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Everything posted by SpectreTehDestroyer

  1. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1286654637' post='2479807'] @Spectre - TIOs treaties are directly linked towards our FA direction, they do not differ. TIO is a member of an ODoAP bloc with three allies; BTA, TKTB, TCU we have recently upgraded with both TKTB and TCU. The only other unique treaties we have are with Athens, IAA and Polaris, IAA being the only military treaty. Thank you for your question. [/quote] I see, thanks.
  2. How many treaties now? It's the 10th now or something? Treatying everyone in sight is pitiful.
  3. [quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1286597514' post='2479385'] "Honesty, integrity and loyalty" is usually the tagline from STA, no? To STA: What do you guys think of BN? I get the feeling you think we're boring. [/quote] 1)Yes. 2)Not really, you should just push harder.
  4. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1286276079' post='2475789'] I wonder what brought this upon you? [/quote] They are cleaning up the treaty web. Now it's not so entangled.
  5. [quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1286258248' post='2475660'] I don't get all these protection affirmations. Nobody is going to attack MK. Even if they did, at that point, everybody who wanted to defend MK would, and all those who wanted it dead would fight, possibly with or without treaties, which is what MK would probably want anyway. [/quote] It is a show of good faith, and a word of honor that we make when we affirm the protection of MK. No one likes to be left alone in the dark. No one. If one of your allies canceled all of their treaties, I am fairly certain that your government will issue a protection post about it. Again, this affirmation is also a deterrent to those who think this is or will be a huge tech raid on MK. It won't happen. MK will see for themselves, that our friendship is much more than a piece of paper. They know that, but for the peanut gallery, it must be said. We love MK, and we do not want anything bad happening to them in their transitional period.
  6. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1286255001' post='2475588'] Roll MK. [/quote] I wait for someone to actually try to do it. They will feel the claws and fangs of the tigers swiftly upon them.
  7. Best of luck in your future comrades. Treaty or no treaty, we are still friends. Yeah, we are a bit disappointed, but we will get over it. o/ MK!
  8. [quote name='Politician' timestamp='1286192469' post='2474128'] I'll go and ask, what is your opinion on GATO? [/quote] In regards to GATO, we weren't particularly happy with the way you cancelled on NSO, but at least Omni kept his word and sent aid to NSO like he told me. So there is hope for the little house cats. Quite surprising enough Omni joined the Sith. As before, please post in your embassy to increase communication. As before, the next time a press conference is held, we can form a better formulated opinion. o/ NSO [quote name='saxasm' timestamp='1286208290' post='2474247'] Follow-up question: Why did you name it after tigers? [/quote] Siberian tigers are pretty awesome. Without a doubt, they are the most majestic(and beautiful) tigers to ever roam the face of the planet. Nuff said.
  9. [quote name='James Maximus' timestamp='1286144565' post='2473512'] Thoughts on TKTB? [/quote] TKTB is a pretty cool alliance. Especially since Shakyr, Evry, and Jewel()are there. The embassy gets used sometimes,even if I have to remind your alliance to post here and there. It should be duly noted that we [b]love[/b] your(and our) ally NpO. Very much. o/ Polaris [quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1286148280' post='2473572'] Thoughts on World Federation? [/quote] Honestly, we never had much interaction. Please drop by our embassy when you can. Maybe in the next press conference we can form an opinion on your alliance. Thanks in advance!
  10. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1285114804' post='2460420'] What have you done? [/quote] Shocking right? I know it is, but MT has a great amount of experience in the Foreign Affairs field. He will do well, just as before in MK. All is good comrade. All is good.
  11. Excellent news. AZTEC keeps growing! Insanely awesome. Oorah!
  12. Congratulations AZTEC! This looks really promising. Best of luck comrades. NV.
  13. Congratulations GR! However, ye lack ilselu1(best person for the job in me honest opinion) and ye have [b]Shamed[/b]() . Doomed? Perhaps. But fair winds!
  14. It's all the \m/ people going there. Congrats nonetheless.
  15. [quote name='Andover' timestamp='1282595534' post='2428070'] LION stands for League of Internationally Organized Nations [/quote] Thanks for the answer.
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