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World Federation (I hold no ill will towards you)


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Upon my previous alliance being disbanded do to slander, we where under the protection of Poison Clan. The alliance being disbanded was not anyones fault other than our own. I was however informed of multiple places I could join even though I was away from my nation. In the midst of return I had been asked to join World Federation and then one of the members had shortly attacked me for nothing other than a land raid. Now I hold no ill will towards your alliance, but I will come to inform everyone that I'll be retaliating with full force. This does include every form of attack that I'm able to muster. This is what should be done for those who are afraid to attack raiders and learn to raid properly. Please, don't complain that I've decided to attack back.

Sincerely, Tick1

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[quote name='Rhobar II' timestamp='1282064868' post='2419836']
Go get him. As long as you're not going to morally condemn all tech raiders (like all the other little martyrs) I'm rooting for you.
Was going to post something similar. As long as its not a "woe as me, send aid" thread ( :(( Yuri :(( ), I support retaliation.

Edited by Caleb279
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According to some (Bob Janova) raided nations that dare to attack back are rogues and you cannot join any alliance until you end your roguery. I still have great respect for Bob J but on this point I disagree with him. Good luck to you, you'll need it because I'm sure they will fill your slots if they haven't already.

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I just wanted to ask something, is that wF or the nation that attacked you? because if its just the nation that attacked you well by wF standards your well within your rights to so. And wF will not step in its in our charter wF may raid nations not in a alliance or in a one man alliance , But if a nation fights back wF will not step in to help. Just a heads up on us filling up your war slots like someone else said.

Not sure why he would want to raid someone with nukes in the first place?

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The world federation does not support this raid and it is being dealt with currently. The attacking nation does not support the world federation's interests in this matter, and the issue will shortly be bought to high government. Under no circumstances should innocent wF members with nothing to do with the matter be attacked.

Cousins [wF Minister of Defence]

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Good luck in your battles. It can't be fun having no alliance to call home, but it destroying the infra of someone stealing your tech could make you feel all tingly and happy.

[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1282083565' post='2420423']
According to some (Bob Janova) raided nations that dare to attack back are rogues and [b]you cannot join any alliance until you end your roguery.[/b] I still have great respect for Bob J but on this point I disagree with him. Good luck to you, you'll need it because I'm sure they will fill your slots if they haven't already.

I dunno, I heard NSO accepts rogues.

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[quote name='Choader' timestamp='1282118654' post='2421360']
You know you were under the protection of PC when you were raided right? All you had to do was ask for help.

Choader you and I both know the point of retaliation has nothing to do with rebuilding my nation. He had every right to raid me by my own standards and I don't blame him for that.

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[quote name='Cousins' timestamp='1282094105' post='2420792']
The world federation does not support this raid and it is being dealt with currently. The attacking nation does not support the world federation's interests in this matter, and the issue will shortly be bought to high government. Under no circumstances should innocent wF members with nothing to do with the matter be attacked.

Cousins [wF Minister of Defence]

I'm not asking that any matter be taken into the current situation. I'm just informing everyone that I will be retaliating, I'm a raider myself which is why I'm not condoning him and giving the circumstances he had every right to raid my nation. I've supported every alliance I've been to the fullest extent and I've sacrificed my nation over and over again. This retaliation is for myself only and has no quarrel with my protectorate at the time of the mishap which would have been PC.

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1282098404' post='2420933']
You're ignorant and your AA proves it.

I wasn't just [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90839&st=60&p=2421675&#entry2421675"]making that up.[/url] And you don't know me, just because you recognize my AA. If that were true there would only be 195 people playing, instead of 22,000.

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1282098404' post='2420933']
You're ignorant and your AA proves it.


Wonderful. Please continue posting, you're [i]great[/i] at it.

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I just read this thread, and I'm not really sure what Fernando is referring to. If it's an oblique reference to the NSO/Sedrick situation, that's completely different to a simple tech raid. I support any tech raid victim who makes the raid unprofitable for his attacker, even if the attacker is an ally of mine; if everyone had the balls to do that then there would be no raiding. I don't think it's a good idea to give such nations 'a hand' though without talking to WF about it first, as a tech raid does create a state of war and assisting nations at war with WF wouldn't really be appreciated.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282545829' post='2427407']
You on the other hand need to stop sullying the NSO by being there. Sheesh!

He's not with us anymore ... lolragequit ..

Have at him Tick - good luck.

Edit: Just saw the timestamp on the OP .. Guess it's long since resolved .. Was near the top .. lol

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