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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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So you admit that \m/ has the mental maturity of a 12yr old boy? I agree.

This analogy is flawed. I am the leader of a small alliance, does that give me the right to go angering every AA bigger than me? I mean after all i'm small and I can always cry bully on the OWF.

Maybe you should read the post I quoted and try another shot.

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Friendship goes both ways. If one of your friends feels heavily insulted by another friend of yours, how would you handle the situation?

Well, I might point out to the insulted party, that if he hadn't come around where he had no real business to be, he wouldn't have been insulted. So I would then tell him he got what he deserved for that. If he has a hissy fit over this, then that's his own fault for not understanding that you can't always get your way.

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Actually you can raid random unaligned alliances, just make sure you don't talk about it.

In real life mugging someone and then blabbing about it to the press is a very bad idea, you don't know how many people out there may take offence at your breach of acceptable behaviour, some of them may even be willing to come and find you :unsure: The OWF is bob's answer to the media blabbing about breaching the accepted norms of many may cause insult to someone who is willing to act. Such is life, think before you speak.

So what is this acceptable number allowed for raiding, remember your alliance raids before answering.

You were correct, we very recently banned tech raiding completely, for IRON it is the practice of a time long gone by. Besides it was so heavily regulated that no one really ever participated in tech raiding anyway. However to humour your question:

IRON recognised an alliance as being defined as a body of more than 5 sovereign nations. While tech raiding was legal the nation had to be at least 5 days inactive and given 24 hour notice prior to any engagement. IRON nations as per the rules of war were allowed to participate in no more than one raid at a time and raids coordinated with other members were not permitted. Raids on nuclear nations were not permitted and should the nation turn around and give our individual a hiding then tough luck.

Edited by MCRABT
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They did the exact same thing so we're cheering for them? This part makes no sense to me.

It's an outrage when \m/ does it. It's heroic when NpO does it?

We'll see soon if the situations can compare at all. \m/ tech raided alliances, they attacked doing minimum damage to the nations. Somehow I don't think that's polars goal here. I'd guess cripple or disband would be much closer to their goals here.

Perhaps you should read a bit more. Much of the last bit was addressed in the OP.

I don't believe I ever said anything about what \m/ did as being an outrage. Perhaps you are talking about someone else? I was merely describing how both of their actions are equivalent. In all likelihood your grudges or current political designs will dictate who you think is right.

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Well, I might point out to the insulted party, that if he hadn't come around where he had no real business to be, he wouldn't have been insulted. So I would then tell him he got what he deserved for that. If he has a hissy fit over this, then that's his own fault for not understanding that you can't always get your way.

But if that friend of yours feels that something is happening that affects the entire world thus it affects him as well then you would be the one not being so friendly to a friend by telling him he has no business where he thinks he does.

Friendship goes both ways. You could have then included your supposed friend and moderated the discussion so your other friend did not treat the initial friend in such an unfriendly manner.

Instead you told your friend to get lost and to grin and bear it when your other friend gravely insults him. How very friendly of you.

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Because they want an easy war and have no guts. PC has lots of nukes and could probably do more damage than Polar is willing to take over some banter. But hey, I'm all for one alliance leader controlling the entire cyberverse all over again... telling us what we can and can't say or do. Yeah, that's going to make this community great.

o/ Almighty Grub! Ruler of CN!

Oh wait, I guess I should contact him privately for approval to publicly post this message, shouldn't I?

Yes, you should Jason8 he might declare on you also for making rude remarks. Who knows? No, I or not even Grub himself for he is indisposed at the moment.

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Perhaps you should read a bit more. Much of the last bit was addressed in the OP.

I don't believe I ever said anything about what \m/ did as being an outrage. Perhaps you are talking about someone else? I was merely describing how both of their actions are equivalent. In all likelihood your grudges or current political designs will dictate who you think is right.

I like \m/, if I was going to have a grudge against anyone here it would be Polar but here is the thing, \m/ took an action that many people, including Polar saw as wrong, Polar is now making \m/ pay consequences for that perceived wrong. The situations really are not the same at all, \m/'s action was unprovoked while Polar's action was provoked by the action that \m/ took.

edit i tipe gewd

Edited by KingSrqt
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Hey psst, you're supposed to suck up to NPO, this is NpO.

So, anyone who hails NpO is automatically sucking up to them? :huh: Well, then I shall commence the sucking up myself.

o/ NpO

If only this war could have happened while Athens was still directly in the crosshairs. Oh well, with any luck they'll be pulled in eventually. :3

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Perhaps you should read a bit more. Much of the last bit was addressed in the OP.

I don't believe I ever said anything about what \m/ did as being an outrage. Perhaps you are talking about someone else? I was merely describing how both of their actions are equivalent. In all likelihood your grudges or current political designs will dictate who you think is right.

Imho the reason this thread turned into a 50 page travesty is mostly based in the fact that Grub decided to post a flowery piece of fluff that doesn't say anything clearly.

If he had posted:

I went to discuss the outrageous actions of \m/ and was rudely insulted and told to bring it, so here goes!

At least half the back and forth rethoric would be unnecessary.

Instead he posted a muddy back and forth between: "tech raiding alliances is bad" and "they were rude and racist to me" (for which they apologized even if the OP ignored that point) and here we are.

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I like \m/, if I was going to have a grudge against anyone here it would be Polar but here is the thing, \m/ took an action that many people, including Polar saw as wrong, Polar is now making \m/ pay consequences for that perceived wrong. The situations reall are not the same as \m/'s action was unprovoked while Polar's action was provoked by the action that \m/ took

Yes, you are right indeed. Now look at how many people think this could have been handled a much more progressive way. I for one find this to be a great move Polar, just what I wanted now if only you'll DoW on PC and GOONS will I be happy.

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\m/ and Polaris have both proven in this incident that neither of them care what their allies think or the position it puts their allies in. As it was said early in the discussion, it's hard to come to a diplomatic solution when neither side wants to use diplomacy. Even though I despise \m/ and wish they would burn, this is a sad event. To echo Archon, Grub, I hope you know what you are doing.

Then it should be easy for both sides allies to sit back and say the best thing we can do as allies and friends to these guys is to let them get bloody. Everyone form up a circle and let them get their licks in but be ready to be friends that know when to say enough is enough. Although I would hope my friend Grub would know when that point is already. I would agree with anyone that says that this isn't really worth a full beat down.

Maybe NpO should have asked ask Rok to intervene if they felt so insulted. \m/ apologized for what occurred, but it wasn't good enough for NpO. I really would like to know what NpO expects \m/ to do help solve this situation.

So NpO should go running around to others when they are insulted? "Hey guys, they said bad things to us! Tell them to stop!" We are regressing to taddle tales are we?

Sometimes an apology is not enough.

If you insult me to the point in which I want to kick your $@!, apologizing profusely when I am stalking forward upon you is not going to change my mood nor does it excuse your actions. It may stave off a few blows though and hopefully that will be the case here.

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Perhaps you should read a bit more. Much of the last bit was addressed in the OP.

I don't believe I ever said anything about what \m/ did as being an outrage. Perhaps you are talking about someone else? I was merely describing how both of their actions are equivalent. In all likelihood your grudges or current political designs will dictate who you think is right.

If you don't think \m/ did anything wrong I have a hard time understanding how you cna support this war. Unless you think attacking people you disagree with should be the new standard.

As I pointed out in an earlier post (hidden deep within the thread) the OP doesn't give a satisfactory answer to that at all. It states that \m/ decides when this will stop but it gives no clear reason to why the war even started. Grub has made a few posts but not a single time said what he expects to get from \m/ so saying that \m/ decides when this will end seems very dishonest.

Also no I'm not ranting about this because I like \m/ so much. I don't like the idea of alliances rolling others for no reason suddenly get support. The situation doesn't compare to what \m/ has done. They've tech raided as I said before. They've gone in to do minimum damage while this is a war where the goal is to hurt \m/.

People think it's right this time around because they don't like \m/. I actually hope polars takes a shot at forced disbandment because I'd love to see you guys support that. Hypocricy warms my heart.

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Then it should be easy for both sides allies to sit back and say the best thing we can do as allies and friends to these guys is to let them get bloody. Everyone form up a circle and let them get their licks in but be ready to be friends that know when to say enough is enough. Although I would hope my friend Grub would know when that point is already. I would agree with anyone that says that this isn't really worth a full beat down.

So NpO should go running around to others when they are insulted? "Hey guys, they said bad things to us! Tell them to stop!" We are regressing to taddle tales are we?

Sometimes an apology is not enough.

If you insult me to the point in which I want to kick your $@!, apologizing profusely when I am stalking forward upon you is not going to change my mood nor does it excuse your actions. It may stave off a few blows though and hopefully that will be the case here.

If they wanted a diplomatic solution, they would. But NpO doesn't. I'm so sorry \m/ called NpO bad names, hopefully everyone will be extra nice to them so they don't get offended in the future.

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I like \m/, if I was going to have a grudge against anyone here it would be Polar but here is the thing, \m/ took an action that many people, including Polar saw as wrong, Polar is now making \m/ pay consequences for that perceived wrong. The situations really are not the same at all, \m/'s action was unprovoked while Polar's action was provoked by the action that \m/ took.

edit i tipe gewd

nitpick, budding your nose into a situation you are not involved in, and then issueing demands is a provocation as well.

If Grub's response to the recent raids had been something along the lines of: "we consider it base and crass to bully alliances weaker than you, therefor we offer a blanket statement of protection for any alliance that wishes it, they need only come forth and ask for it" they would have been in the right, and most likely achieved widely positive PR.

Instead they bulldozed their way into an already resolved conflict and picked a single agressor out to bully them instead. Well done!

(Note i am still not defending the slurs on IRC Grubb received as a response. Frankly any player should be mature enough to be able to say: "No and stay out of here" without resorting to insults.)

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But if that friend of yours feels that something is happening that affects the entire world thus it affects him as well then you would be the one not being so friendly to a friend by telling him he has no business where he thinks he does.

If he's having such delusions of grandeur, then I feel sorry for him. There is no way this situation was a 'world changing' one.

Friendship goes both ways. You could have then included your supposed friend and moderated the discussion so your other friend did not treat the initial friend in such an unfriendly manner.

Same goes for Polar when they went after \m/ in discussions.

Instead you told your friend to get lost and to grin and bear it when your other friend gravely insults him. How very friendly of you.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Cliche, but seriously, if the insults were a result of hard headed stubbornness, then sometimes yeah, people do deserve to get told to stick it where the sun don't shine. I could go bully my way into some of purple's affairs, and as soon as they start insulting me for being where I don't belong, am I supposed to then declare war on them, when it was I who initiated it? That's terrible logic.

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I for one find this to be a great move Polar, just what I wanted now if only you'll DoW on PC and GOONS will I be happy.

It will be quite interesting to see if/when PC honors its treaty obligations, how many invoke the "optional" aggression.

Lots of talk. Can't wait to see what happens. Thank you, Grub, for making the game interesting. At least for a day or two.

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Yes, you are right indeed. Now look at how many people think this could have been handled a much more progressive way. I for one find this to be a great move Polar, just what I wanted now if only you'll DoW on PC and GOONS will I be happy.

Please don't advocate for people to attack your allies, it is rather poor form :/

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If they wanted a diplomatic solution, they would. But NpO doesn't. I'm so sorry \m/ called NpO bad names, hopefully everyone will be extra nice to them so they don't get offended in the future.

Sounds like a great reason for a short scuffle to me. Then again, my nation is aging quickly and dying out.

OOC: The boredom of this world kills me, short wars like this are a good thing in my opinion/ooc

If he's having such delusions of grandeur, then I feel sorry for him. There is no way this situation was a 'world changing' one.

Same goes for Polar when they went after \m/ in discussions.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Cliche, but seriously, if the insults were a result of hard headed stubbornness, then sometimes yeah, people do deserve to get told to stick it where the sun don't shine. I could go bully my way into some of purple's affairs, and as soon as they start insulting me for being where I don't belong, am I supposed to then declare war on them, when it was I who initiated it? That's terrible logic.

Well its true I am not fully up to date on the situation and it will probably have to remain that way as I dont care to invest the time in going around to all parties to get the full story but you are telling a friend to act more friendly to you when you aren't really acting all that friendly to them.

I would bet that the mouthy little friend that you are defending verbally is standing back in the shadows laughing at all the chaos they are causing and how they are moving the world so easily.

You could be pushing to make sure its just a small short term scuffle between two friends but instead you want to insult one of your friends for standing up for their beliefs. I could be wrong for sure but that is what I am perceiving here. I realize you speak for yourself in this just as I do so I am not trying to put this on MK as I saw someone trying to attribute to my words earlier.

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If i'm following this correctly, it goes something like this;

Grub tries to prevent raiders from running rulers off the planet.

One set of said raiders not only remains brash, but also attacks him personally in the process.

Polar declares war upon realizing that diplomacy is futile in this instance.

Uproar ensues over Grub having no business being offended or trying to help Bob retain citizens.

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Sounds like a great reason for a short scuffle to me. Then again, my nation is aging quickly and dying out.

OOC: The boredom of this world kills me, short wars like this are a good thing in my opinion/ooc

Well its true I am not fully up to date on the situation and it will probably have to remain that way as I dont care to invest the time in going around to all parties to get the full story but you are telling a friend to act more friendly to you when you aren't really acting all that friendly to them.

I would bet that the mouthy little friend that you are defending verbally is standing back in the shadows laughing at all the chaos they are causing and how they are moving the world so easily.

You could be pushing to make sure its just a small short term scuffle between two friends but instead you want to insult one of your friends for standing up for their beliefs. I could be wrong for sure but that is what I am perceiving here. I realize you speak for yourself in this just as I do so I am not trying to put this on MK as I saw someone trying to attribute to my words earlier.

I agree with you that whatever language \m/ used wasn't a good idea, but I seriously have a hard time believing a war should have come out of this.

OOC: If you want war, why not make it yourself?

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I don't like the idea of alliances rolling others for no reason suddenly get support.

Then you should love this war, because that is exactly what Polar are saying. The reason for this is precisely that people thought they could roll others for no reason and Polar are showing them that this is not the case.

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