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Southgarde goes to war


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I, Bonzo of the city state of Southgarde have soldemnly declared war against two nations of the Orange Defense Network. Why you ask? Well it is my crusade against a treacherous member of their alliance that must pay the ultimate price. When one steals the eggo waffles from the fridge of the general staff of Southgarde blood must spill in the battlefield. I wish no ill will on the Orange Defense Network, but I am sure they wish ill against our fine nation. The outlook is bleak. However, we can turn this around if you join me in my march to damage my eggo thieving foes we shall make a fine footnote in the history of this planet. I shall go through to demand reparations if it is the last thing I do. I am a man of honor and principle.

My enemies will need a miracle of God to survive.

Leggo my Eggo.

Edited by Southgarde
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[quote name='Southgarde' date='01 July 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1277961408' post='2356308']
I, Bonzo of the city state of Southgarde have soldemnly declared war against two nations of the Orange Defense Network. Why you ask? Well it is my crusade against a treacherous member of their alliance that must pay the ultimate price. When one steals the eggo waffles from the fridge of the general staff of Southgarde blood must spill in the battlefield. I wish no ill will on the Orange Defense Network, but I am sure they wish ill against our fine nation. The outlook is bleak. However, we can turn this around if you join me in my march to damage my eggo thieving foes we shall make a fine footnote in the history of this planet. I shall go through to demand reparations if it is the last thing I do. I am a man of honor and principle.

My enemies will need a miracle of God to survive.

Leggo my Eggo.

If you wanted to post a fire and brimstone announcement I could have helped. Anyways have fun being pummeled.

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[quote name='Believland' date='02 July 2010 - 05:51 PM' timestamp='1278114687' post='2358202']
A treacherous member in ODN? Why am I not surprised? Anyway, have fun. To both of you.

Actually WalkerNinja went off to TOP and became a government member there. You know, the alliance whose pip you've chosen to use. :awesome:

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[quote name='Southgarde' date='01 July 2010 - 12:17 AM' timestamp='1277961408' post='2356308']
I, Bonzo of the city state of Southgarde have soldemnly declared war against two nations of the Orange Defense Network. Why you ask? Well it is my crusade against a treacherous member of their alliance that must pay the ultimate price. When one steals the eggo waffles from the fridge of the general staff of Southgarde blood must spill in the battlefield. I wish no ill will on the Orange Defense Network, but I am sure they wish ill against our fine nation. The outlook is bleak. However, we can turn this around if you join me in my march to damage my eggo thieving foes we shall make a fine footnote in the history of this planet. I shall go through to demand reparations if it is the last thing I do. I am a man of honor and principle.

My enemies will need a miracle of God to survive.

Leggo my Eggo.

He mentioned Waffles! ooo :D

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[quote name='Kalasin' date='08 July 2010 - 12:23 AM' timestamp='1278562992' post='2363144']
Actually WalkerNinja went off to TOP and became a government member there. You know, the alliance whose pip you've chosen to use. :awesome:
Yes, I'm aware of WN's alliance. But, if I recall correctly ODN is a democracy and all, which means you could have not elected him. Did you even have any complaints about your foreign policy when WN was your leader? Or are you just bashing him now, because you're still trying to change your alliance's perception across Digitaria?

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Man how did i missed this beauty of a thread :awesome:

[quote name='Believland' date='08 July 2010 - 03:26 PM' timestamp='1278599185' post='2363420']
Yes, I'm aware of WN's alliance. But, if I recall correctly ODN is a democracy and all, which means you could have not elected him. Did you even have any complaints about your foreign policy when WN was your leader? Or are you just bashing him now, because you're still trying to change your alliance's perception across Digitaria?
sigh...sadly Kalasin has allowed this to be brought up again :(. Indeed your right Walker was an elected leader, some of his achievements while in power can be rightly lauded, others sadly not. The complaints largely stem not from the bulk of his tenure but rather the decision he took at its close, namely the cancellation on Polaris during a certain messy war. It was a decision that some might argue was taken by circumventing democracy by one means or another to achieve a certain aim.

It was a decision that ODN has had to live with ever since and one that has heaped a heavy burden on the community, forcing it to labor at times in ignominy and shame. And yes ODN has striven and worked tirelessly to never allow such gross misuse of power to ever happen again, as part of this commitment to never repeat the mistakes of the past (such as the cancellation on Polaris) ODN has naturally tried to convey this determination to the world at large. Now of course many have given the Network a chance to redeem itself, others (Such as yourself i would wager) remain to be convinced.

Edited by Cataduanes
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[quote name='Cataduanes' date='08 July 2010 - 12:37 PM' timestamp='1278607043' post='2363526']
sigh...sadly Kalasin has allowed this to be brought up again :(. Indeed you're right Walker was an elected leader, some of his achievements while in power can be rightly lauded, others sadly not. The complaints largely stem not from the bulk of his tenure but rather the decision he took at its close, namely the cancellation on Polaris during a certain messy war. It was a decision that some might argue was taken by circumventing democracy by one means or another to achieve a certain aim.

It was a decision that ODN has had to live with ever since and one that has heaped a heavy burden on the community, forcing it to labor at times in ignominy and shame. And yes ODN has striven and worked tirelessly to never allow such gross misuse of power to ever happen again, as part of this commitment to never repeat the mistakes of the past (such as the cancellation on Polaris) ODN has naturally tried to convey this determination to the world at large. Now of course many have given the Network a chance to redeem itself, others (Such as yourself i would wager) remain to be convinced.
The thing is, it's not just the WoTC that the Network didn't honor treaties in. Remember the allies ODN didn't defend in Karma?

I'm not going to give ODN a special way on how they can redeem themselves, I'd rather see them honor a treaty during a losing war, until then they'll be known as Frogger to me.

OP should keep us updated though. I'm curious as to where this has went

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You do realize we had treaties with both sides in Karma? If we had entered on the other side, you would be complaining about us not honoring treaty Y instead of X. If we had stayed neutral you would call us pixel huggers. If we attacked everyone you would call us batcrazy insane. It wasn't a good situation to be in, we did our best to do the right thing ::shrugs::. Plenty of examples of alliances in all the above situations who have all had similar accusations leveled against them.

The moral of the story, for me, is that there is just no pleasing some people so you shouldn't try. As long as my allies and friends are confident I will have their back, as long as we are working to limit treaty conflicts, and as long as my alliance is striving to do the honorable thing, I'm satisfied. Can't ask for more than that.

If you disagree or distrust us, my advice is you have nothing to do with us. You can be pleased you have no connection to us, and we will feel the same about you. Everyone is happy, and maybe down the road we will see who is right. No reason to get into a pointless circular argument. You go your way we will go ours.

As to this Southgarde fellah, we will just have to somehow soldier on under the grave threat he represents.

Edited by OsRavan
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[quote name='Believland' date='08 July 2010 - 05:58 PM' timestamp='1278608288' post='2363537']
The thing is, it's not just the WoTC that the Network didn't honor treaties in. Remember the allies ODN didn't defend in Karma?

I'm not going to give ODN a special way on how they can redeem themselves, I'd rather see them honor a treaty during a losing war, until then they'll be known as Frogger to me.

OP should keep us updated though. I'm curious as to where this has went
heh, what about the allies they did stand by in Karma? or does it suit your agenda to conveniently disregard that?. As for honoring a side in a losing war when the time comes ODN will stand firm.

As for you personally not giving them a special way to redeem themselves I think they can live with...your loyalties/bias is not exactly a secret :ehm: ....as for Frogger, i know him and he is a nice guy :D

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[quote name='Cataduanes' date='08 July 2010 - 09:37 AM' timestamp='1278607043' post='2363526']
Now of course many have given the Network a chance to redeem itself.

And you've failed at that. I don't get what's so hard to understand; when you sign a treaty you honor it. You don't get to pick and choose which ones to honor and disregard the others. You have to honor them [b]all[/b].

I guess, in fairness, you did honor all of your treaties last war. But, also in fairness, everyone knew you were going to win that war so it's not saying much.

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