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PNN International Round 2


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"She took our money, the car, the house, but she didn't take our pens."

Table of Contents

Coordinators Address

Emperor's Words

2nd Revolutionary Council

10 things Pacifican's learned from the TPF "Conflict"

Nothing New Under the Sun

Pacifica Presents the Commissariat of Pacifican Culture

Pacific Order’s State of Reparations

Interview with the Regent

Coordinators Address

Welcome to the 2nd issue of our internal news released externally. The last few weeks have been slow in terms of external drama, ever since we were subjected to the blue balls war. So we turned more internally for this edition. Hopefully we will get the same reviews we got from the last one. I am already putting things together for the next one, and we will be happy to be cover all of our birthday parties that we will be having in a few days. Please enjoy the wonderful work of our scribes.


Media Coordinator

New Pacific Order

Emperor's Words

My comrades, friends and enemies, welcome to the Second International Edition of the Pacific News Network. Often as a Pacifican, a foreigner will come and ask, "What is happening inside the New Pacific Order? What do you do?" I hope that this edition and the many subsequent can help to make manifest our goal of using the great machine of Pacifican Media to open up our alliance to the world, and give everyone a little peek inside.

Emperor Blackbird

New Pacific Order

Comrade Chuckles

2nd Revolutionary Council

The change in month brought with it elections for the three available positions (of 6 total) on the 2nd Revolutionary Council. The Council, which was overhauled just one month ago, is currently in charge of a number of departments within the Order, among them being Mentoring, Recruiting, Nation Sitting, and the newly formed Commissariat of Pacifican Culture. Two sets of Councilors serve out two-month terms concurrently with one set offset one month from the other.

During the voting for the 1st Revolutionary Council, it was determined that those three who received the highest number of votes would serve a full two month term, while the next three highest would serve for just one month. Those that were voted into the one-month term were Comrade Ash, DRCOOL, and Muffasvil, with all three choosing to run for re-election.

Running against them was Babyslate08, Bilrow, Lord Valleo and WorldConquerer. As is typical of Council elections, nominees posted their platforms and answered hard-hitting questions for 3 full days. In past elections, controversy has arisen during this round, but thankfully none was present this time around. Two days were allowed for voting and in the end, Bilrow, Comrade Ash, and Lord Valleo were elected for full two-month terms.

In order to keep Pacificans and non-Pacificans alike fully informed, the Pacific News Network is pleased to present the following interview with newly elected Councilor, Bilrow, the most hated player of 2009.

You have served as a Councilor before, prior to the Revolutionary Council system. How does the old way compare to the new?

The new way is more defined on what the job duties of the Council is expected to take care of besides just "listen to the Body Republic." It also brings the Council out of the role it had gotten relegated to of just being the Social Committee of the alliance.

What sort of duties are those?

The duties the Council is responsible for now is overseeing the Internal departments like Recruitment, Mentoring, Nation Sitters, Curators (Library) and the new department just recently made to spread Pacific Culture, as well as the Thunderdome which is still currently under revamping. And also Star Guard - led by Walt [schmidt] now to have our star in-game for the top 100 nations.

Are there any upcoming events or plans you can talk about?

CPC (Commissariat of Pacifican Culture) has a couple or things in the works. One that is coming on January 27th for our 4th year birthday in Cybernations.

What can we expect from the Council longer out in the future?

Longer out in the future, expect to see Council working with the IA departments of CPC and Mentor to work on some core issues for the alliance. Issues such as re-enforcing the history of our storied alliance, instilling a deep pride among all members about what we have accomplished in this game, and as well as some small things to help keep all of us on our toes of gameplay. For example, the Tip of the Day located at the top of the forum will help new and old Comrade a like to remind them of basic procedures of the alliance as well as tactics in-game.

Any closing thoughts?

If anyone has any questions, comments, or ideas for the Council please feel free to get with us on IRC or via private message. We look forward to any and all comments.

Written by Squintus

The Pacific Press - A jackboot on the pulse of world events.

Proudly Part of PNN

10 things Pacifican's learned from the TPF "Conflict"

10. GPA won.

9. \m/ didn’t have to disband this time.

8. Begin investing in popcorn which doesn’t spoil.

7. The best CBs are like wine, and must be aged to perfection.

6. To attack during a holiday so those with no real lives can feel important.

5. Invent a cream for those afflicted with azuletesticularosis. It’s a horrible disease.

4. Peace Mode Blitzes will be the next tactic for the next war.

3. Curb stomp wars are still perfectly acceptable with lackluster CBs…

2. …but if the sides even up, the aggressors will turn tail

1. “If this is what the world is like without Pacifica being the dominant factor, I want them back.”

Compiled by Necoho

The Pacific Press - A jackboot on the pulse of world events.

Proudly Part of PNN

Nothing New Under the Sun


It amuses me that this “brave new world” we live in still produces the same old tired arguments that were thrown around during the pre-Karma war time period.

One would think with the effective muzzling and demilitarization of the evil that lurks in the shadow known as the New Pacific Order, that we would stop hearing people complain about the number of extinction of rulers that is the ongoing trend that has been with us as sure as there is gravity that keeps our feet planted to the planet.

My other favorite argument that raises its head almost like clock work is the belief that our civilization needs a reset. This argument came around post Great Patriotic War and has continued ever since. I am willing to bet that if we are still around in five years, there will be still calls after every war complaining about this subject.

The last argument, that just tickles me deep down inside, is when rulers wake up one morning, head out into the woods, strike down some trees to construct a soap box and then drag that soap box out into their nearest town square. They then climb upon their pathetic little bully pulpit and say that this world sucks because no one will do anything. Usually this is tied to too many treaties (as was the reasoning used by Caesar833 in January of 2009 in this weak attempt) or they will use the reasoning, with their three pretty points and a conclusion, that it’s because alliance leaders do not take advantage of the opportunities of a good conflict (post by Starcraftmazter on January of 2010 in this slightly better worded attempt). Of course, after they have spent the time to construct their precious soap box upon which to preach their “new found” ideas, they get down off of it and run back into their bunkers of safety and complancency expecting others to take up their banner for them.

The only thing that this proves and is immortalized in a statement said by citizens of the nation of Methusela, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Written by Bilrow

The Pacific Press - A jackboot on the pulse of world events.

Proudly Part of PNN

Pacifica Presents the Commissariat of Pacifican Culture

As was formally announced to the Body Republic on December 27, 2009, the Commissariat of Pacifican Culture is a newly founded department within the Order, charged with the upkeep and promotion of our culture to the newer Pacificans. While the Order has seen departments with similar missions - namely, the Culture Corps of old - this attempt is the strongest thus far and it is our sincerest hope that it finds success.

Recently, I was able to obtain an exclusive interview with Speer, the newly appointed leader of the CPC.

What exactly is the CPC?

The Commissariat of Pacifican Culture is a new department that has been set up to serve several aspects of our Internal Affairs. Mainly, as the title entails, we are charged with maintaining and promoting our culture and history, both of which are extremely important to us as an alliance and which also must be cherished. However, this is not everything we do. We deal with a lot of other aspects of Pacifica, such as the library, anniversaries, celebrations, Pacifican Pride and more.

What's the purpose of the CPC?

I think, as time has gone by, participation and activity on the forum has decreased steadily. In addition to that, the Pacifican pride and culture that some of our older members experience and/or were instrument in creating is being chipped away as our historical figures move on. The CPC was brought in to change that.

As the head of the CPC, what do your duties entail?

It is my responsibility to set, maintain, organise and publish projects along with staff management. I also sit down with the Council to brainstorm new ideas and help them track/audit our progress.

What sort of projects can you talk about that are in the works now?

We are focusing on something great for our four year anniversary. In addition to that, we are working on some cultural/historical "NPO Tips of the Day" (you may have noticed it at the top of the forum) along with NPO Historical Timeline and tidbits here and there. The work with the four year anniversary is our focus right now however.

What can we expect to see from the CPC in the longer term?

You can expect to see many exciting projects that will promote our culture and history, but also some fun stuff that will hopefully act as an incentive for people to be more active. For example, games, quizzes, things like that - some with prizes!

Any closing thoughts?

I don't have much else to say, apart from thanking you and the International PNN for taking the time to speak with me ... [and that] we're hiring!

Written by Squintus

The Pacific Press - A jackboot on the pulse of world events.

Proudly Part of PNN

Pacific Order’s State of Reparations

At the outcome of the Karma Wars, Pacifica found themselves faced with a new challenge: Reparations. With the new task came new responsibilities and positions. Spearheading the massive assault are Bank Officials, as well as Tech Officials, who work diligently to make sure every tech and dollar is counted.

The Karma War Reparations Began at the start of August, and Tech reps are scheduled to end around April, while cash moves quickly and shoots for a late February finish. As of January 8th Tech stands at 314,890 (including converted cash), while money claims in at $3,357,000,302.00. With every Pacifican donating every spare dollar and tech, the Orders bonds seem to be holding. With our sights set straight ahead, the future looks bright as every dollar and tech brings us one step closer. Once Pacifica pays off their rep, who knows what will happen, however most people believe that things can only go up.

Written by Gamma52

The Pacific Press- A jackboot on the pulse of world events

Proudly part of the PNN

Interview with the Regent


Beep beep, beep beep. I slowly peeled my eyelids from my eyes and reached over to stop my alarm clock. It was 8am and a beautiful day in Cyrene. The day before, back at the Media Office, I was asked by Brennan to conduct another interview with a different member of the Imperial Staff. Flattered, I asked who, and it was Mary, our beloved Regent. It was suggested to me that I write the questions at least a day before the interview is due to take place (i.e. that night) but, being an idiot, I kept putting them off, confident in the fact I'll be fine. Well, that day had arrived and I found myself with not a single question written down. I departed the comfort of my bed and jumped into the shower and, while there, began telling myself (out loud) some questions. I had several themes to work with: Red Team/Foreign Affairs, the Shadow Pic, Nukes and Scrabble. Indeed a strange set of themes, but most will agree that they are entirely relevant to her. So, I jumped out of the shower, brushed my teeth and dried off. I kept checking my watch; the Regent was leaving Francograd that day at around 1pm, leaving me limited to time to prepare, travel and conduct the interview itself. I completed my tried and true ritual of patting my pockets and feeling for all the necessities such as my phone, wallet, ID, etc. It was certain that, in future, I'd have to be more prepared. Nonetheless, I departed my house, locked up the door and made it to my car. It was only a short drive to the airport, and I arrived at the barrier on the tarmac. I passed through and, again, there was a very nice jet that awaited my arrival. How much do these Imperial Officers get paid, I thought. Mary's personal flag was painted onto the tail seamlessly.

It is always a pleasure to visit Francograd, whether it be professional or leisure. My flight went smoothly without incident, and I landed at Francograd International Airport at about 11:30am. It was heaving. Everyone looked determined; like they were on a journey and their destination had to be reached at all costs. I went through the terminal, and it was certainly busier than when I arrived to interview the Emperor nearly a month ago. It was unclear why this hustle and bustle was occurring, but I did not have time to dwell on it because time was ticking and I had to meet Mary in less than half an hour. I started to run through to the terminal, but two lumbering security guards caught my eye so I reduced my speed. It was too risky. I reached the exit and again a deep black executive sedan awaited me. I dived in the back and asked the driver how long it will take to drive to the Body Republic building. He assured me I would arrive in time; which puzzled me somewhat because I never told him what time I had to be there by. Regardless, I lay back in my seat and looked out the window. Then, it hit me. That horribly plummeting sick feeling you feel in your stomach, like a man who has left his front door unlocked. I hadn't written the questions. Panicking, I ripped my laptop from its bag, praying that it had enough charge for me to write down some questions. Thank Franco, it did, and I kept telling myself it would be fine. I bashed out 7 or 8 questions and as I was thinking for more, we arrived at the Body Republic Security Checkpoint. I simply couldn't think of any more, so I saved the document and closed the laptop lid. I flashed my pass to the security guard and we were in.

Since I'd done this once before, and managed to successfully interview the man at the top, you wouldn't have thought I was nervous. Unfortunately, I was. I met the same man at the reception that I met the month before. He smiled at me, and asked if I was here for the Regent. I smiled and nodded, and he pointed me in the same direction to the Emperor's Office. I was hoping there wouldn't be another door left ajar, because my stomach couldn't take another one of those plummeting sickness feelings. I gingerly approached the infamous ajar-door, but it was shut and Umbrae was nowhere in sight. I gave myself a reassuring smile and continued on. At the end I could see the Emperor's Seal, and next to it there was a door with a small dragon hugging it tightly. This had to be Mary's. I knocked, and a voice said "Come in." She was sat behind a large desk, with many files and folders lying in one of those paper-shelves. I nodded and she invited me to sit down. "Let's get this done with, then." she said.

Thank you for allowing the PNN to sit down with you for this interview.

No problem.

It's been two weeks since the Office of the Regent was created, how are you finding your new responsibilities?

I'm still busy getting all of the different parts organised and running, but things are going well thus far. It's a lot of work, but it's work I'm glad to do.

Since almost all your work is behind the scenes, how would you best describe your work ethic?

You just can't let the work pile up on you. Work steadily and in a timely manner, and you're set.

Are the responsibilities of this new position similar at all to your previous role?

Yes and no. My old responsibilities did include working with other alliances and managing some things internally, but not to this degree.

Can you let the Body Republic in on any projects you're working on, if just to tease?

Heheh, sure. We're working on getting a functional trade program up and running between our neighbours on Red and ourselves, for one thing, which will hopefully help our members find the resources they need and will provide deliverance for any trade lepers such as myself.

Ever since the Moldavi Doctrine was rescinded and the Revenge Doctrine modified, how has the atmosphere of the Red Team changed?

The atmosphere has become more friendly in general for other alliances looking to form on Red. We and the alliances in Red Dawn are always ready to welcome a new Red alliance that shows a true interest and commitment in the unity and stability of the sphere. Hopefully we will be able to get the Red Protection Court running again in the future and allow our new neighbours help make Red a safe sphere for unaligned nations once again.

Has your nation been the proud recipient of any more nuclear weapons since the Armageddon War ended?

Actually no. I've not been attacked since the peace was signed.

How are you so damn good at Scrabble? I heard there've been fatalities.

There have been. It's just part of the territory. ;P

Really it's just about knowing the words to play, knowing where and when to play them, and, of course, knowing there may be no mercy.

Is there anything else you wish to add?

I'm very proud of my Comrades for all of their work to get us out of terms and rebuild our alliance to be greater than ever.

I'lll drink to that. Thank you very much for this interview, Mary. :)

Happy to have given one.

I spent an extra few seconds typing down bits and bobs, then stood up to shake her hand and thank her. She assured me it was quite all right and, after gathering my things, I left her room. 12:50pm was the time and, as I was making my way down the corridor, she emerged from her room holding a bag which I can only assume contained copious amounts of paperwork and other similar items. I waved to the receptionist, as I did the last time I was there, and made my way back to the airport. Mary was kind enough to arrange, or have arranged, my return flight home. On the way, I composed and edited the article ready for publishing. I eventually arrived at my house, so I kicked off my shoes and fell onto my bed. I phoned Brennan, said the article was on its way via email and I asked him if it was satisfactory. He was happy with the quality and asked me how it went. I thought about it, and I replied that it was an excellent experience. Although the insight was brief, it was interesting and it made me very grateful for the work our Regent is doing behind the scenes. Diplomacy is arguably one of the hardest things to do in terms of amount of work involved and the toll it takes on you. As we do not see much of her work, this opportunity allowed myself and, hopefully, my readers to gain an insight to what this amazing woman is doing for the betterment of us all.


Written by Speer

The Pacific Press - A jackboot on the pulse of world events.

Proudly Part of PNN

Edited by Brenann
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7. The best CBs are like wine, and must be aged to perfection.
This actually made me giggle.
6. To attack during a holiday so those with no real lives can feel important.
How often do big wars happen in workdays? Not sure i get this.
3. Curb stomp wars are still perfectly acceptable with lackluster CBs…
A war that brings in quite a few alliances that are in the sanction race on both sides isn't a curbstomp. Look in your history to get a more precise example of the term's use ;)

Overeall pretty entertaining. Keep on truckin' and don't stop going public. Don't think you could actually :P

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