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Cyber Nations 2?



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I think it is a great idea but ONLY if one important thing was implemented: You cannot play in both worlds.

By forcing players to pick a world it would force the existing powerblock to remain here or take a chance on making a new powerblock in the new world stick. One in the hand or two in the bush? I would also disallow identical alliance names and keep each other worlds existance OOC in regards to gameplay.

Do this and it will not degrade the existing game and will draw in new players as well.

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No thanks. One Planet Bob is enough. If anything, the time effort, etc. spent on creating a PB2 would best be spent adding some variety to ground units (beyond generic soldiers and tanks), allowing for ground attack aircraft (bombers that do less infra damage, but greater destruction on ground units), allowing for a bit more variety in terms of naval missions (allowing battleships to do shore bombardment), and perhaps creating some potential for nations to interact with each other in space (doesn't have to be "star wars", btw).

My list of improvements is long, Admin's time for development however is not. :mellow:

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='21 June 2010 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1277139332' post='2345333']
I demand real-time battles in glorious 3D.
Call of Cybernations anyone?
Medal of Bob?
Metal Gear Cybernations?

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='21 June 2010 - 01:54 PM' timestamp='1277142827' post='2345425']
Command and Conquer 5: Cortath's Wrath
It'd be better than whatever EA would come up with for C&C5 <_<
And I'd definitely pay to see it happen :P

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No, I would rather see drastic changes to this planet's mechanics, such as a truly interactive trade system. Economics are not global in this world, but are mostly isolated to your own nation. Nations, and alliances, should be able to monopolize or attempt to monopolize a trade route, resource, etc. Alliances should actually go to war over land area and for access to resource rich soils.

In this world, politics are basically forced to all have some sort of OOC reasoning because there is no real in game reason for conflict, other than just raiding for fun.

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[quote name='Rafael Nadal' date='21 June 2010 - 07:34 PM' timestamp='1277166848' post='2345877']
No, I would rather see drastic changes to this planet's mechanics, such as a truly interactive trade system. Economics are not global in this world, but are mostly isolated to your own nation. Nations, and alliances, should be able to monopolize or attempt to monopolize a trade route, resource, etc. Alliances should actually go to war over land area and for access to resource rich soils.

In this world, politics are basically forced to all have some sort of OOC reasoning because there is no real in game reason for conflict, other than just raiding for fun.

This is so extremely true.

I think nations should be able to buy wonders sooner rather like every 10 days and be targeted during war for destruction.

I agree with previous points also that any new version would result in the death of one of them if not both. Some would flock to the new and be patient enough to build their nations over the course of a few months to tech buying size. Some would perhaps quit the game all together. Large alliances that cooperate and feed nations money and tech would have tech buying nations faster and be able to aid back those small nations that sacrificed for them. These large alliances would see the same success they have in CN1.

Nothing would really change except that nations would be smaller.

Edited by Fernando12
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There should be a limited amount of land in the game. We shouldn't just be able to buy it. Each new nation would receive X amount of land to start. If it dies, then it goes into a pool/pot. First come first served in buying up the land.


Something similar but make it where land can only be exchanged during wars. Each nation gets 1,000 land to start. If you gain land then your nation will receive some sort of citizen happiness bonus. I don't know what the multipliers or whatnot would be but perhaps every 100 land over your original 1,000 gives you +1 happiness. Then like wise if you lose land then you get negative happiness like if you drop to 900 miles from your original 1,000 then you get a -1 happiness.

These effects would be in effect at all times and change as you win/lose wars or battles. So nations would have a major incentive in going to war for land.

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[quote name='Derwood1' date='17 June 2010 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1276825679' post='2341327']
Once you figure out what really keeps people around here you will realize what a ridiculous idea it is to hope or compel people not to start the same alliances in a CN2. Relationships is what I mean.....having a 2nd universe or whatever you want to call it would kill what is left here.

Well, if you look at TE, you do have some alliances that are the same, but you also have some different ones, or ones that are a combined from two or more SE alliances.

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I'll speak as someone who does maintain one character in multiple areas, as well as two in one (it's not here, by the way).

As far as one persona, two areas? One side can start monopolising my time more than the other. If things get heavy in the other roleplay I do, then I do tend to neglect things on this side. And vice versa, as many queries with 'Hey, awake over there?' in the other window attest to.

I've managed two characters in that other area, but it's not easy. It's much easier to get things crossed up, which is awkward in some situations ('Um, who's swinging that steel chair, again?'-style issues). It's obviously not for everyone.

As far as two nations on one server? Honestly, I wish I could, but ONLY because it'd be a way of improving things for me--my own little trade partner that will never ever cancel on me. That said, if you let everyone have two nations ... won't that HEAVILY benefit the bigger alliances? Like, say, the Mostly Harmless Alliance and the New Pacific Order? They're 1-2 in both alliance ranking AND raw membership numbers. Now double the figures, except these are two alliances that know how to grow..and would have a HUGE influx of, let's face it, tech sellers. Honestly, if two nations per player was authorised in normal CN, I'd order everyone to stay in the current alliance. Who cares about spying opportunities when I can just farm like mad?

Back to the idea of a CN2 ... I can't see how it'd survive. If it's 'just like CN', then you're cannibalising the current player base, and I can't imagine how you're not going to import grudges. If it's got shinier features..um, it'll savage the regular CN base in and of itself. And I'd rather not see how to actually enforce any rules regarding grudges from one to the other, or what alliances can form. How would you stop, say, Vladimir2, Trotsky's Revenge's Revenge, and CortathJr from forming 'New New Pacific Order'? Especially if 'Vladimir2' on CN2 is really me, and the real Vladimir goes over as StoogeGirl of Moronica?

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Im open to the idea of the current TE mode server being modified maybe...make it more experimental, or even dramaticly different. But SE + TE + anouther 3rd is overkill and i could never for a second proporly play all 3 and im pretty active.

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I think it would be awesome to have a CyberNations 2. I have CN:TE and i think it would be awesome to have like a cybernations 2.0 edition. Cn is getting a bit old for its self if you will, and it would be nice to see a new and improved CN2 with a more up to date theme and idea behind the game. I would also make it more like CyberCitizens where your nation ruler can go to different nations and visit and such. just without the google map like CC uses. that gets a bit laggy for people with a slow connection.

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[quote name='Chief Dean' date='29 June 2010 - 05:21 PM' timestamp='1277828468' post='2354013']
I think it would be awesome to have a CyberNations 2. I have CN:TE and i think it would be awesome to have like a cybernations 2.0 edition. Cn is getting a bit old for its self if you will, and it would be nice to see a new and improved CN2 with a more up to date theme and idea behind the game. I would also make it more like CyberCitizens where your nation ruler can go to different nations and visit and such. just without the google map like CC uses. that gets a bit laggy for people with a slow connection.

Please no

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Seriously, combat should be more than a foregone conclusion. I would love for some sort of strategic or operational element introduced.

I want to see the ability to research techs, like in Hearts of Iron - with as many techs as that game has, getting one or two per month would keep us busy for a good long while, with LOTS of nonlinear gameplay possibilities.


And more improvements and wonders. Set them up so owning one precludes owning another - nonlinear gameplay possibilities possible!


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[quote name='Vladimir' date='15 June 2010 - 09:07 PM' timestamp='1276657644' post='2339003']
We used to have this debate on a weekly basis, with people imagining that a score reset would somehow magically return us to the naive days of January 2006. Fact is that things have advanced a lot since then -- technically, politically, strategically, socially -- and these advances will remain. Consequently you would see large alliances and blocs forming immediately, complete with complex organisational and diplomatic structures, and moving to dominate the new terrain. The only real effect would be to split the player base, thus reducing it in size and intensity, and weakening the gameplay as a result.

To put a more empirical spin on it, we have seen a number of suspiciously similar universes spring up over the years, and we have seen hundreds flock in excitement to explore them. We have also found that this excitement quickly dissipates as the new utopia implodes and everyone returns. The grass on the other side has long been dead.
I disagree on your view of these other worlds. Many of them had intersting, unique and quick-paced politics and gameplay. While the communities may not have lasted for those involved it was a fresh experience, long gone from the monotony that seems to sometimes sweep CN.

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[quote=Alterego]We already have CN 2 its tournament edition and I dont play it. 23,733 current active nations and falling all the time. If people dont want to play this one or tournament edition why would they want another one. [/quote]

Its TE. its different rules. and different ways of doing things that obviously is failing. we need a different plan here...

Edited by Chief Dean
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