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Presidential Announcement from Revolution

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Most of you don't know me. Viridians will. But i felt it was time for me to start my own alliance. so now i present to you- [size="7"]Revolution[/size]

the forums- http://therevolutionofcn.ipbfree.com
IRC- #rev_public on coldfront of course :)


I. Preamble-
We need one?

II. Membership-
A. Nations may become a member of the Revolution by filling out an application and setting their AA to Revolution. The government retains the right to expel, bar or admit any nation for any reason.

B. Members have the right to limited free speech and are expected to maintain cordial language except in the off-topic areas where there is total free speech. The government of the Revolution retains the right to change posts not out of censorship (except where required by greater law) but for the sake of clarity.

III. Government-

A. Executive Branch: Led by the supreme ruler the President. The President is the Authority of the Revolution. The President may veto any decision made by the Senate. He is the sole authority that may declare war on any alliance or unaligned nation. He will appoint a cabinet of ministers to lead the respective ministries. He will also appoint a Vice-President who in absence of the President will become the sole authority until the return of the president. The President may be impeached by majority vote of the Senate and at least one Triumvirate member.

B. Triumvirate: Three elected members of the Revolution. They hold trials for war crimes and sign treaties along with the SecDef,SecState, President, and Vice President. They can overturn a decision made by the President by a unanimous vote.

C. Senate: The voice of the people. All members may participate in this. All members have one vote. Academy members may not vote in this. They can vote on which treaties they support and which treaties they don't. Other pieces of legislation may be voted on although the president has the final say.

IV. Laws-
B. Laws of the Revolution are based on these values: Honor, Respect, Bravery, Freedom and Liberty, Responsibility, and Courage.
A. Tech Raiding is against revolution values of Honor, Respect, Courage, and Responsibility and will be punished by a half ZI. Deserting during times of war is a war crime and against the core values of Honor,Bravery, and Courage and will be punished by a ZI. Going rogue will be considered deserting and will be punished by a ZI. Going nuclear rogue on us or another party going rouge on the revolution will be punished by a ZI, and Zero Tech. They will also decommission all their military wonders and decommission their military to 20 percent and will be booted out of the alliance(if applicable).

V. Amendment Process-
The charter may be amended at any time at a majority vote of the senate, and or the discretion of the President and Triumvirate

Clause 1- any new member of government may add their signature to this document along with date and position held within government.

Huskerfan93- President, founder
Combat Yeoman- Vice-President

Edited by huskerfan93
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I really hate to make it look like Gondor is doing a coordinate alliance bashing :unsure: But, in the future a friendly pro-tip would be to have someone proofread all your announcements. Spelling errors, incorrect use of "their" vs "there" or "they're", words that should be capitalized not being capitalized, and the use of "rouge" where I believe you mean "rogue", unless you actually are ZI'ing someone for becoming red, convey a level of unprofessionalism. Take a great orator like Archon, meticulous grammar, vocabulary, ect. Anyways, good luck, feel free to stop by cn-gondor.net and join us in hobbit throwing games

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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='28 March 2010 - 06:33 PM' timestamp='1269822813' post='2239632']
I really hate to make it look like Gondor is doing a coordinate alliance bashing :unsure: But, in the future a friendly pro-tip would be to have someone proofread all your announcements. Spelling errors, incorrect use of "their" vs "there" or "they're", words that should be capitalized not being capitalized, and the use of "rouge" where I believe you mean "rogue", unless you actually are ZI'ing someone for becoming red, convey a level of unprofessionalism. Take a great orator like Archon, meticulous grammar, vocabulary, [b]ect[/b]. Anyways, good luck, feel free to stop by cn-gondor.net and join us in hobbit throwing games
I lol'd.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='28 March 2010 - 08:33 PM' timestamp='1269822814' post='2239633']
Good luck but, I thought an alliance by this name was already around. Or are they gone now?

Thinking of, The Revolution, perhaps? Merged into Athens.

Edited by My Name Is Romance
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Thanks for the flag I used gimp and its not the best lol. My computer crashed before I could post the next part (I hate super long posts). Seth, I thought about it for about a month and a half.


Aliiance Motto-The Revolution is in the minds and hearts of the people.
Core Values-Honor, Respect, Bravery, Freedom and Liberty, Responsibility, and Courage.
Team color- Pink, Grey and Green

Combat Yeoman- Vice President

ICAN- sorry yeoman decided to come with me, he will submit a resignation later today to you guys.

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[quote name='huskerfan93' date='29 March 2010 - 06:15 AM' timestamp='1269861304' post='2239913']Seth, I thought about it for about a month and a half...Team color- Pink, Grey and Green[/quote]


I don't mean to give you a hard time here, but dude, this is isn't good. You resigned a few days ago, came back, and then resigned one day later, but you say you've been planning this out for a month and a half. Why did you come back for one day? Did you forget something? I don't know what VE's official stance on this is, but I imagine one way or another, your tech will be gone in the next 72 hours.

Best of luck to you. I'm afraid you're going to need it.

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Like I said Husker, I meant actually [i]plan[/i] it out, not resign, not come back for a day to steal !@#$. I mean actually put in the proper amount of work and preparation that goes with starting an alliance.

Why didn't you mention any of this to us? You know we would have helped you. Yet instead of that you throw away any good will we had towards you.

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how the s*** did you guys get memeber masks?! i need to redo security on the froums. thought i put different settings on stuff.

you do know i am a sorta noob? i looked up stuff on here and those guides are stuff I peiced together from common knowlegde! I had planned to start the alliance in may but i didnt feel right in VE any more. If VE wants ill let one of you back on and make sure the guides are deleted if it makes VE happy to threaten a new alliance. please let me know what you want.

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[quote name='huskerfan93' date='29 March 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1269892211' post='2240198']
how the s*** did you guys get memeber masks?! i need to redo security on the froums. thought i put different settings on stuff.

you do know i am a sorta noob? i looked up stuff on here and those guides are stuff I peiced together from common knowlegde! I had planned to start the alliance in may but i didnt feel right in VE any more. If VE wants ill let one of you back on and make sure the guides are deleted if it makes VE happy to threaten a new alliance. please let me know what you want.
Your boards are openly viewable to anyone who registers.Those guides are direct copies of the ones VE have.

The 'didn't feel right' excuse is odd because it's the exact same alliance you had left 6 days ago, and you were in it less than a day this time-plenty of time to get what you need from us.

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