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[quote name='memoryproblems' date='24 June 2010 - 01:52 PM' timestamp='1277412721' post='2349042']
Hm, [b]I was in Echelon for over a year and I didn't even know there was an ODP with Valhalla[/b], so I doubt it comes as much of a loss.

Congrats on the growth!

So basicly you are saying we did the right thing.


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[quote name='chefjoe' date='24 June 2010 - 04:05 PM' timestamp='1277413512' post='2349057']
So basicly you are saying we did the right thing.


I'm saying that as far as I ever knew, there was never enough communication or common ground for the treaty to exist. When a member of the alliance doesn't even know its there, much less somebody who was a member of that alliance's government, it says alot about the communication and in the end, it was the right decision because obviously there hadn't been communication or enough common ground for years to warrant its continued existence.

So yes, Cool.

Edited by memoryproblems
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[quote name='chefjoe' date='24 June 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1277411876' post='2349033']
Wouldnt matter, it isnt like UPN would come out and fight even at that point.
I really do not understand where you get this whole trail of thought from. When I was in UPN, we prepared to fight in the TPF war when we thought allies were to enter, we fought RnR in the NPO vs \m/ war and then Alchemy. The only war we didn't fight in was the CnG vs TOP war because due to treaties we'd have had to have fought our own allies.

Sure, UPN made a mistake possibly, but this whole anti-UPN thing you have going is old and annoying. Either accept that they are as they are or feel free to continue to try and break the little purple unity left.

Also, Repepe, HAPPY BIRFDAY.

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[quote name='Lukcia' date='24 June 2010 - 12:31 PM' timestamp='1277400656' post='2348844']
How long until the DoW on UPN? ;)


[quote name='chefjoe' date='24 June 2010 - 03:38 PM' timestamp='1277411876' post='2349033']
Wouldnt matter, it isnt like UPN would come out and fight even at that point.

FYI, I just spit soda on my laptop. :D

If you guys keep making sane decisions people are going to start talking :P

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[quote name='Lukcia' date='24 June 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1277418728' post='2349194']
I really do not understand where you get this whole trail of thought from. When I was in UPN, we prepared to fight in the TPF war when we thought allies were to enter, we fought RnR in the NPO vs \m/ war and then Alchemy. The only war we didn't fight in was the CnG vs TOP war because due to treaties we'd have had to have fought our own allies.

Sure, UPN made a mistake possibly, but this whole anti-UPN thing you have going is old and annoying. Either accept that they are as they are or feel free to continue to try and break the little purple unity left.

Also, Repepe, HAPPY BIRFDAY.

Sorry, but UPN's few little days fighting RnR in a non nuclear war doesnt mean !@#$.

As for 'purple unity', UPN threw that right out the window when they decided to let purple burn in nuclear hellfire this last war while they sat around munching popcorn and talking about how much aid they would send to people after the war ended....guilty blood money doesnt mean !@#$ either.

They wanted 'purple unity', they would have bled with purple also.

So I figure I will take you up on your offer to continue ridiculing them :blush:

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='Lukcia' date='24 June 2010 - 06:32 PM' timestamp='1277418728' post='2349194']
I really do not understand where you get this whole trail of thought from. When I was in UPN, we prepared to fight in the TPF war when we thought allies were to enter, we fought RnR in the NPO vs \m/ war and then Alchemy. The only war we didn't fight in was the CnG vs TOP war because due to treaties we'd have had to have fought our own allies.

So at the time of the war you had treaties with Poison Clan, FAN, \m/, DF, and NoV.

Oh wait....

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[quote name='Lukcia' date='25 June 2010 - 08:32 AM' timestamp='1277418728' post='2349194']
I really do not understand where you get this whole trail of thought from. When I was in UPN, we prepared to fight in the TPF war when we thought allies were to enter, we fought RnR in the NPO vs \m/ war and then Alchemy. The only war we didn't fight in was the CnG vs TOP war because due to treaties we'd have had to have fought our own allies.

Sure, UPN made a mistake possibly, but this whole anti-UPN thing you have going is old and annoying. Either accept that they are as they are or feel free to continue to try and break the little purple unity left.

Also, Repepe, HAPPY BIRFDAY.

It is also annoying watching you defend them, with the same old thing every single time someone makes a post about them. And it's also funny, you know why? Because you sir abandoned the UPN.

Once again, congrats Valhalla. I hope the above rubbish doesn't continue in here. :wub:

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='25 June 2010 - 12:16 AM' timestamp='1277421399' post='2349242']
Sorry, but UPN's few little days fighting RnR in a non nuclear war doesnt mean !@#$.

As for 'purple unity', UPN threw that right out the window when they decided to let purple burn in nuclear hellfire this last war while they sat around munching popcorn and talking about how much aid they would send to people after the war ended....guilty blood money doesnt mean !@#$ either.

They wanted 'purple unity', they would have bled with purple also.

So I figure I will take you up on your offer to continue ridiculing them :blush:
I meet your offer and raise you a cookie. =D

UPN didn't know that the RnR war would be a few days long. We were prepared to fight for as long as possible.

It isn't guilty money. It's rebuilding aid. ;) Plus UPN's allies accepted the aid.

If you want to raise, it's a muffin now. >=D

[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='25 June 2010 - 12:39 AM' timestamp='1277422780' post='2349261']
So at the time of the war you had treaties with Poison Clan, FAN, \m/, DF, and NoV.

Oh wait....
They were secret treaties no-one was allowed to find out about...


[quote name='President S O' date='25 June 2010 - 04:50 AM' timestamp='1277437839' post='2349610']
It is also annoying watching you defend them, with the same old thing every single time someone makes a post about them. And it's also funny, you know why? Because you sir abandoned the UPN.[/quote]
It's the same old thing because it's all I have. xD
And well done on the abandoning argument. Best comeback so far. I'm actually serious. Now that's a way to knock someone back. Although I left UPN of new. I did not abandon UPN of old. While we fought the wars I was fully behind UPN, then afterwards I found a best friend of mine was making a new alliance and forced him to let me in. So while I didn't like New UPN, the reason I left was nothing to do with that. =D

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[quote name='wickedj' date='24 June 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1277405041' post='2348913']
Its already been too long

@James, the maroon team has quite the selection of mens undergarments..just as Goose he parades around in the most horrifying items man has ever seen
Please there are certain things I have tried to forget since leaving maroon :P

[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' date='24 June 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1277407126' post='2348956']
We have had our differences before, but Valhalla will always be my first true home :wub:
Not really happy with how it all has gone down JS but we still have :wub: for you

[quote name='memoryproblems' date='24 June 2010 - 05:12 PM' timestamp='1277413905' post='2349063']
I'm saying that as far as I ever knew, there was never enough communication or common ground for the treaty to exist. When a member of the alliance doesn't even know its there, much less somebody who was a member of that alliance's government, it says alot about the communication and in the end, it was the right decision because obviously there hadn't been communication or enough common ground for years to warrant its continued existence.

So yes, Cool.
Really so when i was talking to Caffeine about the little incident with PC you never understood why i was even involved. That sir is great government. It only lets me know our decision was absolutely the right one.

[quote name='Kill Joy' date='24 June 2010 - 10:04 PM' timestamp='1277431435' post='2349412']
Great growth, expected, but still nice to see!

o/ Valhalla
Thanks KJ appreciate it.

[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='25 June 2010 - 08:45 AM' timestamp='1277469899' post='2349942']
Very happy to see UPN shorn of that treaty.
Well its good to know we can make some one happy while gaining great pleasure ourselves.

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' date='25 June 2010 - 05:45 AM' timestamp='1277469899' post='2349942']
Very happy to see UPN shorn of that treaty.

Ironic, since you moved from UPN to IRON(after your own little OWF fail boat ride in the BAPS thread) whom we are tighter then tight with ;)

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='chefjoe' date='25 June 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1277497475' post='2350302']
Ironic, since you moved from UPN to IRON(after your own little OWF fail boat ride in the BAPS thread) whom we are tighter then tight with ;)

I believe he moved to IRON just to fight Gremlins and prove he isn't afraid of war.

Oh wait....


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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' date='25 June 2010 - 05:06 PM' timestamp='1277499962' post='2350330']
I believe he moved to IRON just to fight Gremlins and prove he isn't afraid of war.

Oh wait....


Point Awarded: Jacapo 1, Peacenik 0

(400,592 Casualties, 473,399 Supporters) :ph34r:

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[quote name='Darth Elecian' date='24 June 2010 - 02:31 AM' timestamp='1277343083' post='2348284']
Woot, nice to see you rise higher and I can't wait to see you guys at 4 million NS and over 1000 nukes. :D


That happens then we've gone wrong somewhere :P

[quote name='deathcat' date='26 June 2010 - 02:15 AM' timestamp='1277514882' post='2350519']
Sad to see the friction on Purple. But I'm glad to see you guys on the upswing too :)

Much luv for the Valhallan Crew: CJ, Bud, Kry, and the rest on Gillians Island.... :P


Lack of single love for me?

Oh and yeah,

o/ Valhalla

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[quote name='SirBombAlot' date='24 June 2010 - 10:47 AM' timestamp='1277394430' post='2348776']
o/ RePePe (please let me know when you're ready to have my babies)

[quote name='Lukcia' date='24 June 2010 - 12:31 PM' timestamp='1277400656' post='2348844']Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REPEPE! =D

[quote name='Lukcia' date='24 June 2010 - 05:32 PM' timestamp='1277418728' post='2349194']Also, Repepe, HAPPY BIRFDAY.

Official Announcement from Ruler RePePe of Vittoria:

The RePePe Fan Club is now up and running! Please change your nation's biography to RePePe Fan Club!

RePePe- Ebil Dictator

Also, SirBombAlot, how does tomorrow night sound? My nation's hidden theaters will entertain us and then we can fulfill your desires later on...

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Rather sad to see Invicta & Valhalla put away their hula skirts. It was getting kinda chilly on Wall Street, and not to mention Faded Glory was on sale at the Supercenter.

Here's to a continued friendship between our two alliances that doesn't require treaty text, or ideally another one where I come up with a quirky theme.

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