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Athens Declaration of War


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They are certainly within their rights to do so, as am I to criticize them for it. I'll repeat, I'm not speaking on behalf of TOP, I'm just a citizen in its democracy passing time on a Monday. In any event, have fun, I'll just stop for now or this might start going in circles.

It's Sunday in a real timezone :v:

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Using a 4 month old CB is weak, even if it is solid. Performing acts of war during a global war against an alliance on the other side is not a reason for war once the surrender document was signed anyway. Disappointing.

Edit: ZH, being the main vehicle through which this plan was executed, are more culpable than TPF, so the fact that they aren't being attacked makes it look more like a political rolling than a justified war.

Edited by Bob Janova
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Using a 4 month old CB is weak, even if it is solid. Performing acts of war during a global war against an alliance on the other side is not a reason for war once the surrender document was signed anyway. Disappointing.

Edit: ZH, being the main vehicle through which this plan was executed, are more culpable than TPF, so the fact that they aren't being attacked makes it look more like a political rolling than a justified war.

didn't TOP and Gre use a months old weak CB against Polaris, where ES stated he wanted to dance on Cit's grave? that was basically weaker than this and ya'll used it with glee. i am amazed at the hypocricy of those who used that CB complaining and saying how weak this CB is......

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didn't TOP and Gre use a months old weak CB against Polaris, where ES stated he wanted to dance on Cit's grave? that was basically weaker than this and ya'll used it with glee. i am amazed at the hypocricy of those who used that CB complaining and saying how weak this CB is......

Pretty sure his argument had two points or so. I'm also positive Citadel's CB had more credibility in terms of real threat. Needless to say, a war is a war and RoK/Athens can do no wrong thanks to their great allies.

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didn't TOP and Gre use a months old weak CB against Polaris, where ES stated he wanted to dance on Cit's grave? that was basically weaker than this and ya'll used it with glee. i am amazed at the hypocricy of those who used that CB complaining and saying how weak this CB is......

Why dont you respond to what was said rather than who said it.

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I'm wondering when Athens is going to go after ZH as well...

I think they have perfectly good reason to hit TPF, but ZH is just as much at fault and clearly the only reason they gave logs was because of the temper tantrums over the last few days.

I'm confident Athens and RoK are fully capable of resolving their issues with ZH on their own and I'm even more confident they do not require nor desire the approval of uninvolved third parties to reach an agreement with ZH.

Why dont you respond to what was said rather than who said it.
Who decided CBs have an expiration date and how long is said expiration date? Edited by der_ko
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I'm confident Athens and RoK are fully capable of resolving their issues with ZH on their own and I'm even more confident they do not require nor desire the approval of uninvolved third parties to reach an agreement with ZH.

I think we will never see a DoW against ZH regardless what rubbish was spouted earlier

There is no statute of limitations for spying
Who decided CBs has an expiration date and how long is said expiration date?

The same person who pardons one group involved in something that happened months ago during a war but attempts to destroy the other? We all know Karma alliances are allowed to look back years for a DoW but when it is done by someone else (see GATO) they baw.

Edited by Alterego
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The same person who pardons one group involved in something that happened months ago during a war but attempts to destroy the other? We all know Karma alliances are allowed to look back years for a DoW but when it is done by someone else (see GATO) they baw.

Who complained about GATO being rolled?

The way it was done was wrong, but the CB was solid.

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Polaris was a clear and present threat, and the old material was background to that. In this case the threatening project appears to have been terminated long ago. The infamous comment by Sponge wasn't nearly five months old at that time, either.

wait seriously? you mean even after Grub took the throne and a new gov was installed, Polaris was still a threat? hardly. but then again, you won't just come out and admit that what you find so wrong with this war is exactly what happened in the old one.

but the comment was old Bob. face it, you are a hypocrite denouncing this while still stating you had valid reasons for your war against Polaris. you can't have it both ways Bob. throughout all of this, the alliances that fought against Polaris have shown themselves to be hypocrites since they used outdated material as a reason for war against Polaris and never once sought diplomacy.

but it does not amaze me the amount of hypocrisy that can be shown given the right circumstances.

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The same person who pardons one group involved in something that happened months ago during a war but attempts to destroy the other? We all know Karma alliances are allowed to look back years for a DoW but when it is done by someone else (see GATO) they baw.

you do realize that everyone on your side has done the same. NPO, TOP, Valhalla, TPF, and the others against GATO, Polaris, NoV, and others.

and you are allowing them to baw because it is happening to one of their own now. amazing the hypocrisy you are failing to show being done by your side.

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This isn't a thread about the BLEU war. But yes, removing a single member of the administration didn't change the position. I guess a better way to put it would be that we believed Polar to be a clear and present threat, as post-war talks straightened out a lot of things and I believe Citadel-Polar relations are reasonably good these days.

The comment was old but it wasn't the CB. So no, the two situations are not the same. I know you like to make everything relate back to that war, but it isn't like that.

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you do realize that everyone on your side has done the same. NPO, TOP, Valhalla, TPF, and the others against GATO, Polaris, NoV, and others.

and you are allowing them to baw because it is happening to one of their own now. amazing the hypocrisy you are failing to show being done by your side.

Look on the bright side people like you have been saying since the Karma war that you lot did it so don't question us when we act like dicks instead of having to answer for your crimes. Nothing says guilty like ignoring the facts and saying you did it so can we.

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This isn't a thread about the BLEU war. But yes, removing a single member of the administration didn't change the position. I guess a better way to put it would be that we believed Polar to be a clear and present threat, as post-war talks straightened out a lot of things and I believe Citadel-Polar relations are reasonably good these days.

The comment was old but it wasn't the CB. So no, the two situations are not the same. I know you like to make everything relate back to that war, but it isn't like that.

one member???? you on crack. damn near the entire gov changed try again. and guess what to Athens, due to history, TPF is a clear and present danger. zomg it is still exactly the same except one major difference, mhawk is still in charge. which means they are even more of a threat than Polaris was.

and the comment was the main reason for the CB, ya'll just used other outdated material to make the CB. cuz ya'll thought Polaris was a clear and present danger.

this is exactly the same Bob and you sir, are a hypocrite in this matter.

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you do realize that everyone on your side has done the same. NPO, TOP, Valhalla, TPF, and the others against GATO, Polaris, NoV, and others.

and you are allowing them to baw because it is happening to one of their own now. amazing the hypocrisy you are failing to show being done by your side.

I don't have a side and most of my better friends are actually on the aggressive side of this conflict, so I think there is a bit more to the argument than that.

Edited by KingSrqt
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Look on the bright side people like you have been saying since the Karma war that you lot did it so don't question us when we act like dicks instead of having to answer for your crimes. Nothing says guilty like ignoring the facts and saying you did it so can we.

what are you even attempting to say here? cuz your first sentence is hard to read. and i am not ignoring any facts. present me with facts and you may have an argument. your facts are not facts to me, just like my facts are not facts to you.

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