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When should they be signed  

138 members have voted

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So we've all complained about the MDP web and its stagnation for quite some time. It's convoluted, treaties running around everywhere and it doesn't make any sense. Anyone recall the pre-GW II MDP web? Very simple, pick a side and when war comes stick with it. Not the case anymore.

So my question is should the treaties be signed as a reflection of your FA policy and who you intend to go to war with, or should it be signed anytime you want to take a friendship to the next level regardless of the other alliance's FA policy?

Edit: And yes, in CN, we must be able to laugh out ourselves sometimes. ;)

Edited by The AUT
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The lack of options is not the only ridiculous thing here.

The reason I didn't add options was because it's fairly clear cut.

Fact is do you believe MDP or higher treaties should be signed based on who you're going to war with, making for a clearer MDP web, or based on friendships with any alliance you want to ally with no matter what side of the web they're on.

This could be traced back into the large mess of an MDP web we call today. Just think back, if you were here that long, and make a decision. By adding more options you ruin the quality of the poll and leave for more open ended and unnecessary questions.

Trust me, I'm a poll Dr.

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Friendships and political leanings. You naturally have a tendency to befriend other alliances whom share the same slope of political ideologies as yourself. As time progresses either your goals or your allies goals change, in which case the alliance with either end or it'll be down-graded. This rate of "Change" increases based upon some values, most notably; if the alliance was signed with a firm friendship in the background as opposed to a political scheme or shroud of protection.

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It's a bit of both. I mean, Treaties don't take friendship to the next level, they reflect it. But besides that, after you sign a MDoAP with someone, it's prudent you don't sign another with someone who is going to blantantly be on the other side of the conflict. Signing a MDoAP is taking a commitment, and a commitment is assuming a responsibility before your treaty partner that you will defend that treaty partner. Signing treaties that would create conflicts in that area is, to a degree, a breach on the commitment you made towards your ally.

So yeah, signing treaties based on friendship.. but preferently not with someone on the other side of the upcoming war.

EDIT: Edited for clarification.

Edited by Lusitan
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The reason I didn't add options was because it's fairly clear cut.

Fact is do you believe MDP or higher treaties should be signed based on who you're going to war with, making for a clearer MDP web, or based on friendships with any alliance you want to ally with no matter what side of the web they're on.

This could be traced back into the large mess of an MDP web we call today. Just think back, if you were here that long, and make a decision. By adding more options you ruin the quality of the poll and leave for more open ended and unnecessary questions.

Trust me, I'm a poll Dr.

You ask whether "realpolitik" (quote for its dubious connection to the real world meaning of the word despite its applicability within this world, not because I think you used it) or friendships should be the basis for a treaty, and your poll options reflect your inherent bias to reinforcing the current treaty system that has spawned the MDP web of horror; regardless of which of the first two answers someone picks they are deciding to allow the current MDP treaty web to exist. That's what I was referring to.

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Didn't vote because there was no "people should just stop caring about treaties altogether and go to war whenever they feel it is just" option. If friendship is so clear, you should not need a treaty in order to want to fight alongside someone. I'm new school like that. I figure people will always sign treaties for whatever reasons, but the idea that treaties are the sole thing that can justify involvement in a conflict is stupid. I await the day that an alliance of consequence actually fights at their own discretion rather than the judgment of Planet Bob's abundant e-lawyers.

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