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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='08 July 2010 - 10:17 AM' timestamp='1278580629' post='2363305']
Anyone want to take a bet that Legion disbands between now and mhh let's say christmas?
Seriously doubt that will transpire. If Legion was ever going to disband it would have happened a long time ago.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='08 July 2010 - 11:17 AM' timestamp='1278580629' post='2363305']
Anyone want to take a bet that Legion disbands between now and mhh let's say christmas?

I am definitely willing to take that bet :P

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[quote name='Cataduanes' date='08 July 2010 - 10:38 AM' timestamp='1278581911' post='2363309']
Seriously doubt that will transpire. If Legion was ever going to disband it would have happened a long time ago.

Well, maybe you are true. After all MASH was dead a long time before they merged into The Legion.

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[quote name='Letum' date='08 July 2010 - 01:34 AM' timestamp='1278570827' post='2363241']
The same rule that is a flagrant violation of your rights when imposed on you, is perfectly acceptable for everyone else?

Or is it that the rule itself is fine, but it should only be applied when [b]you[/b] agree with its context?

grow a sense of humor, it was an elaborate way of him telling someone to shut up

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='08 July 2010 - 05:17 AM' timestamp='1278580629' post='2363305']
Anyone want to take a bet that Legion disbands between now and mhh let's say christmas?
Probably won't happen. NPO will ZI them all if they try and get off the leash.

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I'm going to admit it LMC, alot of people here didn't like you. This thread is the reason why. Legion is mostly that quiet kid with the thick skull and big muscles. Sure, we don't like it when Orc kids say mean things to us, but we have the will power and unity to just ignore them. But when loud-mouthed, trouble making members like you(or me for that matter) blabber on and on, "in defense of Legion", you're just feeding the trolls, manufacturing new material, and generally, setting us up for another downfall. The best way to counter act said trolls, is just to shut up and move along. Build your infra, collect your tech, produce them nukes. Trolls are never going to respect us. Not even if we have 100k Average NS, not even if our Nuke/Members ratio is 25. Trolls are gonna be trolls, and haters are going to hate. Our only goal was to achieve Sanction, and maybe get ourselves into a good bloc, and make good members. But again, blabbering on like what you have done, and what I'm doing now, only furthers the hate and revives that little Orc inside everyone of us, telling us to, "Hate, hate the Legion. Hate them for what they are. Hate them for who they are. Your hate for them knows no bounds, your hate for them knows no end. Whoever they thrive to be, whomever they become, hate them." And so, in conclusion, if you would of shut up, we wouldn't have layed down the law.

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[quote name='IronsightSniper' date='08 July 2010 - 11:10 AM' timestamp='1278598191' post='2363409']
I'm going to admit it LMC, [b]alot of people here didn't like you.[/b] This thread is the reason why. Legion is mostly that quiet kid with the thick skull and big muscles. Sure, we don't like it when Orc kids say mean things to us, but we have the will power and unity to just ignore them. But when loud-mouthed, trouble making members like you(or me for that matter) blabber on and on, "in defense of Legion", you're just feeding the trolls, manufacturing new material, and generally, setting us up for another downfall. The best way to counter act said trolls, is just to shut up and move along. Build your infra, collect your tech, produce them nukes. Trolls are never going to respect us. Not even if we have 100k Average NS, not even if our Nuke/Members ratio is 25. Trolls are gonna be trolls, and haters are going to hate. Our only goal was to achieve Sanction, and maybe get ourselves into a good bloc, and make good members. But again, blabbering on like what you have done, and what I'm doing now, only furthers the hate and revives that little Orc inside everyone of us, telling us to, "Hate, hate the Legion. Hate them for what they are. Hate them for who they are. Your hate for them knows no bounds, your hate for them knows no end. Whoever they thrive to be, whomever they become, hate them." And so, in conclusion, if you would of shut up, [b]we wouldn't have layed down the law.[/b]

Awww. People didn't like me because I tarnished what's left of their precious little image, which these days isn't much. We all seem to have different ideas of what it means to defend an alliance, and to boast a sanction. W/e that much is clear. As far as the last sentence... WE? Who is we? Not you, non-government member. The only person who decided to enforce a rule for once in 3 years was the Arbiter. Get it right now, I don't shut up. I don't give a crap what Arbiter said, what he wanted or the like. His opinion matters least to me. I'd ask Satan what he thought about something before I'd ask the Arbiter. He's a meaningless smashed tin can on the side of the highway to me. If I ever heard his name or had to talk to him again, it would be far too soon.

[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='08 July 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1278570372' post='2363231']
Whatever happened to the 'Statement of Respect' I wrote for you guys, to help avoid this kind of thing? I see it isn't pinned anymore (though it could be in the private part, I suppose).

LMC, take deep breaths and move on. If you have any feelings for the Legion, stop now. You've punched the walls on your way out, which is fine, but don't knock one of the walls down. Arbiter has confessed to having a terrible attitude and, lightning conversions aside, is not going to change his attitude overnight. [b]If you have anything to say to him, go have a pm fight or an Irc fight.[/b]

As for the haters, The Legion will thank you. Your hate is their cement, always has been, always will be. Without you, Legion would have died years ago.

You are right Hymenbreach. What I think of Legion is perfectly clear and it didn't take 13 pages to outline it. They force out their good and experienced members and back stab. As for the bold part, he's not worth my time. I encourage anyone in the future who has been wronged in such a way to post another one of these threads. For one they are therapeutic, and for another no one will be mystified as to why you are writing one. Because they're all about the Legion and they still all involve the same old crap. Nothing ever changes.

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='08 July 2010 - 07:31 AM' timestamp='1278599498' post='2363423']
Awww. People didn't like me because I tarnished what's left of their precious little image, which these days isn't much. We all seem to have different ideas of what it means to defend an alliance, and to boast a sanction. W/e that much is clear. As far as the last sentence... WE? Who is we? Not you, non-government member. The only person who decided to enforce a rule for once in 3 years was the Arbiter. Get it right now, I don't shut up. I don't give a crap what Arbiter said, what he wanted or the like. His opinion matters least to me. I'd ask Satan what he thought about something before I'd ask the Arbiter. He's a meaningless smashed tin can on the side of the highway to me. If I ever heard his name or had to talk to him again, it would be far too soon.

It wasn't just Arbiter who enforced the rule. It was the government as a whole.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='08 July 2010 - 11:38 AM' timestamp='1278599879' post='2363429']
It wasn't just Arbiter who enforced the rule. It was the government as a whole.

That's what I don't understand is The Arbiter has some "alluring" power over you guys. You guys are mystified by is ability to run the MoE. Let me go back to the age thing for a moment; here's a tip don't let people put their age on your forums and then let them run for office or hold government positions. Most of the time people expect their government to act their age. Racism and bullying is typical of a teenage. Forgive me for thinking of anything else.

I'm 22. We can spare each other the trivial jokes and jabs, but in my defense, I'm not supposed to be an example to anyone in your alliance. Your government is and they're a pretty sad one...as a whole.

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[quote name='IronsightSniper' date='08 July 2010 - 03:10 PM' timestamp='1278598191' post='2363409']
Until you collectively get past the idea that anyone who disagrees with you or points out your flaws is a troll who should simply be ignored, you will never improve as an alliance.

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[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='08 July 2010 - 12:02 PM' timestamp='1278601351' post='2363448']
Arbiter isn't that good in MOE. I left for Quantum and grew by about 33% in a month.

I was trying to rationalize but...meh. You're right. He's been fired before. Had he actually been good, he would have held his job the whole time.

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[quote name='IronsightSniper' date='08 July 2010 - 03:10 PM' timestamp='1278598191' post='2363409']
Legion is mostly that quiet kid with the thick skull and big muscles

Now that is hilarious, because when I think of Legion, I think of a quiet kid with glasses and a nerdy look that does the math for the big bully in the red shirt, who also joins in on making fun of him and kicks him around just slightly less than the rest of the class.

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='08 July 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1278600886' post='2363445']
Until you collectively get past the idea that anyone who disagrees with you or points out your flaws is a troll who should simply be ignored, you will never improve as an alliance.
I have to agree, sometimes even those one might see as trolls can provide constructive criticism of a sort. Read between the lines Legion you never know you might find something to your collective benefit.

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In an autocratic society, freedom of speech is not a right, it's a privilege.

In my opinion, freedom has little intrinsic value. I believe in freedom for a purpose, not freedom for the sake of freedom.

That being said, I agree that most gag orders are unnecessary. We are here to have fun, and being censored destroys that fun for a lot of people. While there may be some rare circumstances that they should be enforced, I don't think this was a situation that called for it. But I'm not here to determine Legion policy.

I think it's always worse for someone to disobey orders. Just because you dislike a policy doesn't mean you have to straight up confront it by disobeying it. There are always ways around something like this; such as talking to another superior or gathering support around yourself.

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[quote name='Jrenster' date='08 July 2010 - 02:53 PM' timestamp='1278611607' post='2363581']
In an autocratic society, freedom of speech is not a right, it's a privilege.

In my opinion, freedom has little intrinsic value. I believe in freedom for a purpose, not freedom for the sake of freedom.

That being said, I agree that most gag orders are unnecessary. We are here to have fun, and being censored destroys that fun for a lot of people. While there may be some rare circumstances that they should be enforced, I don't think this was a situation that called for it. But I'm not here to determine Legion policy.

I think it's always worse for someone to disobey orders. [b]Just because you dislike a policy doesn't mean you have to straight up confront it by disobeying it.[/b] There are always ways around something like this; such as talking to another superior or gathering support around yourself.

The Arbiter has been bullying me for years. This thread, me leaving, the refusal to pay the fine should not be a surprise to any Legion member right now. I made it perfectly clear that had ANY other government member ordered me to stop, I would have. The Arbiter has been jerking me over for years, so its not really a surprise where I told him to shove his individual gag order. It was only levied on me, though numerous other Legionnaires were posting "non funny" and "non productive" posts as well.

[quote name='Penkala' date='08 July 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1278611450' post='2363579']
All I want to know is how many fines are going to be levied on members of Legion posting in this thread?

Okay...500 tech per member. And at least 12-14 members have posted here. But government is above the law and the rules, so subtract out 4. We're down to 8-10 members who will have to pay fines. So between 4,000 and 5,000 tech I'd imagine. I'm sure your [i]qualified[/i] MoE can get those payments out very soon.


Edited by lmcfalcon12
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I think this whole thing is one big cluster$%&@ of laughs tbh.

One thing I find funny though is the people whom are 'outraged' by the gag order. CMON Pleassssssssse, we all know that if we had a member whom was embarrasing the !@#$ out of your alliance on the OWF vomiting their verbal diarrhea and making life hard for the rest of the crew, you would address it and that member somehow.

That being said, this CERTAINLY isnt the place to do that and obviously if this situation evolved into this, it was prolly handled wrong.

Just my .02

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='chefjoe' date='08 July 2010 - 11:20 AM' timestamp='1278613209' post='2363600']
I think this whole thing is one big cluster$%&@ of laughs tbh.

One thing I find funny though is the people whom are 'outraged' by the gag order. CMON Pleassssssssse, we all know that if we had a member whom was embarrasing the !@#$ out of your alliance on the OWF vomiting their verbal diarrhea and making life hard for the rest of the crew, you would address it and that member somehow.

That being said, this CERTAINLY isnt the place to do that and obviously if this situation evolved into this, it was prolly handled wrong.

Just my .02

Yeah the last thing an alliance wants is active members with strong opinions. Much better to have inactive sheep, they're worth much more to the alliance :rolleyes:

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[quote name='James Dahl' date='08 July 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1278613570' post='2363611']
Yeah the last thing an alliance wants is active members with strong opinions. Much better to have inactive sheep, they're worth much more to the alliance :rolleyes:

Who said anything about inactive sheep?

Or in your opinion activity breeds verbal foot in mouth disease?

If so, are you active? Do you have this disease?

Or can you simply admit sometimes people are idiots and need to be occasionaly set in the proper direction?

I have an alliance of active people. They all have their own opinions. They voice those when they desire. They dont generaly puke all over themselves and their alliances PR in the process. If/when they ever do, they might get talked to. When/if that happens the mature adults with intelligence in my alliance will discuss the subject professionaly and we will come to a understanding. Things die down.

Personaly thats how we do it. Thankfully it isnt something I have ever really had to do(once or twice in my many years here on PB but very rare)

But hey if to you activity in your members means for them to come on here and make your alliance look like idiots and children, by all means send em on here and have em post inane 'OUR ALLIANCE IS A SANCTIONED POWERHOUSE' posts and mock everyone else. Yea thats it.....

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='08 July 2010 - 11:36 AM' timestamp='1278614174' post='2363628']
Who said anything about inactive sheep?

Or in your opinion activity breeds verbal foot in mouth disease?

If so, are you active? Do you have this disease?

Or can you simply admit sometimes people are idiots and need to be occasionaly set in the proper direction?

I have an alliance of active people. They all have their own opinions. They voice those when they desire. They dont generaly puke all over themselves and their alliances PR in the process. If/when they ever do, they might get talked to. When/if that happens the mature adults with intelligence in my alliance will discuss the subject professionaly and we will come to a understanding. Things die down.

Personaly thats how we do it. Thankfully it isnt something I have ever really had to do(once or twice in my many years here on PB but very rare)

But hey if to you activity in your members means for them to come on here and make your alliance look like idiots and children, by all means send em on here and have em post inane 'OUR ALLIANCE IS A SANCTIONED POWERHOUSE' posts and mock everyone else. Yea thats it.....

Well this is the thing. RIA does not have a "public face" and a "private face", we aren't in our forums talking about how much we hate everybody and want them all to die, then expect people to come here on the public forums and talk about how much they respect and honor their neighbors in the global village. What you speak of is merely a symptom of the hate and vitrol "leaking out".

So yes, the fact is that active members who speak their mind ARE valuable members of your alliance, they are the only people who will tell you if you are wrong and will point out things that aren't working. They will be the ones making demands for changes that need to be made. They are valuable precisely because they say things you perhaps don't want them to say.

The fact that so many major alliances are more worried about public relations than the opinions of their own membership is a sad and pathetic state of affairs, but it seems to be getting worse and not better.

But what do I know right?

- Ogaden

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