnt at home now.
01[17:28] <pezstar> Ok. It doesn't have to be right now. I'll be around all evening, and the NSO folks probably will too
[17:29] <KaitlinK[RoK]> I will post this in the govt channel
01[17:29] <pezstar> Awesome[/quote]

And later that night, war was declared.

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1282705973' post='2430351']
Do something about it. [img]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/467/nsosmugsmall.png[/img]

Still spitting in our face eh?

It's like a son that no matter how many times his father spanks him, always has to have the last word. The quicker you learn the lesson, the quicker we stop spanking.

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I was just sitting here drinking my butterbeer in the Leaky Cauldron,(free wifi here) and I stumbled across this thread. :lol1: Good to see peace was achieved. Good luck in the rebuilding, NSO. o/

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[quote name='Xerxer' timestamp='1282707202' post='2430390']
Still spitting in our face eh?

It's like a son that no matter how many times his father spanks him, always has to have the last word. The quicker you learn the lesson, the quicker we stop spanking.

Rather arrogant of you to think that you can be considered a "father" to NSO.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1282707600' post='2430397']
Rather arrogant of you to think that you can be considered a "father" to NSO.

That's probably the wrong conclusion to draw from that analogy...

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