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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='02 February 2010 - 07:25 AM' timestamp='1265095511' post='2152731']
You mean the war that was 62M NS for Polar and 52M NS for \m/ just before IRON/TOP declared?

Yes, that pesky disadvantageous 10M NS advantage.
Advantage or not, NpO lost nearly 3 million NS and the war was pretty stupid, so it obviously wasn't worth losing that much strength over.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' date='02 February 2010 - 07:12 AM' timestamp='1265094778' post='2152695']
I am curious, how did it put MK/GR in that bad a position? They were in no way tied to \m/ and were in fact 2 or 3 degrees removed from them via the web. Though MK and others in CnG certainly trashed Polaris endlessly for doing so. Yet a direct ally of MK attacked Polaris via an oA clause and were hailed very vocally by many in CnG who were complaining about Polaris.

And there is also the fact that everyone and their brother with half a brain knows that CnG and company have been angling to get TOP/IRON at war. Now they get all huffy because they pull out a chapter from the Karma coalition playbook and declare war for the cause without a direct treaty. Something also hailed by many people who trashed TOP/IRON for doing it in this case.

By MK/GR I also did include CnG into that, but I may have misused the term considering the context of the previous post.

Last I checked \m/ is tied via(MDoAP) PC whom is tied via MDoAP Athens and FoB. Which out of any given honesty I can state that the members that left FoB would have declared in regards of PC within a heart beat, but to [b]respect[/b] the opinions of CnG members we instead left our respective alliance. which I can also state that none of the members from FoB that have joined PC have or will return to FoB. NpO in terms put CnG in a bad position by attacking one of CnG's allies. Yes I'm considering CnG as a whole someone shoot me. Anyhow this all could have been avoided by NpO following the request of MK and not attacking \m/ considering their ties to the CnG bloc which is an MADP. So when FoB would have declared upon NpO they would have brought all of CnG in behind them, but out of respect for our allies we left our alliance. Which brings me to the conclusion that there was no need for TOP/Cit to attack CnG considering the fact that CnG prevented members within FoB from declaring on NpO. To think otherwise is complete blasphemy.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='02 February 2010 - 01:27 AM' timestamp='1265095668' post='2152735']
Advantage or not, NpO lost nearly 3 million NS and the war was pretty stupid, so it obviously wasn't worth losing that much strength over.

That's what snakes do: sacrifice infra for their ideals.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='02 February 2010 - 01:27 AM' timestamp='1265095668' post='2152735']
Advantage or not, NpO lost nearly 3 million NS and the war was pretty stupid, so it obviously wasn't worth losing that much strength over.
What good is strength if it is not used?

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[quote name='Earogema' date='01 February 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1265095303' post='2152725']
No problem. We get confused from time to time. I still honestly think FOK was the deciding factor though.

Also, PC jumped in the day right after. If you mean, [i]that night[/i] well that's just crazy. They need some time to make lists, no?


Sincerely, from day one, those talking knew who was going to, or at least inclined to do what at .gov levels. Although I doubt your government resolution, I do not doubt yours.

I have gained respect for you in this debate regardless.

Good luck amigo.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='02 February 2010 - 01:20 AM' timestamp='1265095221' post='2152722']
Heh, so you cowered your way out of the war, and then slithered back in.

You really are a snake, Grub.

So I was right, then. You were never open to the idea that we were up to exactly what we said we were up to.

The chip on your shoulder really is driving. It's doing a fine, if somewhat repetitive, job.

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[quote name='Dilber' date='02 February 2010 - 04:16 AM' timestamp='1265094989' post='2152709']
I look forward to fighting alongside NpO for the first time in a long time.

When I read your post I was: :huh:

Then I saw your AA and :blink:

But it's really nice to see you in NSO. ;)

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[quote name='Chalaskan' date='02 February 2010 - 01:30 AM' timestamp='1265095805' post='2152739']

Sincerely, from day one, those talking knew who was going to, or at least inclined to do what at .gov levels. Although I doubt your government resolution, I do not doubt yours.

I have gained respect for you in this debate regardless.

Good luck amigo.
Same to you.

Have a good fight.

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[quote name='bwyard' date='01 February 2010 - 11:26 PM' timestamp='1265095592' post='2152734']
does anyone love me?
b/c i sure love polaris and will die a painful death for them.
i love you <3<3<3 :awesome:

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[quote name='Vol Navy' date='02 February 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1265094778' post='2152695']
I am curious, how did it put MK/GR in that bad a position? They were in no way tied to \m/ and were in fact 2 or 3 degrees removed from them via the web. Though MK and others in CnG certainly trashed Polaris endlessly for doing so. Yet a direct ally of MK attacked Polaris via an oA clause and were hailed very vocally by many in CnG who were complaining about Polaris.

And there is also the fact that everyone and their brother with half a brain knows that CnG and company have been angling to get TOP/IRON at war. Now they get all huffy because they pull out a chapter from the Karma coalition playbook and declare war for the cause without a direct treaty. Something also hailed by many people who trashed TOP/IRON for doing it in this case.
You are being deliberately dense. Bluntly speaking, C&G is an MADP bloc, and as a result, supercedes any and all optional clauses in treaties, if need be. In this case, we had more then our share of treaty ties to both sides of the conflict, and it was pretty clear that it was going to escalate into a SF vs. Polar war, something which we empathically did not want, especially with the way internal treaties within CnG worked out. You are being deliberately obtuse when you lambast us for not activating an oA clause (because, Polar did attack \m/, whether we agreed with it or not), when it would've put us right smack dab in the middle of our allies' while they were trading fire. Certainly we could've declared on \m/, if that's what you mean. We could not, however, declare war on Poison Clan (they are tied to Athens). We could not attack FOK! or Stickmen, nor could we attack the supermajority of the alliances arrayed against Polar at the time, simply due to direct treaties (or secondary treaties). Our best option was to attempt to reconcile both sides, and hope the hubub died down before it escalated uncontrollably.

Tell me, when during Karma did any alliance preemptively declare war on a (at the time) neutral party? The last time I recall seeing a move of that nature was during the NoCB war, when Q preempted the entirety of BLEU. The similarity is striking, and the move is nonetheless as disgusting as it was then.

Now I ask: who are you and what business do you have with MK/GR-Polar relations? Does The Phoenix Federation have any direct ties with either parties, or have any vested interest or inside knowledge as to our relations, beyond what is posted in this mudslinging propaganda mill of a forum?

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[quote name='Pacific Fleet' date='02 February 2010 - 01:33 AM' timestamp='1265096026' post='2152747']
i love you <3<3<3 :awesome:
why thank you i love you too along with polaris and grub.

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[quote name='Zombie Glaucon' date='02 February 2010 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1265095547' post='2152733']
Don't be insipid. If it was simply the case that "GOD offered white peace to the NSO" then GOD would no longer be at war with the NSO.

Simplifying things to suit your own agenda is moronic.

Your logic would make sense if the was just NSO-GOD peace talks but it involved others as well.
As I've said GOD where prepared to give white peace to NSO and it would have been given in time once all parties involved had agreed.

And as I've also said before Polar attacking like this does not help NSO's withdraw from the war.

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[quote name='HeinousOne' date='02 February 2010 - 02:22 AM' timestamp='1265095363' post='2152727']
I guess you guys are just taking too long. There wouldn't have been any form of stalling taking place with this would there?

Here we go again, trying to form up the world in another Hegemony by making alliances cede their Sovereign Rights to another Alliance. Just because you are friends with someone doesn't mean all of your friends have to be friends with them. That is called a difference of personalities.

When an alliance signs a treaty with Viridia do you tell them that they can now be assured that they will never have an altercation with any of your allies?

I would certainly hope so, It would please me greatly to know all my friend could also get along with each other.

I would hope this would be possible, and I would hope that everybody could retain enough respect for their common bonds to solve potential problems before they became open conflict between friends.

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[quote name='Thunder Strike' date='02 February 2010 - 07:35 AM' timestamp='1265096127' post='2152755']
Your logic would make sense if the was just NSO-GOD peace talks but it involved others as well.
As I've said GOD where prepared to give white peace to NSO and it would have been given in time once all parties involved had agreed.

And as I've also said before Polar attacking like this does not help NSO's withdraw from the war.

How much longer would they have had to wait for peace?

[quote name='TypoNinja' date='02 February 2010 - 07:36 AM' timestamp='1265096182' post='2152757']
I would certainly hope so, It would please me greatly to know all my friend could also get along with each other.

I would hope this would be possible, and I would hope that everybody could retain enough respect for their common bonds to solve potential problems before they became open conflict between friends.

So what you are hoping for is that when someone signs a treaty with you that they are actually also signing a lesser treaty such as a PIAT with all of your treaty partners? Why not put that in the fine print if those are your expectations?

It is my view that if we have a treaty with you then it extends to you and no one else.

Edited by HeinousOne
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[quote name='bwyard' date='02 February 2010 - 02:26 AM' timestamp='1265095592' post='2152734']
does anyone love me?
b/c i sure love polaris and will die a painful death for them.
Does anybody loveeee me?

I guess i dont knowwww

Boy I sure wish someone would love meee

Cauz that would be the dayyyy

No need to die a painful death :)

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[quote name='Chalaskan' date='02 February 2010 - 05:19 PM' timestamp='1265095169' post='2152719']
I apologize, I thought you were calling my specific honor into question. Regardless, FOK was not the deciding factor, and we all know this.

I actually believe you. I have nothing to say but good things about those I fought in PC while at Polar. Regardless, the .gov level knew who was backing them, and that is my point. I don't believe PC would have come in without some insight, otherwise they would have jumped in immediately...you didn't.
I can say for certain that we did not have any guarantee's of support while going into defend \m/. We dont just leave allies out to dry because odds aren't in your favor. The FOK support came after PC had hit Polar. heck if we knew we were getting support, why would we send 2/3rd n hippy to come out a later day.

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