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Is this what CN is coming to?


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[quote name='Fernando12' date='08 July 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1278625541' post='2363856']
DOE, declare war on ARES...to me that is a rogue alliance and not a legitimate alliance v alliance war. I was asked to assist in taking on your nation because I was online on IRC so I accepted. Yes, it is inconsistent with what my OP states but oh well.

My main point remains that this game is full of talking and very little in game action. I do agree with what some have said that the talk helps build up what the next war will be about but as has also been said the treaty web prevents anything from happening besides once or twice a year. View the in game list of the top 200 alliances and randomly pick any one of them and you can see the activation of a treaty should it come under attack which activates another and another etc until a full blown world war is raging. Good for the game to have one major war per year or would it be better to let or have a lessoned treaty web where alliances can go alliance v alliance and settle disputes without having to do silly (IMO) newsletters. NSO/CSN is one example. NPO does the same thing going after Athens at times in their PNN announcments. Neither can really do anything 1v1 because it wouldn't stay a 1v1 because a world war would break out. NPO has the numbers to take on Athens but not the numbers to take on CnG/SF.

I doubt anyone is really happy with the situation of only one major event per year. That is not something that will sustain this game long term.

The NPO doesn't attack any alliance in the Pacific News Network's Pacific Press because we want to go to war with them. We attack them in our newsletter because they do stupid !@#$.

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[quote name='Cortath' date='08 July 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1278631483' post='2363926']
The NPO doesn't attack any alliance in the Pacific News Network's Pacific Press because we want to go to war with them. We attack them in our newsletter because they do stupid !@#$.

That's fine, but can't you announce some megabloc so people leave [s]me[/s] us alone?

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[quote name='Pomiel' date='08 July 2010 - 07:26 PM' timestamp='1278631587' post='2363929']
That's fine, but can't you announce some megabloc so people leave [s]me[/s] us alone?

Sure. Ragnarok want to join?

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[quote name='Fernando12' date='07 July 2010 - 05:13 PM' timestamp='1278544413' post='2362857']
Ok, sure thats exactly how wars happen. Like it or not, wars drive the very existence of this game. Why then is forum activity at its peak during wars? If people were here for political simming then the forums would be over loaded now since peace time is when the most politiking is going on? But its not the case is it Chey, so sorry you are wrong.
Oh right, I forgot that the reason people like war is because it's so fun to hit the ground attack button.

Thank you for enlightening me.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='08 July 2010 - 03:12 PM' timestamp='1278627124' post='2363877']
Mr Damsky I have no problem with Fernando fighting in the slightest, he was the only decent fighter out of the 6 that I was fighting. The way he has put his post leads people to believe he hates curb-stomps treaty webs and people that call for back up (well wasn't really, I only lost about 1k infra or there about) and such tom foolery when he engaged in one himself. This to me is not consistent with the op. You can't say people should do something about it and 1v1 yadda yadda, then do the exact opposite and not expect people to respond to that.

I think what he's trying to say is people should fight instead of insult people in their newsletters.

I think. :unsure:

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' date='09 July 2010 - 01:27 AM' timestamp='1278635223' post='2363991']
I think what he's trying to say is people should fight instead of insult people in their newsletters.

I think. :unsure:

Thats not what his OP states.

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[quote name='Mathias' date='09 July 2010 - 01:36 AM' timestamp='1278635757' post='2364008']
Yes it is.

Sorry, I should have explained better, that was a lazy effort. He's inconsistent by his own admission, he whines in here about if you want do something then do it 1v1 alliance v alliance, yet he's inconsistent because he does the opposite.

Days prior he jump on people when really its not needed and according to his manner of thinking I'm justified for hitting ARES yet instead of staying out like what he's moaning about here, he jumps in. Inconsistent behaviour to his OP! 1v1 alliance v alliance or bandwagon? I'm still unsure.

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[quote name='New Frontier' date='08 July 2010 - 06:58 PM' timestamp='1278633493' post='2363953']
Oh right, I forgot that the reason people like war is because it's so fun to hit the ground attack button.

Thank you for enlightening me.
I think you're smarter than that. Political simulator, nation building, etc...perhaps it was the original plan for the game but I stand by my point that the game peaks in interest when war happens. Out maneuvering someone politically? You really buy that as what drives this game's success? People stick around to wait for the next big war. People don't stick around to see when leader/alliance A will beat leader/alliance B in newsletter contest.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='08 July 2010 - 07:31 PM' timestamp='1278635443' post='2363997']
Thats not what his OP states.
The first paragraph of my OP.

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[quote name='Fernando12' date='09 July 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1278636440' post='2364024']
I think you're smarter than that. Political simulator, nation building, etc...perhaps it was the original plan for the game but I stand by my point that the game peaks in interest when war happens. Out maneuvering someone politically? You really buy that as what drives this game's success? People stick around to wait for the next big war. People don't stick around to see when leader/alliance A will beat leader/alliance B in newsletter contest.

The first paragraph of my OP.

Right then, I'm okay with that, just be consistent. So the second part is just !@#$ then?

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='09 July 2010 - 02:41 AM' timestamp='1278596490' post='2363387']
Right now you have domination by a single megabloc that as a group is paranoid and likes to play defense.

How are we paranoid?

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' date='08 July 2010 - 09:05 PM' timestamp='1278637494' post='2364048']
How are we paranoid?

Does the terms "hegemony", "neo-hegemony", or "hegemony remnants" mean anything to you?

What's next, "hegemony dust"? :o

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[quote name='Fernando12' date='08 July 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1278636440' post='2364024']
I think you're smarter than that. Political simulator, nation building, etc...perhaps it was the original plan for the game but I stand by my point that the game peaks in interest when war happens. Out maneuvering someone politically? You really buy that as what drives this game's success? People stick around to wait for the next big war. People don't stick around to see when leader/alliance A will beat leader/alliance B in newsletter contest.
You're missing the point, Fernando.

War isn't fun [i]for the sake of war[/i]. People care about wars because they have something vested in it, and because everything becomes so heated during the time of war.

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[quote name='Fernando12' date='09 July 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1278636440' post='2364024']
I think you're smarter than that. Political simulator, nation building, etc...perhaps it was the original plan for the game but I stand by my point that the game peaks in interest when war happens. Out maneuvering someone politically? You really buy that as what drives this game's success? People stick around to wait for the next big war. People don't stick around to see when leader/alliance A will beat leader/alliance B in newsletter contest.

The first paragraph of my OP.

I think what he trying to get at is all the political manoeuvring leading upto a war is what make this game fun

Eg. The few weeks leading upto the karma war was more fun than the war itself

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='09 July 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1278643180' post='2364177']
Does the terms "hegemony", "neo-hegemony", or "hegemony remnants" mean anything to you?

What's next, "hegemony dust"? :o

Its a name used to describe a group of alliances. It hardly indicates paranoia.

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Oh come now Ryuzaki, you know we stand under the full moon, gibbering and chanting and working our foul majiks. Pre-emptively even. Any sign of them feeling good on any given monday we break out the cauldron and gather newt's eyes and bat wings. They are all we think of, each day. You forget, how we stick pins in dolls...

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='09 July 2010 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1278657215' post='2364501']
Oh come now Ryuzaki, you know we stand under the full moon, gibbering and chanting and working our foul majiks. Pre-emptively even. Any sign of them feeling good on any given monday we break out the cauldron and gather newt's eyes and bat wings. They are all we think of, each day. You forget, how we stick pins in dolls...

I've wondered at times if that wasn't so far off the truth, based on reactions I've read and heard in the past.

Some of you have [size="6"]issues[/size]. Like NPO was a childhood trauma still giving you nightmares. They're out of prison you know, better be ready....


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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='09 July 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1278682042' post='2364730']
I've wondered at times if that wasn't so far off the truth, based on reactions I've read and heard in the past.

Some of you have [size="6"]issues[/size]. Like NPO was a childhood trauma still giving you nightmares. They're out of prison you know, better be ready....


:blink: You went one better, but, off the deep end. I like crazy, i do it sometimes, but not, that, crazy.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='10 July 2010 - 02:27 AM' timestamp='1278682042' post='2364730']
I've wondered at times if that wasn't so far off the truth, based on reactions I've read and heard in the past.

Some of you have [size="6"]issues[/size]. Like NPO was a childhood trauma still giving you nightmares. They're out of prison you know, better be ready....

Thanks for addressing my comment and not focusing on an obviously sarcastic remark.

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' date='09 July 2010 - 09:58 AM' timestamp='1278683897' post='2364750']
Thanks for addressing my comment and not focusing on an obviously sarcastic remark.

It's not the word, it's the context it is used in.

'Hegemony' implies total control, something Q never had, especially once you figured out that it was all up here <points to head>. There always existed the ability to overthrow NPO, especially once the OoO was dissolved and NpO was taken down a few notches.

Anything short of the OoO being reinstated and a new megabloc being created (under your noses no less) will always fall short and be defeated by "Super Grievances". Thus the aforementioned stagnation has set in. That there continues to be some sort campaign, either deliberate or otherwise, to maintain this sense of "if we don't stick together the bogeyman will get us" and double and triple up on treaties only makes matters worse.

Perhaps some day individual member alliances of the SG megabloc will begin to decay and the whole mass become a giant paper tiger. But short of that or people deciding to move on form new relationships and progress the game, at some point in the next 6 months, you'll find some reason to beat down NPO and whatever allies it can muster and the conclusion will be written before the first sword is drawn. Maybe IRON will be finished paying off its reparations in time to participate. I doubt it.

There you go, lacking in humor and sarcasm. Better?

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='09 July 2010 - 03:39 AM' timestamp='1278643180' post='2364177']
Does the terms "hegemony", "neo-hegemony", or "hegemony remnants" mean anything to you?

What's next, "hegemony dust"? :o
Man dont you know what H dust can do if you let it out of the vacuum cleaner? It can make one hell of a mess. It is fairly comical that[size="3"] ¾ [/size]of the world united is still afraid of part of the remaining [size="3"]¼ [/size]

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Maybe if you guys had a good name for yourselves, we wouldn't have to call you "ex-Hegemony". I mean I used to refer to "CDT/Poseidon" sometimes, but now CDT is pretty irrelevant and purple isn't very united, so that name doesn't work very well. I suppose Coincidence Coalition is alright, but it never really caught on.

At least nobody calls you "that nameless blob of alliances we keep beating". :P

Edited by Lord Brendan
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