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Worst Alliance Ever


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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1282597519' post='2428096']
The Flying Tigers were the best alliance ever. They formed to beat GOONS, and with a few months (or maybe it was a year), the GOONS were vanquished.
With a tiny bit of help from people like Pacifica, mirite?

Anyway the two that are still pretty close i left off but heres what the next round will look like

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1282601349' post='2428142']
For shame, after all the lobbying I went through to get everyone to vote MCXA [img]http://thecastlehall.com/boards/Smileys/kickass/colbert.gif[/img]

I didn't even need to lobby, we're that bad.

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In my opinion, MHA should be destroying MHA. Sure NSO is smug and not exactly friendly with MK's allies, but at least some of them are competent enough for us to realize their arrogance is simply a persona they enjoy. MHA, however, does not simply [i]act[/i] like a bumbling cesspool of incompetence. They couldn't change that image if they wanted to.

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1282603101' post='2428172']
No, not really.

This poll is MK's way to show their love, or their insanity. How else can you explain that alliances such a \m/ and GOONS were eliminated this early.

I would suggest we hold a more accurate poll on this forum to be free of MK's bias, but I think we've seen how MK reacts to CN polls they find interesting :((

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[quote name='GearHead' timestamp='1282563301' post='2427626']
If MK were to be judged based on your posts, I'm pretty sure they would have gotten alot further too.

That said, I've got this feeling you're just another one of those mindless drones that picks out five words he doesn't like and bases an entire judgment on that. Furthermore, you probably wouldn't understand that Kzoppistan has at least double your IQ, since you, like I just explained, only read 5 words from one of his 2000+ posts.

Scientifically proven then.

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[quote name='uaciaut' timestamp='1282625468' post='2428817']
Scientifically proven then.

I wouldn't consider my teasing "scientifically proven," but if you'll take it as such, I'll take it as a compliment. ;)

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[quote name='Chimaera' timestamp='1282666420' post='2429479']
IAA was in the running for WAE? Damn, I *was* doing something right after all.


Kzoppistan needs to learn your ways - scientifically proven stuff isn't helping us at all. :ph34r::wacko:

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[quote name='GearHead' timestamp='1282668725' post='2429535']

Kzoppistan needs to learn your ways - scientifically proven stuff isn't helping us at all. :ph34r::wacko:
Play how you want, and tell anyone who doesn't like it to go to hell. People and alliances who think only one set way of play is acceptable and conforming is necessary are the worst people and alliances, anyway.

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[quote name='Chimaera' timestamp='1282666420' post='2429479']
IAA was in the running for WAE? Damn, I *was* doing something right after all.

Actually I think that the main things that got IAA in there was the VoNC thing and being a zombie alliance.

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[quote name='Rebounder' timestamp='1282602179' post='2428159']
In my opinion, MHA should be destroying MHA. Sure NSO is smug and not exactly friendly with MK's allies, but at least some of them are competent enough for us to realize their arrogance is simply a persona they enjoy. MHA, however, does not simply [i]act[/i] like a bumbling cesspool of incompetence. They couldn't change that image if they wanted to.
The NSO victory will be the comeback/upset of the tournament.

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1282683868' post='2429837']
Actually I think that the main things that got IAA in there was the VoNC thing and being a zombie alliance.
Then you guys should have moved on for ignorance, considering there was never a VoNC. xD

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To everybody complaining that because it's hosted on the MK boards it's incredible biased.

It's true to a minor degree but when it comes down to things, the final 4 would likely be the same if it were hosted on here. And I'm sure much of the top 8 and 16 would be similar.

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