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An Address from the Grandmaster


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I'm really, really tired and I didn't read the OP at all, but if I had to guess, it is Doitzel's rapier wit directed at IRON's pointedly staying out of the current conflict, in which case I would like to give a quiet "I told you so" and go to bed.

Silly people thinking this would actually turn into a big war...

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what he said . leave odn to the dogs already. hypocrites.

I believe it was IRON who are the hypocrites, since on the eve of NoCB they patted us on the back for canceling on Polar and ignoring the 72-hour cancellation clause, and then when we did it to them they got all upset.

Edit: Not to mention they tried to do the exact same thing to NPO at the exact same time.

Edited by Caesius
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Apparently it's misuse words day today.

pla⋅gia⋅rism  [pley-juh-riz-uhm, -jee-uh-riz-]


1. the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

2. something used and represented in this manner.

hyp⋅o⋅crite  [hip-uh-krit]


1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

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corect me if i'm wrong but you called IRON a scumbag alliance because of the war where it lost 2/3 of it's ns.

You're wrong. I do not say that. And if I did, that wouldn't prove my hypocrisy would it? Are you ever going to post anything thoughtful in this thread? This reminds me of the golden age of arguing with Pre-Karma Pacificans.

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You're wrong. I do not say that. And if I did, that wouldn't prove my hypocrisy would it? Are you ever going to post anything thoughtful in this thread? This reminds me of the golden age of arguing with Pre-Karma Pacificans.

not really...i find it a waist of time to argue here. i mean, why ruin my smarts on people who don't want to talk smart?? i'm just makin' fun of y'all that's all :P

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hyp⋅o⋅crite  [hip-uh-krit]



1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.


Yeah, that's how I meant it. As an insult. Well, kinda. I wasn't simply trying to insult Karma, but pointing out your hypocrisy has to feel insulting. I am sorry if Karma feels this way. When you stop being hypocritical, I will stop pointing it out. I hope you will do the same, when we stop being cowards.

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so, you saying making fun of people who act like hypocrites is disallowed then?? o.0

You'd do a much better job of making fun of me if you proved I was a hypocrite. You see, you might not notice, but your "yups" and various other arguments are being ridiculed mercilessly here. The fun made here is entirely at your expense. But you could all turn that on me if you actually managed to construct an intelligent post proving my hypocrisy.

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It looks to me that people 4 or 5 treaties away from ever being involved, are hell bent on escalating this to a full blown global war.

actually, doitzel said that the was is just to stomp IRON again here:

The healing was so fast and effective, in fact, that when another war nearly dragged them into the line of fire people actually thought that the quiet giant would awake from its Independence to sacrifice more infrastructure in a losing war.
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I think you were just trying to throw out a response so I'm not going to take the insult too seriously... In the future if thats what you draw from one of my posts I would try reading again, clearly you didn't understand it the first time...

The point here is the inconsistency on the part of those criticizing TPF's allies, and those advocating for the CB. If we are to believe the CB is sound, and that the war is for IC reasons (as numerous members of SF/C&G and those associated with them have assured us) then the CB which is founded upon an infiltration plot, and supposed spying should be legitimate grounds to activate the anti-espionage clauses in each of TPF's treaty partners. So for those supporting the attack on TPF it would be very silly for them to also criticize TPF's allies as their rational to attack is also a fully legitimate rational for those allies to not defend TPF.

In this case the only way for criticism of TPF's allies to be legitimate is for those attacking TPF's allies to also admit either that the war is being fought for OOC reasons, and that the CB is illegitimate. If they try to uphold both its just flagrant hypocrisy.

Anti-espionage clauses? I wasn't aware they existed (I don't see anything on the Zenith treaty for example, my connection is slow so I can't be bothered to check others). But if the majority do cointain such a clause then fair enough, I see what you're saying. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Though in fairness, TPF and some allies have been pretty vocal about what they think of the CB, so it's still reasonable to expect them to stand by their beliefs regardless of what the person handing out the critisism thinks.

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The point here is the inconsistency on the part of those criticizing TPF's allies, and those advocating for the CB. If we are to believe the CB is sound, and that the war is for IC reasons (as numerous members of SF/C&G and those associated with them have assured us) then the CB which is founded upon an infiltration plot, and supposed spying should be legitimate grounds to activate the anti-espionage clauses in each of TPF's treaty partners. So for those supporting the attack on TPF it would be very silly for them to also criticize TPF's allies as their rational to attack is also a fully legitimate rational for those allies to not defend TPF.

Quoting this for truth.

My alliance is not involved, I am not involved, and I dont have any preset opinion on the situation. Having read a lot of back and forth, it looks to me like the preponderance of evidence and logic tends to put TPF in the wrong, but I am still open to counterarguments that make sense, and I have in fact seen a handful of decent attempts, unfortunately drowned in all the retarded noise emanating from both sides.

But the trolling going on here is disgusting. Elyat, really. You are better than this.

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Doitzel, that avatar is hilarious.

Shouldn't sign treaties with dirtbags then. Didn't you learn during the Karma war?

corect me if i'm wrong but you called IRON a scumbag alliance because of the war where it lost 2/3 of it's ns.
You're wrong. I do not say that. And if I did, that wouldn't prove my hypocrisy would it? Are you ever going to post anything thoughtful in this thread? This reminds me of the golden age of arguing with Pre-Karma Pacificans.

and you're saying you weren't being a tad bit hypocritical....

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so, you saying making fun of people who act like hypocrites is disallowed then?? o.0

No, I'm saying posting drivel, in the style of the early years of the proverbial "monkeys with typewriters" no less, while insulting the intelligence of everyone else in the discussion is something of an own-goal.

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