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\m/ Announcement \m/

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something tells me that, with the kind of negative attention \m/ has already received, if they did attempt it, the world at large would not react as kindly to this transgression as \m/ would hope for.

Believe me, the consequences that I hope such an action would entail don't line up with what \m/ would hope for.

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I mean, I almost hope they DO raid the alliance, considering their protector doesn't look that prepared to protect them. *

*I don't know what, if any, treaties their protector might have, however.

Treaty with TGE (The Reinsurance Treaty) who have many treaties which include The International, FOK, We Are Perth Army & The Immortals . This could be fun :)

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Plenty of people liked the Unjust Path. Just nobody that you surrounded yourself with.

Quoting one of these posts (there are several). You guys never heard of hyperbole, huh? There weren't many people outside of the Path that liked it, though.

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By all accounts, the new GOONS has changed in attitude/overall behaviour to a degree, so, good on them. \m/ however, has an attitude that they've done absolutely nothing to earn, and I hope they burn, and burn quickly, especially if they attempt to tech raid jerusalem, when it's clearly state in a few of their nation bios that they are protected by an alliance already.

I have more stripes than you do.

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Can anyone explain to \m/ why this announcement is frustrating to many on Bob without bringing past wars or current political alignments into this?

I'll try again, a bit more honestly:

\m/ is doing something right here, whether it is their intention or not.

This announcement loudly asserts in simple and bold terms that after numerous wars claiming to be over fair play and decency, we still have no universally or even commonly accepted standards for our international conduct.

\m/ reminds us yet again, underneath all of our vestiges of allied formality, treaties and wars of "precedent," what a savage and unchanged place Planet Bob remains.

This greatly frustrates those who want to think Planet Bob is progressing.

So let's correct this by continuing to pile all of our worldly frustrations onto \m/, right?

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By all accounts, the new GOONS has changed in attitude/overall behaviour to a degree, so, good on them. \m/ however, has an attitude that they've done absolutely nothing to earn, and I hope they burn, and burn quickly, especially if they attempt to tech raid jerusalem, when it's clearly state in a few of their nation bios that they are protected by an alliance already.

You are a sad, strange little man.

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Can anyone explain to \m/ why this announcement is frustrating to many on Bob without bringing past wars or current political alignments into this?

I'll try again, a bit more honestly:

\m/ is doing something right here, whether it is their intention or not.

This announcement loudly asserts in simple and bold terms that after numerous wars claiming to be over fair play and decency, we still have no universally or even commonly accepted standards for our international conduct.

\m/ reminds us yet again, underneath all of our vestiges of allied formality, treaties and wars of "precedent," what a savage and unchanged place Planet Bob remains.

This greatly frustrates those who want to think Planet Bob is progressing.

So let's correct this by continuing to pile all of our worldly frustrations onto \m/, right?

\m/ cuts though to the very essence of CN itt

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Can anyone explain to \m/ why this announcement is frustrating to many on Bob without bringing past wars or current political alignments into this?

I'll try again, a bit more honestly:

\m/ is doing something right here, whether it is their intention or not.

This announcement loudly asserts in simple and bold terms that after numerous wars claiming to be over fair play and decency, we still have no universally or even commonly accepted standards for our international conduct.

\m/ reminds us yet again, underneath all of our vestiges of allied formality, treaties and wars of "precedent," what a savage and unchanged place Planet Bob remains.

This greatly frustrates those who want to think Planet Bob is progressing.

So let's correct this by continuing to pile all of our worldly frustrations onto \m/, right?

Sometimes, when i play call of duty in my oval office, i just sit and wait for those darned Japanese soldiers to talk it out with me so we can all go home happy and merry, and it's best that no one DARE play differently than me, lest i tell them how much no one likes them

Edited by Aeternalis
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Of all the people who could have mentioned this first...

Oh, be nice to me. I happen to have really liked most of the old \m/ people, especially those 2 that are no longer with us that preceded Hal & Vir.

Only problem I've ever had with \m/ were their policies, despite the fact that I found most of what they did pretty damn funny. (ie: Attacktorate Status)

The concept and ideology of the alliance is superb. The implementation of those ideologies is what led many to their intense hatred of the alliance as an entity.

I fought on the opposite side as the old \m/ in that silly war a long time ago - a war that needed to happen, not precisely for \m/, but for the power struggle that the goonies were winning. \m/ and [m] were both incidentals, and the fact that many squigglies disliked them, including the GrandMaster Squiggly King, it led to their downfall. I would be just as happy to fight it out every few months with someone I don't like, part ways, and do it again when you're all refreshed. :P

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't play that way. They'd rather win it all, right here, right now. I think this last war has just shown us that nobody has the balls to go that far anymore.

Pacifica needs to hurry up and pay off their debts and rebuild so they can show all these peace-loving clowns how it's done again. :P

I believe I have digressed. Anyway. _m/ is some funny dudes.

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