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A MORE Official Announcement from the Grand Global Alliance


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If you really wished to improve GGA, I would say speak up in GGA. Don't post things like this and make it worse. How does this help the home? I've been angry at TOOL before but I don't tear down my alliance in public. As a government member of TOOL, I have the ability to change things and set the path myself and fix things. How are you helping your home? If you've been a long and loyal member, then you of all people should not be willing to hurt your home like this on the way out. You would've left quietly or tried to fix things, not start a rebellion on OWF. What do you accomplish by this other than dragging dirty laundry and ruining chances of your alliance rebuilding itself?

You give everything to your alliance, NS or length in an alliance do not say much if you're willing to do something like this to your alliance. So what if you disagree? Do something about it in your home. If you care about your alliance, then change it. Whining about it and giving up...? That does nothing unless you have actually tried everything you could. And even then, what kind of person tries to rebel against their alliance and start a fight that would destroy it on their way out?

That shows not loyalty or respect in my mind. All you're doing is damage against the place you call home and that says far more about you than said alliance or internal affairs of the alliance. I wish GGA the best of luck.

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As my sarcastic commentary in the other thread apparently wasn't as transparent as I thought it was, I'll do my best to voice my opinion more clearly here:

When you violate the highest law of your alliance and suspend its governing document, you cannot claim to be legitimate. That Momonishiki has taken it upon himself to declare the disbandment of GGA is no less outlandish in principle than the previous announcement's ousting of 2/3 of a triumvirate and Charter suspension. While the latter may have more practical legitimacy given the identity of the people carrying it out, it does not make it any less wrong.

All that said I hope the GGA works things out for itself, and eventually does return itself to a respectable state.

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1266825870' post='2196942']
The facts speak loudly. We had mover 400 members when Bilrow was around. Look at us now. I am no lover of Bilrow nor his current affiliations, but I cannot change the facts of history.
And you don't think the Silverhawk attitude helped destroy your alliance?

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I must agree with Sunstar here. In the other discussion, we were merely satirically addressing the various faults that coups and charter suspensions inherently possess. Coups by the elite, by their nature, lack the blessing of the general membership. Charter suspensions (without a provisional charter in place) cultivate anarchy and ludicrous remarks such as those made in the OP.

I personally have had nothing but the utmost respect for the general membership of GGA--especially those I fought against in the Karma War. I believe in the GGA community and ethic. I wish a benign and expansive future for the GGA and I hope GGA nations do not take this "disbandment" seriously.

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I'll take alliances that start with G that post angry pseduo-disbandments on OWF for 200, Alex.

Yeah, can we please kill alliances in nice official ways please? I'm tired of moribund ones. Either leave in peace or get together and wreck it the way you wrote it.

Edited by AngolaThree
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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1266827461' post='2196987']
Yes. And you can go on and on. That is why I said GGA's death has been inevitable despite efforts to the contrary.
You see, those two are examples of what was wrong with GGA. The alliance was reliant on a foreign entity for policy decisions and had very little military force.

I haven't seen any real attempts to change that until now.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 February 2010 - 08:55 AM' timestamp='1266825333' post='2196917']
Momonishiki is proof that high NS and casualty counts mean nothing when it comes to being a good member. If he truly wished to fix what he himself calls a dying alliance, he would have attempted to fix it. Instead, he has spent his time bragging about being the Senator for the GGA.
God... this sums it all up:

You guys should [i]solve this childish bickering in [b]private[/b][/i]. I'm sorry JB, but this proves your alliance still is the FailGA.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 February 2010 - 02:55 AM' timestamp='1266825333' post='2196917']
Momonishiki is proof that high NS and casualty counts mean nothing when it comes to being a good member. If he truly wished to fix what he himself calls a dying alliance, he would have attempted to fix it. Instead, he has spent his time bragging about being the Senator for the GGA.

Indeed anyone who cared about GGA would keep you and the others far away from it. I guess GGA is indeed dead.

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 03:01 AM' timestamp='1266825665' post='2196935']
That is the problem. You suspend the charter and everything and anything can become legitimate.

I agree with others that Momonishiki did not act well in posting this thread, but this point is an important one (as Sunstar pointed out). I urge the new government to make it a high priority to establish and secure the rule of law in GGA.

[quote name='Imperator Hades' date='22 February 2010 - 05:21 AM' timestamp='1266834100' post='2197053']
Im waiting on PC coming back

That would be... interesting times. But I must confess that evoking that name makes me nostalgic.

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My condolences on the coup of your alliance, Momonishiki. It appears that all that happened here was that Shaneprince, Dementual, and JB pulled a trailer up to the GGA's back door and claimed that it was the new home of GGA. The fact that the charter was suspended and the members were not involved shows that this new government is anything but legitimate.

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