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Yay Mets and Francesca versus The Sweet Oblivion: Declaration of War


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Ok, perhaps you already answered the second part earlier and I freely admit that I could have missed it in this fast moving thread, but what exactly were they doing to suppress democracy?

Oh, you know, crafting a Charter where leaders would be elected, publicizing complete election results, voting to re-accept members solely because we knew they were hard workers (despite being urged not to on the grounds that they'd vote for Fran), having a voluntary vote of non-confidence on my performance, creating a judicial system separate from the government, not going behind the backs of the elected government and the general membership to be a spy/informer/freedom fighter. You know, the general dictatorial kind of stuff.

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It's not for you to say what I should or should not do. Regardless, I had a duty to the alliance and I did my duty, even when TSO didn't. I was also friends with many others in MCXA who were anti-NPO.

I'll be public and honest about this. Back when you started being on IRC more and more I convinced many others to give you a shot in military command. As DMoD I thought it best to give everyone who wanted a shot. You took that as a jumping point to moving upwards in the alliance (and for that I apologize to the MCXA). You had friends on both sides of MCXA and you turned and stabbed them all in the back.

You are a lair, a coward, and if you come back you'll get what you deserve, because going rouge and getting destroyed before you quit is hardly punishment befitting your crimes.

Glow and burn.

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I'll be surprised if you manage to destroy more than 500 infra on any of your targets.

This thread is so epic, all it needs is a logdump.

[21:52] <~Francesca> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1930898 <--- I already stated that I was going to cease posting, but could someone inform this guy I destroyed 250 infra on my first day?

[21:52] <~Francesca> Over 250 infra. >_>

Oh hey, THERE IT IS!

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I don't get it.

I don't receive any scorn for spying (well I guess the NPO did reject me :awesome:). Doitzel doesn't. He published De Profundis. Schatt doesn't (except when it's profitable to discredit him). He did TWiP. In fact, almost any other former Vox member doesn't. Yes, she did try to move MCXA away from the NPO. Yes, she tried to move them more to VE's side of things (remember when she joined VE after MCXA ejected her?- which btw wasn't for spying). In fact, VE was well aware of her intentions to move MCXA to VE's sphere. As were we. Hell, it would have made more sense, I suppose.

As for the whole democracy argument: Why the hell was she elected as MoFA then?

Nobody expressed moral outrage when Starfox joined Valhalla, even if it was a short stint. Was Starfox a Senator of Vox? Why, yes, he was even our Dei! Did Vox spy on Valhalla. Oh you better believe it! (Although it was more like spying on all of Q as a whole, as I recall, we never really spied specifically on Valhalla).

Francesca had made her opinions on Karma and the "mistreatment" (in her mind of course) of the NPO very clear before she ever had any intentions of joining them. She then worked with the humbled and defeated NPO. This usually lends itself to people joining your alliance when their own fall through (which happened by no fault of her own). So she joined NPO. If Legion (lol) disbanded tomorrow, I'm sure some of them would go to the NPO too.

The truth of the matter is that Fran actually revealed who she was when she never had to. She was our only spy that disclosed her identity. Had she not done so, your moral indignation would not be present. It makes no sense! She would have gotten away with it all had she simply not disclosed. People seem to forget that.

Nobody would have cared if I joined the NPO, except for maybe the NPO. In the end though OOC: The outrage is hilarious when you consider this is only a game and people can play how they wish. Just get over yourselves and realize that sometimes some people want to play the game differently. That's one issue with CN. You can't just play differently, you have to goddamn reroll for people to leave you alone, and many times, that doesn't even work.

Give them hell Fran.

Edited by Earogema
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Unlike most topics I decided to go into this topic free of bias and trying to remain decent. Bad music and the incorrect spelling of descent changed that. Have fun I guess? :unsure:

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This thread is so epic, all it needs is a logdump.

Oh hey, THERE IT IS!

I meant to each individual target. 250 infra against 5 people on an opening day isn't that much. You can get half of that with just CMs. She didn't even quad properly. I do give her credit for picking out her targets well (15 and 19 days inactive).

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Watch me.

If you're going to leave, then why even post this thread? Frannie you're a fun person to talk to but attempting to go out like this never works out well for anyone. It's a lose-lose situation.

If you're going to leave, then leave. Why do you need to "go out with a bang?" If you're leaving because you don't really care about Planet Bob anymore, then why take the time and effort to go through this?

Regardless, I wish you the best on your future adventures.

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I meant to each individual target. 250 infra against 5 people on an opening day isn't that much. You can get half of that with just CMs. She didn't even quad properly. I do give her credit for picking out her targets well (15 and 19 days inactive).

I took out over 250 infra from three people, my targets. As for the quad, granted. I got impatient, and Yay Mets had already attacked.

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I meant to each individual target. 250 infra against 5 people on an opening day isn't that much. You can get half of that with just CMs. She didn't even quad properly. I do give her credit for picking out her targets well (15 and 19 days inactive).

She already responded, but, I don't know what either of you meant, she just pointed your post out to me and said that. I know nothing more/nothing less (except now that it's been clarified). :P

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You are a lair, a coward, and if you come back you'll get what you deserve, because going rouge and getting destroyed before you quit is hardly punishment befitting your crimes.

Francesca may be many things, but he is definitely not a shelter for wild animals. :lol1:

<3 CTB

Edited by The Pansy
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