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Final Zero Hour Announcement


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Seems the members of Zero Hour almost got all they wanted out of this arrangement. They got to break from TPF, which they wanted to do anyways but without all the hassle of saying so, secure themselves on the other side of the treaty web, absolve themselves of the guilt of their deception and enact revenge on mhawk.

Was the dissolution of ZH a fitting punishment? An acceptable sacrifice? Or are they secretly glad they can escape the whole fiasco without walking around with the shame tinted target on their heads? I suppose only their confidants will ever truly know.

Frankly, considering the trouble they caused, I'm glad to see this political entity washed away. I hope the whole experience for their members was both painful and embarrassing- not because I am vindictive but because those are the sort of experiences that teach you about life, maturity, and conduct.

That said, now it's over.

A sad end for high drama. I hope the trials and tribulations of this event makes those involved better people. I hope others affected by their actions will be able to forgive, if not ever forget.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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While I don't believe I can ever call some of the ZH crew friends again, I still wish you all best. Whats done is done. No sense in keeping grudges anymore, doesn't get us anywhere in the future.

Will still always remember the fun times we had in TPF, even with some of the things that were said to one another in the end. Best of luck wherever you go.

- Coven

EDIT: Grammar.

Edited by Airikr
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Bloodied up a bit, but slaughtered....I think not.

Ah, but remember that the entire alliance, regardless of knowledge, bears the sins of it's leaders.....right?

I echo the sentiments of my alliance mate Desperado in saying that I wish nothing but the best for the former members of ZH, especially the ones I knew well from TPF. They are a great group of men and women.

....as for the alliance of Zero Hour itself, nothing of value was lost.

Agreed. I got off on a tangent previously, and shouldn't have. The alliance and those who were culpable are the ones responsible. The members in ZH who had no knowledge of their leaders' actions I have no problem with. I, too, knew many when they were a part of TPF, and have fond memories of them. I still believe ZH should have had more punishment, but that is now a null point as you've all disbanded.

Oh, and HI DRUNKMONKEY! I see you've decided to let me be a part of your exit from Planet Bob :D I've spent enough time in nuclear anarchy lately that I'm beginning to enjoy the radiation. ;)

Edit: Department of Redundancy Department edit...

Edited by JWConner
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I'd think losing your identity as an alliance and needing to join someone else would be worse than getting rolled, infra can be replaced after all but ZH is now gone for good. Or is that too sentimental for this crowd?

Still, it could have been much worse for you guys, I hope you don't tempt fate again in wherever you choose to go from here

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While I don't believe I can ever call some of the ZH crew friends again, I still wish you all best. Whats done is done. No sense in keeping grudges anymore, doesn't get us anywhere in the future.

Will still always remember the fun times we had in TPF, even with some of the things that were said to one another in the end. Best of luck wherever you go.

- Coven

EDIT: Grammar.

Friends? There are no such thing as friends here. You want to talk about friendship? What friend would put another in such a compromising position to begin with? No friend of mine would put me in the position that TPF put ZH, and then in return ZH put TPF. $%&@ friendship. What you have on planet bob are enemies and acquaintances, and you're only an acquaintance if you're useful.

I ain't got no friends here, and neither do you.

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Friends? There are no such thing as friends here. You want to talk about friendship? What friend would put another in such a compromising position to begin with? No friend of mine would put me in the position that TPF put ZH, and then in return ZH put TPF. $%&@ friendship. What you have on planet bob are enemies and acquaintances, and you're only an acquaintance if you're useful.

I ain't got no friends here, and neither do you.

Removed... I'll keep my opinions to myself.

Edited by Airikr
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Friends? There are no such thing as friends here. You want to talk about friendship? What friend would put another in such a compromising position to begin with? No friend of mine would put me in the position that TPF put ZH, and then in return ZH put TPF. $%&@ friendship. What you have on planet bob are enemies and acquaintances, and you're only an acquaintance if you're useful.

I ain't got no friends here, and neither do you.

Oh my, butthurt much? Oh green, you used to show some sort of promise back in CDS.

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You speak like that because nobody likes you.

But, your point is noted. :P

Perhaps your version of history is more romanticized than mine. Perhaps you choose not to see the backstabbing and hatred that has fueled the history of this planet. Perhaps the are more flowers, and peace, and love, and even friendship in that place you choose to call reality. The truth is harsh though, and the truth is you're only a "friend" to someone until they no longer have a use for you, and then it's only a matter of time before you find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun, held by that person you thought was your "friend."

You have no friends here, only enemies and acquaintances. I suggest you make sure you're always of use to have around.

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Perhaps your version of history is more romanticized than mine. Perhaps you choose not to see the backstabbing and hatred that has fueled the history of this planet. Perhaps the are more flowers, and peace, and love, and even friendship in that place you choose to call reality. The truth is harsh though, and the truth is you're only a "friend" to someone until they no longer have a use for you, and then it's only a matter of time before you find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun, held by that person you thought was your "friend."

You have no friends here, only enemies and acquaintances. I suggest you make sure you're always of use to have around.

Calm down son, it's just an online game.

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While I don't believe I can ever call some of the ZH crew friends again, I still wish you all best. Whats done is done. No sense in keeping grudges anymore, doesn't get us anywhere in the future.

Will still always remember the fun times we had in TPF, even with some of the things that were said to one another in the end. Best of luck wherever you go.

- Coven

I'm gonna have to echo this. We had some great times back in TPF. It's sad that all of this had to happen. I wish only the best to you guys whether you are leaving CN or heading to another alliance.

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Well...I haven't been involved in alliance politics for a long, long time now, but best of luck to my old friends from TPF... Not sure what exactly happened, as one day I just logged in to see I was being attacked and apparently, there was something to do with spying or something. Anyway...

As for Green astronaut jones... I have to agree that from a IC perspective, there often aren't "friends" but at the same time, I definitely view any former comrades from TPF as friends at some level (IC and OOC). Probably because I never really got that involved in the politics...

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Declaring on ZH would have been a sideshow that no one particularly wanted. A restart of the recently concluded war and a strategic mess militarily speaking. I'm sorry but...you weren't *that* important. <_<

Somehow though, I think you already knew that.

PROTIP: Don't sit inside an honorable alliance with numerous treaties to its credit proclaiming how people should "do something about it" if they find your past dishonorable behavior objectionable. It reflects badly on your new home, but mostly it reflects very badly on you.

i would say that having Valhallans say that "sweeping it under the rug" reflects quite badly. we see what happens to those who sweep crap under the rug. frankly, if i would rather have a friend that owns up to mistakes than a friend continuously hides mistakes until they blow up in his face.

it seems Valhalla though is far more willing to lie/omit the truth to save their own skin than they are prepared to man up and take punishment like ZH was willing to do. again, ZH was willing to take punishment, blame Athens for deciding not to punish. Valhalla seems to be made of lesser stuff than ZH as even chefjoe is unwilling to take punishment for crimes he may have committed.

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If Athens was an MK puppet they wouldn't have declared the last war (see: all of Archon's posts about that situation) you bumbling moron. Seriously, get some originality and intelligence, or just stop posting.

You should let them fight their own battles. But, the main part was to get back at rsox who I have a new found respect for. Good luck next time, buddy

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Oh my. I can't say I'm too excited about how things went at the end there. For all that, I have a lot of good memories of time spent with some of your members (hi Ayrrie). I wish you guys well, and hope you are able to find good homes.

Edited by Kryievla
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Well, I knew this day would come from the moment I first read about the true origins of the alliance on the day the Athens/TPF war started. Nevertheless, I was sad to see it come but it seems like an appropriate outcome. Having joined ZH from TPF at the beginning with no knowledge of the plot, it was rather disturbing to see that I had been in an alliance that was built on spying since I never saw any evidence of anything like that going on. Most people seemed happy to be in a smaller, tighter alliance and perhaps that is why the leadership had a change of heart regarding their original mission.

After hearing about the origins, I immediately felt betrayed by the other ex-TPF members of Zero Hour since apparently every one I asked knew about it except me. :blink: After pondering things, I decided to stick with the alliance until any threats of war against us had passed since despite my ignorance, I did not wish to bail on the alliance since I still liked the people involved on a personal level. As far as I see it, there are potentially three aggrieved parties from this whole mess: Athens, Zero Hour members who didn't know what was going on, and TPF. Athens has forgiven ZH. Personally, I have chosen to forgive the leadership which led us astray. It seems most other members who were not in the know have chosen to forgive the leadership. Some TPF members seem to have a forgiving nature while others will not as is their choice. The rest of the peanut gallery can make their own judgments as mostly uninvolved parties.

Disbandment seems like the ultimate penalty to what had grown into a tight knit community. Sure, people could have taken our infrastructure and whatever else, but to be honest we had only had that since August as we had long since given that up in defense of TPF in the Karma War. Either way, it's time to move on.

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ZH, im disappointed in you, many former legionnaires in your ranks remember when we and valhalla were at our throats, and how bad it felt when we nearly lost our alliance because of it. I', sure though you have learned your lesson (albeit at the loss of your community) and hope the future will be kinder towards you.

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Following the brilliant points made in this thread by Astronaut Jones (A happy person), JWConner (A brilliant and noted politician), and TheAUT (lolmisr), an emergency meeting of Athens government has decided that all nations not off the Zero Hour AA within 2 weeks will be placed on double-secret probation EZI across rerolls.

If we were going to attack ZH we'd have done it already and your posts aren't going to change anything. If all you want to do is complain about what we should have done, get in line. Since you're all so generous with your advice, I think I'll pass out some of my own in an effort to reciprocate your kindness.

Greenacres: Go back to that time when you decided to launch yourself into space and leave Planet Bob. Repeat.

JWConner: Do something besides express an opinion. FFS, no matter how many times Athens/NSO/any other alliance screw up, at least we're doing something.

misr: Go make a poll


I'll just need you to fill out this form and then I'll be better able to respond.

Edit: Englishfail

Edited by Roadie
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