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HYDRA are likely to moan

M6 Redneck

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Hydra as an alliance are quite cowardly.

Every now and then I like to talk to the members of this alliance and try and gain an insight as to why they dessert* allies and dishonour treaties.
I have done so tonight. I imagine Hydras spineless leaders will try and make something of this. However all I did was ask a few questions of their membership. Here is the text.

[quote]Are you as a member of Hydra aware that Ragnarok, the Viridian Entente, R&R, the Global Order of Darkness, and TENE have declared war on the New Sith Order?

Hydra are staunch allies of the NSO as you know.

Are you going to stand by like a coward whilst your allies are decimated?

Or will you stand firm and support your brothers?

If you have a pair and support the second option why not pick a nation from the alliances hitting your buddies and go to war?

Your friend,


As is clear all I ask are questions I would like an answer to from an intellectual viewpoint. In no way am I trying to trick members of Hydra into going to war and as such renounce any connection between Hydra members stupidly mis-interpreting my aims and wars they may engage in.


*Dessert like a big wobbly jelly of fear

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NSO has requested that all its allies stand by and not intervene militarily in the ongoing battle.

So other than goading/shaming Hydra into some sort of action, I'm not sure what your point is.

Looking for them to state the obvious?

Edited by ChairmanHal
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1281913309' post='2417089']
NSO has requested that all its allies stand by and not intervene militarily in the ongoing battle.

So other than goading/shaming Hydra into some sort of action, I'm not sure what your point is.

Looking for them to state the obvious?

Yeah shame on you for goading/shaming GATO into some sort of action.

Sorry wrong thread.

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Hydra are being singled out because I find them particularlly odious. Worse even than the smell of brown originating at GATO.
([Hydra are still to complete their surrender terms to that Japanes cartoon alliance), not only do they leave the field early they do not stick to terms of release].

My aims are to discover if beneath the NSO directive to let them go it alone, Hydra is secretly pleased to have avoided actually being an ally in any meaningful sense of the word.


EDIT - Was it Mark Twain who said any man who can only spell a word one way lacks originality?

Edited by M6 Redneck
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M6.... your still doing this stuff? You should grow up buddy! I dont know what you have against Hydra but they are great people, and some of my best friends in this game. SO when you mess with them your messing with me. So i please ask you to put your pety differences aside and leave Hydra alone! Also d3filed, not only is Hydra worthy of this topic, but i think we should make another one to praise them.

o/ Hydra

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In this topic M6 shows us either a horrible grasp of propaganda skills or a horrible grasp of strategic planning (namely limiting amount of top tier nations exposed to a curb stomp or "Keeping Your Allies Banks Intact So They Can Rebuild You 101").

Either way I'd like to congratulate M6 on beating a dead horse.

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[quote name='Appoliqize' timestamp='1281916008' post='2417145']
M6.... your still doing this stuff? You should grow up buddy! I dont know what you have against Hydra but they are great people, and some of my best friends in this game. SO when you mess with them your messing with me. So i please ask you to put your pety differences aside and leave Hydra alone! Also d3filed, not only is Hydra worthy of this topic, but i think we should make another one to praise them.

o/ Hydra

Wuh oh, you don't want to mess with him. You should Appoliqize right now.

In all seriousness however, this is still a stupid and pointless thing to do, what were you trying to achieve here?

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Appoliqize' timestamp='1281916008' post='2417145']
M6.... your still doing this stuff? You should grow up buddy! I dont know what you have against Hydra but they are great people, and some of my best friends in this game. SO when you mess with them your messing with me. So i please ask you to put your pety differences aside and leave Hydra alone! Also d3filed, not only is Hydra worthy of this topic, but i think we should make another one to praise them.

o/ Hydra

:wub: Appo

M6, they requested us to stay out of the war. That's why we're not in the war. Personally I would have loved to had gone to war for them, but they asked us to sit this one out. (OOC: I was also out of town last week anyway and would have missed the beginning)

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The usual aims Johnny A

*Push the limits
*Annoy Hydra
*Remind all that Hydra are cowardly custards
*Relieve bordom
*Derrive pleasure from the Cverse

CRex - Can I compliment you on your observational and deductive skills? Hydra are indead a dead horse/lame duck.

Appol - Hydra are only worthy of this topic, (or indeed worthy in any other way) because I make them so. Or would you rather read about the new charter or whatever irrelevance the last missive they published was about. Hydra need me to remind everyone they exist.


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[quote name='M6 Redneck' timestamp='1281916825' post='2417167']
The usual aims Johnny A

*Push the limits
*Annoy Hydra
*Remind all that Hydra are cowardly custards
*Relieve bordom
*Derrive pleasure from the Cverse

CRex - Can I compliment you on your observational and deductive skills? Hydra are indead a dead horse/lame duck.

Appol - Hydra are only worthy of this topic, (or indeed worthy in any other way) because I make them so. Or would you rather read about the new charter or whatever irrelevance the last missive they published was about. Hydra need me to remind everyone they exist.

M6, I unofficially support your quest of humiliating Hydra.

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Sorry Teets,

I bypassed your reply as my research is more focused on the rank and file of Hydra. I feel your government spiels only the party line of "we ignored our treaty because we were told to".

I am trying to discover if your membership is as cowardly as your government.

Saying I want to get involved =/= getting involved.


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