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Is this normal?


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So we have a Sparta member who got into an argument with other Sparta members, eventually became angry enough to post some possibly offensive (more likely simply tasteless) images and resigned, and a few minutes later was attacked for being a ghost. This is followed by OWRP posts from Sparta members justifying the attack as normal.

Not exactly a good recruiting poster there, Sparta. <_<

See the Images? I didnt think so....

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Oh and alyster...next alliance, leave with a bit more class, eh? <_<

Yeah. To be honest it was my second leaving of Sparta. First time I left due to political disagreements. I can't go into detail here, Sparta wouldn't want it, but it was ethical questions. I couldn't stay away because all my friends were back at Sparta. So a month later I rejoined. But things weren't the same again. I got more and more arguments and so on. Also alot of the good people I knew had wondered off to other alliances. So when I left I decided to burn the bridge by saying out that I don't liek Sparta. I have no where to go now but onwards. I have nothing against these people, actually Sparta isn't that evil, they are just hot headed at some times.

But anyways point taken.

PS. I can PM the images if anyone is that interested. I don't find anything isulting towards Sparta in there. Perhaps kids shouldn't see them yes-

Edited by alyster
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So we have a Sparta member who got into an argument with other Sparta members, eventually became angry enough to post some possibly offensive (more likely simply tasteless) images and resigned, and a few minutes later was attacked for being a ghost. This is followed by OWRP posts from Sparta members justifying the attack as normal.

Not exactly a good recruiting poster there, Sparta. <_<

:P I believe it's been made fairly clear that, no, this is not normal. Alyster pulled a big enough &#33;@#&#036;% move to warrant getting smacked around a bit. Spartans decided to give him what he deserved.

We didn't ZI him, or stagger 'im, or keep the war going. We let him get out of it pretty fast.

Moral of the story? Be a &#33;@#&#036;%, deal with the consequences.

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Oh those darn Spartans, being awesome as always :wub:

Well, we are an awesome alliance

as for this situation, I can only say... dont be such a irrational noob, and next time try things properly. :D

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Dude what's wrong with this sig


Not like I didnt feel like it

This post has been edited by Vivi: Yesterday, 11:39 PM

Reason for edit: Bad image is bad.

Well, I think that kinda ended that. You didn't get banned here so it can't be that bad, but if the image was smited it can't have been good either.

Edit: Smited? Smote? Smitten?

Edited by TypoNinja
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OH NOES- Sparta attacked someone? Guys, I hope you are paying reps.

Seriously- although it would have been a bit more polite of Sparta to give you some time to leave- any potential sympathy I could have had for you left as soon as you posted this on the OWF.

Edited by jamesdanaher
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:P I believe it's been made fairly clear that, no, this is not normal. Alyster pulled a big enough &#33;@#&#036;% move to warrant getting smacked around a bit. Spartans decided to give him what he deserved.

We didn't ZI him, or stagger 'im, or keep the war going. We let him get out of it pretty fast.

Moral of the story? Be a &#33;@#&#036;%, deal with the consequences.

Heh...point well made. ;)

Even alyster admitted he messed up. /thread

The statement: "Everyone on the AA Sparta is open to attack by Sparta. It's our AA." while true, it still strikes me as a bit odd or at least poorly worded. I also think most people get giving someone who's acted inappropriately a hard shove out the door. You don't need to call them a 'ghost' while doing so.

A debate for another time perhaps....

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