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NPO: The Tabloid Tribune - Issue #159

Sir Paul

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[color=red][b]The Tabloid Tribune[/color]
One Step Ahead of the Truth[/b]
Since September 2003

[i]Issue #159 - World Edition[/i] | [url=http://pacificorder.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=110247]Pacifican Edition[/url]

[size=8][b]5 alliances nuke NSO over $6 million[/b][/size]
[i]The most impact $6 million has made since this guy[/i]

[b]Sedrick, New Sith Order[/b]: In a move described as "not as bad as the NPO," the Superfriends forces of RoK, R&R and GOD along with VE and TENE launched a defensive war against the New Sith Order. Sedrick, an unaligned nation, had spy operations conducted against him by TENE nations. Sedrick retaliated, and joined the New Sith Order. TENE, unable to handle the situation, had their protectorate RoK protect them from the nation. After Sith officials asked for proof of sovereignty violations and STA mediators were told to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90352&view=findpost&p=2405356]piss off[/url], the five alliances defended themselves against the $6 million in aid Sedrick had received during the inquiry. The Open World Forum was nearly unanimous in calling for the destruction of the Sith because they defended a rogue. This publication agrees, and has created this helpful chart to codify the New Morality:

[list][i]Aligned attacks Unaligned for lolz[/i]: Legitimate raid and expression of sovereignty. Unaligned should be ZIed if they nuke or fight back.

[i]Unaligned attacks Aligned who spied on him[/i]: Unaligned is a rogue nation who should be ZIed.[/list]

The New Sith Order's accepting of an unaligned member who defends themselves is beyond the pale and the alliance should be destroyed and preferably disbanded, as willed by GOD. Several allies of the Sith, notably Terra Cotta, IRON, Invicta, NPO, GATO and others refused to activate their Mutual Defense Pacts because of the blatant aggressive actions of the Sith. However, some have come out in strong condemnation of the entirely defensive war initiated by the Superfriends.

Nordreich’s Ashoka the Great has been [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90352&view=findpost&p=2405387 ]especially critical[/url], calling on the NPO and others to activate their Mutual Defensive Pacts with the New Sith Order. Pacifica, of course, could only activate their Mutual Defensive Pact if Ragnarok and the Superfriends were launching an offensive war with a non-existent casus belli. I for one am shocked that members of Nordreich, VE, MK, or anyone else wearing signatures imploring the activation of the Sith’s Mutual [i]Defense[/i] Pacts would ever believe that the good people over at Ragnarok would ever do such and thing as an offensive war and I call on them to repudiate their previous claims apologize to the Superfriends.

In addition to their aggressive, offensive war, the Sith violated their alliance with the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization by not informing them that Ragnarok was planning on attacking them until 12 hours after they found out it might be in the realm of possibility. This shocking breach of diplomatic protocol leads GATO to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90386]dissolve the treaty[/url] post-haste. The New Pacific Order has historically found GATO to be a reasonable, self-less ally who honors their pacts and commitments, both in letter and in spirit, and finds this action to be completely in keeping with their historical character.

Lord Swampy of the [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Woodstock_Massacre]GPA-Continuum War[/url] had no comment.
Written by Sir Paul
The Tabloid Tribune - One Step Ahead of the Truth
Proudly Part of PNN

[size=8][b]MHA Redefines Eternity (Again)[/size][/b]
[i]What is the answer to life, the universe, and this color blindness test?[/i]

[b]The Treaty at the End of the Universe, Mostly Harmless Alliance[/b]: The Mostly Harmless Alliance, the number one alliance on Planet Bob, has a perfect war record, a large membership base, Vogon Poetry, and an interesting relationship with words. The alliance, always having a flair for the dramatic, tends to pen interesting treaties. Unfortunately, many of them have ended in the tragedy that tends to befall the inanimate documents.

The two notable treaties that the Mostly Harmless Alliance have engaged in (meaning, of course, the other treaties are not notable, an assertion even the signatories would agree with) have been the Treaty at the End of the Universe and the Harmlins accords: the former for its year-long cancellation clause and the latter for its lack of a cancellation clause. However, both treaties were cancelled before their time limits expired.

The problem is that eternity is long. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to eternity.

Fortunately, Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. As we know, the Treaty at the End of the Universe was cancelled during the negotiations at the end of the Karma war, which certainly felt like it took forever. Now, while some scholars contend that Karma could force the Order to activate the cancellation clause, to simply do away with it without the year-long waiting period was a clear violation of MHA's sovereignty. Those scholars are pretty dumb.

With respect to the Harmlins accords, we must remember the word "eternity" was used. I'm used to thinking of eternity as continuing without interruption, perpetual, interminable. But then I thought "Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'eternity' that I wasn't previously aware of." Going to my handy CN Wikitionary, I simply looked up the word and realized that MHA was using the recently added fourth definition:

Eternal (adj.)
[list]1. Continuing without interruption; perpetual
2. Forever true or changeless
3. Seemingly endless; interminable
[i]4. Ceasing when inconvenient[/i][/list]

Now, being familiar with Vogon bureaucracy, I was surprised that MHA didn't bother with standard tricks for dissolving an eternal contract… the easiest way being to make one of the parties cease existing. During the Moldavi and Dilber administrations, the New Pacific Order did not grant formal diplomatic recognition to alliances with less than 50 members without an Imperial waiver. MHA could have simply adopted this policy and Gramlins would have, legally, ceased to exist. Another option would be to have Mushroom Kingdom annex Gramlins much they way they annexed Vanguard (which removed them from the G15 as Mushroom Kingdom is not a signatory to our agreement).

The other option would be to change yourself. In 1876, the City of Bakersfield, CA wanted to sack the Fire marshal, but that would probably mean he would have killed the City Council. The City instead just dissolved and re-incorporated in 1898. MHA could have taken a similar approach through disbanding and leaving behind all obligations to start life as a new alliance with a shiny [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Mushroom_Kingdom]new name[/url] (or, if you prefer, the [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Viridian_Entente]old name[/url]).

Instead, the Mostly Harmless Alliance blazes a new trail, where time and space and matter doesn't. Their guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
Written by Douglas Adams and Sir Paul
The Tabloid Tribune - One Step Ahead of the Truth
Proudly Part of PNN

[size=8][b]Letter to the Editor: MKCPS Kill Thousands on Red Due to Misunderstanding of NPO Policy[/b][/size]


It was come to my attention that during my leave of absence, there has been an international incident regarding Red Dawn, the Red Protection Court, and something known as the “Red Raiding Safari.” While this is a Red Dawn matter, there has been a [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380271]call[/url] in a specific thread for an NPO response. In the interest of diplomacy and good will toward all nations, I have chosen to reply.

In 2006, Ivan Moldavi issued an Imperial Decree that the New Pacific Order was the Red Team alliance and sovereign over the sphere. This was acknowledged in treaty by the Legion and GATO, and the Order likewise acknowledged the supremacy of Legion in Purple and GATO in Brown. On October 28, 2007, the Moldavi Doctrine was [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=6069]clarified[/url] by Emperor Revenge. The basic tenants are as follows:

[list]1. The New Pacific Order has complete sovereignty over the Red Team.
2. No nation residing in the red team may be raided.[/list]

This was dubbed by supporters and detractors alike as the “Revenge Doctrine” and was official policy of the Order until it was modified on June 12, 2009, which removed our claim of complete sovereignty over Red (Moldavi Doctrine portion). The “Modified Revenge Doctrine” reads as follows:

[list] No nation residing in the red team may be raided. The New Pacific Order will find friendship and common cause with any alliance or group on the Red Team that shares the deeply held belief that raiding the unaligned is wrong, and specifically that raiding any nation on the Red Team is wrong.[/list]

Following the implementation of the Modified Revenge Doctrine, several alliances moved to Red, with some struggling and others flourishing. Some of these alliances (The Destiny Project, The Moralist Front, The Crimson Guard, Monolith and The Cult of Justitia) created the Red Dawn Economic Pact, which, upon Pacifica’s joining on May 20, 2010, supplanted and fulfilled the Modified Revenge Doctrine, as it created an intra-red framework for Red Team alliances who believe that raiding the unaligned is wrong, and specifically that raiding any nation on the Red Team is wrong. The relevant text is as follows:

[list] Article II, Paragraph b: Signatory members will not launch unprovoked attacks against Red Sphere nations, and will endeavour to resolve unprovoked attacks from outside by available means, through the Red Protection Court.[/list]

This is the current state of Pacifican Policy toward the raiding of unaligned on the Red Sphere: We, through the Red Protection Court and with the help of our Red Dawn partners, attempt to minimize raids and damages on unaligned Red Team nations.


When an aligned nation raids an unaligned red-team nation, the Red Dawn alliances utilize diplomacy to resolve the raid. A certain GOONS nation was contacted and asked to end the raid. The response has apparently been the “Red Raid Safari” with participant nations coming from GOONS, Mushroom Kingdom, FoK, \m/, Poison Clan, and others. Biff Webster of the Cult of Justitia, on behalf of Red Dawn, made a public statement about the raid and requested that the participants cease. With the clarity of hindsight, the missive had what could be called the “standard effect.” The rest of this letter will be focused on answering the issues raised during the ensuing discussion.

[b]Call and Response[/b]

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380146] Jacapo Saladin of Hydra[/url] - I don't support tech raiding at all, but it is your own fault if you don’t find an alliance to be a member of and you get raided.

The Order recognizes that there are many ways to play the game, and joining an alliance is not for everyone. Indeed, joining an alliance may put you at even greater risk, since there is the threat of major hegemonic warfare and potential reparations (not that such curb stomps could [i]ever[/i] happen in a post-Karma world). As a way to help grow the Red Sphere and provide a place for non-political players, Red Dawn’s raiding policies, in our opinion, are a force of good in the world. I will also note that it helps bring cohesion to red, not just with the unaligneds, but the signatories who work to minimize and eliminate raiding on our beloved sphere.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&st=20&p=2380092&#entry2380092] _GunneR_ of the Mushroom Kingdom[/url] - Although it is poorly worded document, I don't think anyone can deny that the spirit of it would translate that neither the original nor a modified version of the Revenge Doctrine would ever be used.

I would like to remind the fine gentleman from the Mushroom Kingdom that the Instrument of Surrender is a voluntary agreement between the New Pacific Order and the G15. As such, it would be wise of him to leave interpretations to the signatories of the documents. I defer to signatory [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380182] Il Impero Romano of the Viridian Entente[/url] to answer this question: “Actually, we who wrote it and negotiated it can deny that. It was written with the express intent of allowing the modified version of Revenge to stand, specifically. There was conversation about it and a thread amongst the respective alliances, then a negotiation with NPO on the subject. Ironically enough, I believe that particular term was written by Revanche/Denial, currently residing in MK.”

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380280] Xiphosis of the Global Order of Darkness[/url] - Most of us aren't stupid or arrogant enough to go beyond protecting the [b]alliances[/b] on our teams. Unaligneds, as always, are on their own. That's what unaligned means.

I’m sure the fine gentleman from the Global Order of Darkness can remember a time period when the unaligned nations were not on their own.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380315]Banksy of The Orange Defence Network[/url] - I am confused as to why CoJ are letting themselves be used for this, however.

The Cult is headed by a man who loves grand projects. One was to take down the Hegemony, and now that the project is completed, he has moved onto a new project: making the Red Sphere the premier sphere on planet Bob. As someone familiar with his tenacity and drive, he will act to ensure his objectives are met, and if he views you as an obstacle to his objective, beware.

With respect to motivations, some choose to use what power and influence they have to try and help people instead of trying to grief them. I would recommend that you speak to a founder or very old member of your alliance regarding a certain defense network and their creed.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380452]LokiLockpicker of United Sovereign Nations[/url] - I believe the simpler way for Red Dawn to express their outrage, would be to start funding the various alliances being raided on red and some of the unaligned nations. Smaller nations could easily crush raiders with a $15 million boost, especially if it comes with the 10k soldiers. Then the raiders would either declare war on them for funding targets or stop. It makes a lot more sense than complaining about the raids.

The thought did cross our minds… Sending aid and comfort to the raided targets would allow them to defend themselves, and the Order would not be declaring an offensive war against the Mushroom Kingdom Co-Prosperity Sphere. However, [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380474]Voytek of the Mushroom Kingdom[/url] is one step ahead of us regarding that little move:

[list] I don't think you fully understand what's happening. A good chunk of the SG bully-boy squad are actively taking part in this; it would stand to reason that they and their blocmates would defend themselves if attacked.[/list]

So providing any aid would certainly give the MKCPS the excuse it needs to activate their treaties and, in the words of [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&st=240&p=2380713&#entry2380713 ]lebubu of Mushroom Kingdom[/url] “I know that many of my comrades, myself included, would love to turn the NPO into a crater again - for good, this time.” The Order’s first priority will always be to the safety of her member-nations, and creating a summer war is now the responsibility of the MKCPS, not the Order. If their war happens to be the red safari or a curbstomp of NSO over $6 million, such is the brave new world we live in.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380499]AirMe of Ronin[/url] - I don't condone the systematic raid of red and I think that a Revenge Doctrine that protects the unaligned and nothing else is a good thing. Being one of MK's allies I am a disappointed that this happened.

Then I would recommend that you stop being allies with them. The Order learned the hard way that the actions of an ally reflect upon you and they may overstep their bounds because of the security your national strength provides. Most of the alliances in the MKCPS do not condone raiding, but raiding will happen with impunity because the raiders have you to fall back against. Members of the Safari have stated plainly that they would not hesitate to use your national strength to resolve any incidents arising from the Safari. The Order appreciates your candor (toward both sides of this discussion).

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89371&view=findpost&p=2380281]der_ko of Mushroom Kingdom[/url] - Pretty sure NPO can stop our safari at any time. They only have to swallow their misguided sense of pride.

As it is the members of the Kingdom, not the Order, who are declaring war upon red unaligned nations, I do not see how we could stop you. If the Kingdom feels in necessary to murder thousands of people because you misinterpreted our policy, there is not much we can do about it.


The current policy of the New Pacific Order regarding the Red Team is spelled out in the Red Dawn charter:

[list] Article II, Paragraph b: Signatory members will not launch unprovoked attacks against Red Sphere nations, and will endeavour to resolve unprovoked attacks from outside by available means, through the Red Protection Court.[/list]

We dislike raids on Red. We work to prevent raids on Red. We work to shorten the duration and lessen the impact of raids on Red.

We do not “own” the Red team. We do not “dictate” what happens on Red. We think the Safari is childish and originate from a misunderstanding of Pacifican Policy and a need to start a summer war. Now that the "war" has happened, I fail to find any reason for the MKCPS to continue this policy.

Best Wishes,

Sir Paul - Imperial Clerk
New Pacific Order
Imperator Populusque Pacificus
[i]Sir Paul is the longest continually serving member of the New Pacific Order, making him Dean of the Body Republic. He is also a lyrical genius, voice of a generation, media mogul, and all-around nice guy. He currently resides in an undisclosed location in the Senior Industrial Regents of Petro-chemicals, Agriculture, Uranium and Logging.[/i]

[i]It's like Mouthwash for your Brain[/i]

The New Pacific Order has had a long and eventful relationship with the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, an entity that has the distinction of having the longest-running public treaty with the New Pacific Order. The New Pacific Order would like to inform our good allies at the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization that several entities/persons in the Cyberverse may wish the New Pacific Order harm and may stoop to elaborate, over-hyped, despicable or illegitimate means to provoke a war with the Order in a manner to ensure that their bandwagon will also be involved. Although the Order is not party to any "high-level" planning (and I do use the term loosely), we wanted to make sure you heard from us first that at some point in the future, the people who openly call for our destruction may take concrete actions to make that happen.

The Tabloid Tribune is a long-storied publication that represents a diversity of views in the Cyberverse. In that spirit, the Tribune has an open call for your letters, articles, graphics and 1,500+ word diatribes. (NOTE: Your submission may be edited for length, profanity, spelling, grammar, forum rules or similar reasons. Any edits will be resubmitted to the author for final approval before publication.)
Written by Sir Paul
The Tabloid Tribune - One Step Ahead of the Truth
Proudly Part of PNN

[b][size=8]Sing Along War Report: The Veterans[/b][/size]
[i]Refugees fleeing MK forces. Photo credit to [s]STA[/s][color=Orange]ODN[/color] Expeditionary Force ready to strike anyone helping the refugees.[/i]

[b]Cult of Justicia, Red Sphere[/b]: After several weeks of absence, the Office of the Imperial Clerk is proud to present the newest sing-along war report, dedicated to all the members of the Mushroom Kingdom Co-Prosperity Sphere who are personally against raiding but encourage it through their "uncritical support."


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z_CC00SrRo]The Veterans: Y5.T2.1M[/url] - August 13, 2010
Written by Sir Paul
The Tabloid Tribune - One Step Ahead of the Truth
Proudly Part of PNN
[color=orange]UPDATE: August 15, 2010[/color]
[size=8][b]STA Troops NOT Deployed to Red Sphere[/b][/size]
[i]It’s hard to tell MKCPS troops apart because they all have to wear those aqua hats[/i]

[b]Tygaland, Siberian Tiger Alliance[/b]: In an embarrassing moment for the Tabloid Tribune, a staff reporter misidentified a photo credit in issue #159. It was Orange Defense Network troops that were ensuring no aid came to the refugees, not Siberian Tiger Alliance troops. In an interview with Tygaland, the Siberian Tiger Alliance leader made the following statement:

[list] As far as I'm concerned we do not activate defense treaties if tech raids go bad as I consider tech raiding an act of aggression. I highly doubt MK would expect us to assist them if their safari went pear-shaped. If you aid nations being raided by MK or anyone else it is none of STA's business. If you attack nations raiding red nations then I would consider the raid to be the aggressive act that commenced any conflict and therefore any defense clause would not be activated.[/list]
Has script flipping finally come to the MKCPS with regards to aiding unaligneds? Are tech raids gone sideways no longer covered by defense pacts? The Tribune wants to know. The Tribune will be sending missives to the various alliances who have defense pacts with alliances actively involved in the Safari to find out if they would activate a defense pact should escalation come from an offensive act such as tech raiding. Would Polaris attack CoJ if they sent $6 million to a raided nation? Would Ronin storm the beaches of Pacifica to protect the Kingdom’s inalienable right to murder citizens of unaligned nations? Find out in issue #160 of the Tabloid Tribune!
Written by Sir Paul
The Tabloid Tribune - One Step Ahead of the Truth
Proudly Part of PNN

Edited by Sir Paul
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Sorry, but your notice was not quick enough for me. I've heard this from other people already and am shocked the Order would have refused it's oldest treaty partner information such as this. Consider yourself in violation of our treaty. Have it canceled at once!!! I am disappointed in the lack of my name in this though, since the Sith claimed the cancellation was all on me and not GATO. Maybe the Sith didn't share that info either though? Looks like they've violated more than one treaty.

In all seriousness interesting issue.

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[quote name='caligula' timestamp='1281767394' post='2415504']
This is bad journalism.
Witty, but still rank with bias.

Welcome to last year.
I don't think the tabloid has made any effort to imply otherwise since it's inception.

Edited by Heyman
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Amusing read but I must ask what exactly this line under the refugee picture is referring to as I'm unaware of any STA involvement in anything you have referred to.

"[i]Refugees fleeing MK forces. Photo credit to STA Expeditionary Force ready to strike anyone helping the refugees.[i] [/i]"


Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1281769473' post='2415530']
Amusing read but I must ask what exactly this line under the refugee picture is referring to as I'm unaware of any STA involvement in anything you have referred to.

"[i]Refugees fleeing MK forces. Photo credit to STA Expeditionary Force ready to strike anyone helping the refugees.[i] [/i]"


I was wondering the same thing, but I figured it was just us helping out MK.

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[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' timestamp='1281769670' post='2415531']
I was wondering the same thing, but I figured it was just us helping out MK.

Hmm, it seems a rather bizarre accusation to make seeing as MK are not at war, unless the reference is to the Red Raiding Safari. In that case I'm not aware of any treaty we hold that requires us to assist an ally while raiding nor of any occasion when we have done so.

A rather silly accusation to make, especially as the NPO claim to want to mend relations with the STA. I'm sure such insults will make that happen much faster.

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Good read, especially the NSO, GATO, and MHA sections.

[quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1281765489' post='2415468'][img]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6690/42colorblind.jpg[/img]
[i]What is the answer to life, the universe, and this color blindness test?[/i][/quote]

Is it a 9? $%&@, it could be a picture of a hippo for all I can tell.

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