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Argent Announcements


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[center] [img]http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn222/kgradert/CN/argentnukesymbol6.png[/img]

[size="5"]Argent Announcements[/size]

First of all, we held elections last month. That whole war thing got in the way of us announcing it, so here it is:

Emperor - Janax

Regent - EmperorOfCheese

Minister of War - Aeternos Astramora (aka Otter)
Minister of Finance - Computra
Minister of Foreign Affairs - iamthey

Minister of Internal Affairs - Sqkura
Minister of Communications - Raholia
Minister At-Large - Onion

Second, we have some more somber news. We have enacted the following clauses:

Fok-Argent MDoAP "Fok Gets A Silvermember"
[quote]Article V: But the love is gone!
Should either alliance wish to cancel this agreement, there shall be a 48 hour period in which this treaty is still in effect. After this period has ended, there is another 48 hour period in which Article I is still in effect. Should either alliance break any terms of this agreement, it shall cause an immediate cancellation of this treaty, with the exception of Article I, which shall remain in effect for 48 hours.[/quote]

Kronos-Argent MDP "Blame Poobah Accords"
[quote] Four: Termination
Should irreconcilable differences arise, this treaty may be canceled with 47 hours notice.

Both parties were informed previously, and the cancellation periods have expired.
We bear no ill will to either party, but our communications and differing foreign affairs directions indicate these treaties no longer mean what they did when signed.
We wish all the best for both Kronos and FOK, as they are two excellent alliances and are still people we would consider friends.

Third, we have amended the Argent Charter (version 2.0) with the following change:

[quote]All treaties signed by Argent are considered non-chaining for all signatories. As such, any obligations for defense or aid become optional when a treaty is activated due to obligations to others parties outside of the treaty in question. This supercedes any wording contained within existing or future treaties.[/quote]

This only affects 1 treaty at this time, and it was discussed with them before and during the voting.

Irrelevant Aqua alliance, out.

Janax - Emperor of Argent

tl;dr: Govt changes, treaty cancellations, charter update
inb4 Congrats Fok and/or Kronos witticisms

Edited by janax
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[quote name='wickedj' date='03 March 2010 - 10:26 PM' timestamp='1267677011' post='2213345']
Sad to see friends cancelling on each other but atleast theres a good thing to come from this announcement. it has no Otter in government

He's shadow government :ph34r:

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[quote name='janax' date='03 March 2010 - 11:31 PM' timestamp='1267677275' post='2213351']
He's shadow government :ph34r:
Im going to have to talk to RIA about that, why the hell wasnt his removal one of your terms :colbert:

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' date='04 March 2010 - 05:29 AM' timestamp='1267677160' post='2213347']
Sad to see the FOK and Kronos treaties go, but props on the non-chaining.
I feel the same, I didn't really see this coming.

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