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The Phoenix Federation Response to war.


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This makes me so, so very happy. If you're going to be an underhanded player at least be up front with it mhawk. Playing the noble knight in public while pulling this kind of stuff only makes it worse when the veil is ripped down.

I'll enjoy this.

He was honorable to the extent that he stuck by his allies. While the tactics may not be universally approved, he was fighting a war. It was perfectly acceptable when vox and fan utilized spying, infiltration, and other guerrilla tactics in so far as the enemy was deemed to be evil by the community. In many ways the community itself served to defend Blackstone and OV when they engaged in similar nefarious behavior... again directed against hegemony. Now TPF is shown to have planned, and possibly engaged in the behavior typically seen in a longterm guerrilla war, behavior which was directed against a member of the enemy coalition; except rather than being lauded and praised for their actions, they are now condemned to another round of ZI six months after the fact. It's really not so much the fact that war was the eventual out come of this, it is the fact that athens and rok didn't even bother to go through the normal diplomatic confrontation which occurs in the lead up to a war. Even the community hated enemies NPO and Q took the time to attempt to avert war with a diplomatic solution; I would have expected much more from Athens and Rok.

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Let's just call this what it is, people hating and seizing upon a BS reason to exact some revenge while they can.

Athens, still pissed about getting rolled some 2 years ago,

GOD- FailXiph still hatin

/m\- still hating about ujw (before you start putting an endless timeframe to CB's better rethink what got you rolled in the first place....I mean that would be funny you getting attacked for what happened years ago, while most of yiour current members weren't around...)

RoK - i guess still hatin

Fact is those logs are cut and paste by someone, who IDK. I know because some of them refer to an operation I ran well before the war ended that had nothing to due with spying and everything to do with war conduct. OOC anyone interested can query me OOC

due to the fact that those logs contain that info put in, and come at some unknown time, the update requests could mean anything..I mean those were Gov members and updates getting requested happens. and funny enough most of the update reqests come in the form of someone posting a quote form mhawk, not mhawk, from some unknown time.

The split happened, there was fallout amounst members of Gov, and abuse towards members of TPF that was uncalled for. Personally I saw the protectorate as a means for revenge to be sought against TPF, and it seems I was right...they seem to be esp skilled at choosing patsys.

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He was honorable to the extent that he stuck by his allies. While the tactics may not be universally approved, he was fighting a war. It was perfectly acceptable when vox and fan utilized spying, infiltration, and other guerrilla tactics in so far as the enemy was deemed to be evil by the community. In many ways the community itself served to defend Blackstone and OV when they engaged in similar nefarious behavior... again directed against hegemony. Now TPF is shown to have planned, and possibly engaged in the behavior typically seen in a longterm guerrilla war, behavior which was directed against a member of the enemy coalition; except rather than being lauded and praised for their actions, they are now condemned to another round of ZI six months after the fact. It's really not so much the fact that war was the eventual out come of this, it is the fact that athens and rok didn't even bother to go through the normal diplomatic confrontation which occurs in the lead up to a war. Even the community hated enemies NPO and Q took the time to attempt to avert war with a diplomatic solution; I would have expected much more from Athens and Rok.

I think you assume too much.

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/m\- still hating about ujw (before you start putting an endless timeframe to CB's better rethink what got you rolled in the first place....I mean that would be funny you getting attacked for what happened years ago, while most of yiour current members weren't around...)

We've put all of our former conflicts to rest. And I will admit it. \m/ is in this war primarily because RoK asked us to be. But we want to exact revenge on TPF for setting the precedent for two years of absolute game-killing hell, not to mention their betrayal. We're not barbarians, though. With you clowns, a CB was bound to show up anyway.

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We've put all of our former conflicts to rest. And I will admit it. \m/ is in this war primarily because RoK asked us to be. But we want to exact revenge on TPF for setting the precedent for two years of absolute game-killing hell, not to mention their betrayal. We're not barbarians, though. With you clowns, a CB was bound to show up anyway.

We done it! We ruined Little_Em_Space's game!

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He was honorable to the extent that he stuck by his allies. While the tactics may not be universally approved, he was fighting a war. It was perfectly acceptable when vox and fan utilized spying, infiltration, and other guerrilla tactics in so far as the enemy was deemed to be evil by the community. In many ways the community itself served to defend Blackstone and OV when they engaged in similar nefarious behavior... again directed against hegemony. Now TPF is shown to have planned, and possibly engaged in the behavior typically seen in a longterm guerrilla war, behavior which was directed against a member of the enemy coalition; except rather than being lauded and praised for their actions, they are now condemned to another round of ZI six months after the fact. It's really not so much the fact that war was the eventual out come of this, it is the fact that athens and rok didn't even bother to go through the normal diplomatic confrontation which occurs in the lead up to a war. Even the community hated enemies NPO and Q took the time to attempt to avert war with a diplomatic solution; I would have expected much more from Athens and Rok.

I think you're missing the point of my post. Vox used underhanded, behind the scene tactics, everyone knew it, and they acted like they did. Vox didn't try to fool the world into a false sense of appreciating them. They did their job, did it well, and told everyone exactly what they were doing while they did it. Mhawk, on the other hand, played the noble in public while playing the absolute scumbag in the background. People bug me a lot for my unflinching ways. It's nice to be proven right for once.

Let's just call this what it is, people hating and seizing upon a BS reason to exact some revenge while they can.

I said this exact same thing when your alliance declared on my former one. Not so nice being on that end is it?

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I think you're missing the point of my post. Vox used underhanded, behind the scene tactics, everyone knew it, and they acted like they did. Vox didn't try to fool the world into a false sense of appreciating them. They did their job, did it well, and told everyone exactly what they were doing while they did it. Mhawk, on the other hand, played the noble in public while playing the absolute scumbag in the background. People bug me a lot for my unflinching ways. It's nice to be proven right for once.

LOL that was different!

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We've put all of our former conflicts to rest. And I will admit it. \m/ is in this war primarily because RoK asked us to be. But we want to exact revenge on TPF for setting the precedent for two years of absolute game-killing hell, not to mention their betrayal. We're not barbarians, though. With you clowns, a CB was bound to show up anyway.

You do realize you contradict yourself in your own post?? Please just wait for our scholars to arrive and help your people out before posting again. Help is on the way.

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I said this exact same thing when your alliance declared on my former one. Not so nice being on that end is it?

The fact was while CB was OOC, which is not appropriate for this game/forum, it was true. You sir are a brick wall, and arguing with you is useless. I quit listening to your arguements during that war.

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I think you're missing the point of my post. Vox used underhanded, behind the scene tactics, everyone knew it, and they acted like they did. Vox didn't try to fool the world into a false sense of appreciating them. They did their job, did it well, and told everyone exactly what they were doing while they did it. Mhawk, on the other hand, played the noble in public while playing the absolute scumbag in the background. People bug me a lot for my unflinching ways. It's nice to be proven right for once.

Nicely said.

It'll be fun how this whole thing plays out.

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You know, the logs that Athens posted actually show it ending prior to the end of the Karma war.

01[22:53] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> Yohan & I have to talk to hawk as soon as TPF accepts peace

[22:53] <Beernuts|Away> aboot?

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> the op

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> we're pulling out

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> that sucks

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> you gonna hop from athens then?

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> well tomorrow i'll tell you why in person

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> can't tell me now?

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> you've got me all curious and !@#$

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> nah, not the place for it

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Karma is exactly what I thought it would be.

\m/ never claimed to be saints. Never claimed to be moralists, or great humanists. We are spiteful pricks, we hold grudges. We are indeed taking the utmost pleasure in ruining TPF's pixels and grinding the alliance into the dust, and will always take such pleasure, years from now, if I am ever given the opportunity. We aren't Karma. We are \m/, and take great prides in yours tears.

In short, you will get over it. Kthxbai.

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You know, the logs that Athens posted actually show it ending prior to the end of the Karma war.

01[22:53] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> Yohan & I have to talk to hawk as soon as TPF accepts peace

[22:53] <Beernuts|Away> aboot?

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> the op

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> we're pulling out

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> that sucks

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> you gonna hop from athens then?

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> well tomorrow i'll tell you why in person

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> can't tell me now?

[22:54] <Beernuts|Away> you've got me all curious and !@#$

01[22:54] <DrunkMonkey[ZH]> nah, not the place for it

Ok, excuse me Sir, you need to take your facts and go elsewhere. They are not needed here, kthxbai

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\m/ never claimed to be saints. Never claimed to be moralists, or great humanists. We are spiteful pricks, we hold grudges. We are indeed taking the utmost pleasure in ruining TPF's pixels and grinding the alliance into the dust, and will always take such pleasure, years from now, if I am ever given the opportunity. We aren't Karma. We are \m/, and take great prides in yours tears.

In short, you will get over it. Kthxbai.

You're not getting out of this mess that easily. If you want to treat us like a cornered and injured dog, it's time to show what an injured and cornered dog can do.

See you at \m/idnight.

I'll bring the jars.

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Little_Em_Space never claimed to be saints. Never claimed to be moralists, or great humanists. We are spiteful pricks, we hold grudges. We are indeed taking the utmost pleasure in ruining TPF's pixels and grinding the alliance into the dust, and will always take such pleasure, years from now, if I am ever given the opportunity. We aren't Karma. We are \m/, and take great prides in yours tears.

LOL you need moar! Get Sparta to help!

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You're not getting out of this mess that easily. If you want to treaty us like a cornered and injured dog, it's time to show what an injured and cornered dog can do.

See you at \m/idnight.

I'll bring the jars.

And what treaty would that be?

Edit: ah now I see what you are saying. Indeed we shall. Also, could you find out if the guy I'm beating on really is slayer?

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First off, this whole thing requires a celebration on behalf of all those that sit around since the last war, saying..."When's there going to be a war. I wanna go to war mommy. Please let me go to war mommy." Ironcily, they are now the same that are praying for peace now.

THE CB IS VALID. As far as anyone can tell, the whole entire purpose of Zero Hour, was to get a protectorate with Athens and merge into them. Regardless of whether or not it was an action taken during war time, and still aparently given the "go" after terms were met by TPF, it still falls well beyond the fringes of "Acceptable Practices" of War. The fact that Zero Hour continued to exist post-Karma war suggest that the plan was still a go. Simply put, THE PHONEIX FEDERATION VIOLATED TEH RULZ!.

RULE #1:There are no Rules

RULE #2:Dont Get Caught

Either way people would like to spin it, the plan did exist. The plan was put into action. The plan failed...miserably. The argument against the CB falls into basicly 3 or 4 ways.

1. It was war. Anything is acceptable in War. (Which, no it is not, there were reasons that some alliances like Vox did not get surrender terms)

2. The Only Reason we know about this espionage attempt is because Zero Hour had a falling out with TPF. (Its regretable that it takes personal feuds to expose things like this, but lord knows that nobody will learn about an espionage attempt because one feels bad about what they did)

3. TPF and Zero Hour hate eachother, therefore how could they coordinate to hate on Athens? (The Enemy of my Enemy Is my Freind. Also, I do not think that something like this would have been carried out without the knowledge and help of other TPF members)

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