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[quote name='wickedj' date='20 February 2010 - 02:49 AM' timestamp='1266652179' post='2193345']
Somehow i find it amusing and a tad ironic that no more than 24 hours after this announcement did roughly a dozen of the aforementioned alliances leave the war

You are not the only one to think that, on both sides of the war...and with that, I'll shut myself up from further comment on this topic.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='20 February 2010 - 08:15 AM' timestamp='1266671712' post='2193542']
How is it surprising that not long after a group of alliances posts a peace offer, some of them leave the war?

It is surprising that not long after a group of alliance posts a [b]white[/b] peace offer some of them leave by surrendering to those they are fighting.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='20 February 2010 - 10:14 AM' timestamp='1266682457' post='2193678']
That's the definition of warmonger. :P

Now to see who surrenders tonight.

in a way. guess that covers the majority of CN then, lol. :ehm:

war·mon·ger   /ˈwɔrˌmʌŋgər, -ˌmɒŋ-/ Show Spelled[wawr-muhng-ger, -mong-] Show IPA
a person who advocates, endorses, or tries to precipitate war.

[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' date='20 February 2010 - 11:27 AM' timestamp='1266686853' post='2193775']
It is surprising that not long after a group of alliance posts a [b]white[/b] peace offer some of them leave by surrendering to those they are fighting.

it was just to take the first step. obviously many weren't directly involved and SuperGrievances is a lot more willing to give them terms.

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[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' date='20 February 2010 - 10:27 AM' timestamp='1266686853' post='2193775']
It is surprising that not long after a group of alliance posts a [b]white[/b] peace offer some of them leave by surrendering to those they are fighting.

So now you folks are changing the definition of white peace after you claim you had issued it previously?

So, by this change of affairs, you have never issued white peace.

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[quote name='wickedj' date='19 February 2010 - 11:49 PM' timestamp='1266652179' post='2193345']
Somehow i find it amusing and a tad ironic that no more than 24 hours after this announcement did roughly a dozen of the aforementioned alliances leave the war

Sparta, the offer's still on the table. Act fast though.

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[quote name='pigsticker' date='20 February 2010 - 04:01 AM' timestamp='1266638463' post='2192898']
It could be an option instead of reps. Seeing that he seemed to be acting on his own personal agenda (maybe), his actions to the ouside world will always be tainted by the suspicion.

It does not have to be a total ban, but more along the highest level of the government and maybe the FA side of things.
He could still contribute to his alliance internally.

After all C&G claims to want to remove TOP as a threat to them, so what better way than for C&G to remove this threat by allowing more level-headed(i.e. less emotional persons to lead TOP.

Some people might be offended as it might constitute an interference in the direct governance of their alliance, but it's just an idea that might be explored.

Crymson is our brother though thick and thin.

What on Earth would possess you think we would consider the abandonment or shunning of a brother?

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[quote name='President Sitruk' date='20 February 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1266687387' post='2193789']
war·mon·ger   /ˈwɔrˌmʌŋgər, -ˌmɒŋ-/ Show Spelled[wawr-muhng-ger, -mong-] Show IPA
a person who advocates, endorses, or tries to precipitate war.[/quote]

Seems a good definition for people that launches unprovocked "pre-emptive" attacks.

Anyway, the topic has been discussed to death in several threads, so I'm not gonna discuss it again in this one.

It's my opinion. If you don't like it, you are free to think whatev*... wait, since we are the new Hegemony, we should start ZI'ing anyone who doesn't agree with us in the Forums, shouldn't we?

Edited by Krashnaia
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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='20 February 2010 - 11:14 AM' timestamp='1266682457' post='2193678']
That's the definition of warmonger. :P

Now to see who surrenders tonight.

The implications of that statement are profound and you should watch your word choice.

A war monger will provoke war and do anything they can to try and get into war, causing the war themselves for no other reason.

One who enjoys war does not purposely end up in it, but just enjoys it when it comes.

I'd appreciate if you did not make false accusations based merely on your own twisted perceptions.

Edit: typo

Edited by RePePe
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[quote name='Krashnaia' date='20 February 2010 - 12:14 PM' timestamp='1266689659' post='2193848']
Seems a good definition for people that launches unprovocked "pre-emptive" attacks.

Anyway, the topic has been discussed to death in several threads, so I'm not gonna discuss it again in this one.

It's my opinion. If you don't like it, you are free to think whatev*... wait, since we are the new Hegemony, we should start ZI'ing anyone who doesn't agree with us in the Forums, shouldn't we?

i guess if our two sides could just come out and say they agree to disagree, it'd save a lot of headache. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' date='20 February 2010 - 12:27 PM' timestamp='1266686853' post='2193775']
It is surprising that not long after a group of alliance posts a [b]white[/b] peace offer some of them leave by surrendering to those they are fighting.
As I've mentioned before, Vanguard did exactly this two years ago.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' date='20 February 2010 - 11:54 AM' timestamp='1266695644' post='2194013']
We need time dammit! Mercy! Mercy!

Tell you what. You can surrender to us, then change your mind right after, but there has to be a clarification thread posted on the BB about why you're not surrendering to us anymore. If 60% of the community doesn't face palm, then you'll be considered in violation of the terms and war's back on. Sound good?


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[quote name='President Sitruk' date='20 February 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1266690992' post='2193885']
i guess if our two sides could just come out and say they agree to disagree, it'd save a lot of headache. :rolleyes:

We are already doing that. Why else would this war continue? The Coincidence Coalition believes they were justified in their aggression because it was in preemptive defense of an ally. Supergrievances believes that aggression is, well, aggression still. To agree to stop fighting and just disagree would be to give exactly what the Coincidence Coalition wants...

So, we have obviously already agreed to disagree.

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[quote name='Nizzle' date='20 February 2010 - 12:52 PM' timestamp='1266688377' post='2193816']
So now you folks are changing the definition of white peace after you claim you had issued it previously?

So, by this change of affairs, you have never issued white peace.

You say you folks as if my opinion is representative of something larger than the sentiments of my nation. White peace doesn't involve reps, I find it incredibly ironic that some of the alliances who issued this joint statement almost immediately relinquish their demands for white peace when offered an opportunity to leave the war under terms.

[quote name='Haflinger' date='20 February 2010 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1266691758' post='2193907']
As I've mentioned before, Vanguard did exactly this two years ago.

What difference does that make?

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[quote name='Dylan Lusk' date='20 February 2010 - 03:49 PM' timestamp='1266702579' post='2194131']
We are already doing that. Why else would this war continue? The Coincidence Coalition believes they were justified in their aggression because it was in preemptive defense of an ally. Supergrievances believes that aggression is, well, aggression still. To agree to stop fighting and just disagree would be to give exactly what the Coincidence Coalition wants...

So, we have obviously already agreed to disagree.

i never said it was defensive. TOP/IRON are the ones that DoW'd, yes? i was just saying that neither side is going to try walking a mile in the other's shoes so what's the point debating this?

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[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' date='20 February 2010 - 05:13 PM' timestamp='1266704023' post='2194160']
What difference does that make?
You're criticizing people for acting like your MADP partner. Do you not sense a certain... something... word that begins with h and ends with y ...

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[quote name='President Sitruk' date='20 February 2010 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1266706539' post='2194191']
i never said it was defensive. TOP/IRON are the ones that DoW'd, yes? i was just saying that neither side is going to try walking a mile in the other's shoes so what's the point debating this?

I assumed you were referring to the war. If it's the debating you're referring to, then I agree 100%. The debating is really pointless, as neither side is going to convince the other.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='20 February 2010 - 05:41 PM' timestamp='1266709279' post='2194239']
You're criticizing people for acting like your MADP partner. Do you not sense a certain... something... word that begins with h and ends with y ...
Hungry? Hamburglary?

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Haecceity? Hagiolatry? Halomancy? Hamartiology? Hepatoscopy? That last one, I bet.

Also, I agree with those saying the argument is going and can go nowhere useful. See - we can agree on something in this discussion.

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[quote name='Some-Guy' date='20 February 2010 - 01:07 PM' timestamp='1266689246' post='2193834']
Crymson is our brother though thick and thin.

What on Earth would possess you think we would consider the abandonment or shunning of a brother?
On at least one occasion in the past, he himself showed a willingness to demand a change in leadership in an alliance that was an [i]ally[/i], on very spurious grounds, under not entirely veiled threat, so it wouldn't be entirely out of the question for a similar suggestion to be made against him by actual enemies formulating surrender terms.

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[quote name='RePePe' date='20 February 2010 - 01:23 PM' timestamp='1266690198' post='2193866']
The implications of that statement are profound and you should watch your word choice.

A war monger will provoke war and do anything they can to try and get into war, causing the war themselves for no other reason.

One who enjoys war does not purposely end up in it, but just enjoys it when it comes.

I'd appreciate if you did not make false accusations based merely on your own twisted perceptions.

Edit: typo

My perceptions are perfectly fine, thank you for caring. I choose my words wisely and know enough to back them up. Valhalla and TORN both have a love of war and in history have started wars for reasons many found questionable. For example, TORN started the last global war. To many, they are warmongers. To me, they're warmongers. Is that a good or a bad thing? Who knows. For now, they'll continue to be warmongers in my eyes (I have my eye on you bud & chef :ehm:) until they give me a reason to believe otherwise.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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