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Yay Mets and Francesca versus The Sweet Oblivion: Declaration of War


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Would you mind outlining precisely the actions that my alliance and I have done that are tactless stupid and indecent since our formation?

for starters your complete lack of tact when talking about and interacting with diplomats.

Also, we could try threads like this one. Or how about This one?

Fact is your members have proven time and time again through their actions and their words, that your alliance isn't worth much in any of those areas. Also, don't forget your past. You can not escape judgement no matter how many time you have to flip sides to avoid a beating, eventually you will get whats coming to you for everything you've done.

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Any examples of this?

thsi comment for starters

"Well, it is good to know that Polaris speaks through such a sound, rational leader[referring, of course to AlmightyGrub, who is pretty much universally regarded as one of the most rational and respected leaders around].


~ Watchman"

or this one

"I never said anything about hard work. Grub is probably a very hardworking. I just think he is so obsessed with bitterness that he has gone bat!@#$ crazy.

~ Watchman"

What is wrong with either of those threads? Note that they have already acknowledged that their formation announcement was in poor taste and have apologised for it several times.

yeah cause that absolves them of all their sins. Someone should have told NPO that apologizing would have fixed EVERYTHING!

What actions and words? What areas? This appears to be a whole new variation of "fact" that I have hitherto not encountered.

see my response to your first comment

What have they done that has them eventually receiving "what's coming to" them?

Members of their alliance have proven that they are fine with turning their backs on their allies when it suits their own personal intersts. To their credit these sycophants are no longer leading the alliance, but the culture they created is still there.

You haven't even said what they've done to get you all frothy at the mouth, let alone provide any evidence to prove they did it. All this rhetorical fluff might seem like a good idea when you come up with it, but you'll have to find something more substantial if you want to be taken seriously. At the moment, you just come off as someone with an axe to grind who doesn't seem to know why he's holding a grudge in the first place.
oh i have an axe to grind, but its pretty well warranted ;) Edited by elborrador
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If you find truth in your endeavours, then you will be fulfilled, even if your nation is destroyed.

If you believe this is the right path, then pursue it with the greatest righteousness you've ever felt.

And to TSO, I would assume you find this an affront, and therefore, be affronted, and defend yourselves; and with your upper hand smash any who oppose you, your friends, and your allies, with any and all power that you deem necessary and satisfactory, but do forgive in time. This user wants to be known, wants her voice to be heard, and perhaps one day will learn her own lesson, one which no amount of destruction can teach her but rather she must learn from within herself.

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thsi comment for starters

"Well, it is good to know that Polaris speaks through such a sound, rational leader[referring, of course to AlmightyGrub, who is pretty much universally regarded as one of the most rational and respected leaders around].


~ Watchman"

or this one

"I never said anything about hard work. Grub is probably a very hardworking. I just think he is so obsessed with bitterness that he has gone bat!@#$ crazy.

~ Watchman"

To be fair neither of those are any worse than what's been said in this thread (or really that out of the ordinary to see in any thread). I'd say TSO has put up with far worse abuse than that.

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for starters your complete lack of tact when talking about and interacting with diplomats.

Well as I'm sure you've seen as you posted quite tactfully in the announcement thread, I've just been appointed our co Director of Foreign Affairs, and if there is a problem with our interaction with diplomats it does need to be brought to my attention. We have no drama on our Embassy forums though. We get on pretty well with diplomats from what I've seen and we've always acted tactfully around them. But if you think there is a problem with how interact with diplomats on other forums I have not seen please highlight them for me.

Also, we could try threads like this one. Or how about This one?

Well both of those threads are in relation to our formation and the price we paid for it, I'll be the first to admit it went absolutely awfully in a manner no one planned but that isn't the point. You said;

I had even underlined the word since in my post to try and further infer that I had been referring to after our formation. You have given me no incidents where we have acted in the manner you have described since then.

If that is the case you're not arguing this fact very well. If that is true could you give me some facts or examples to back it up? I'm not going to forget my past anytime soon, and I've heard quite enough of that from the Karma War thanks very much.

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for starters your complete lack of tact when talking about and interacting with diplomats.
tact n. 1. Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.

I've always found you quite the opposite of tactful elborrador. i.e. from this thread alone...

thsi is a quality thread. My only concern is that your nation doesn't own nukes. its also sad that your aid slots are full :(

at least do some damage to them on your way down, i'm sure it'll be fun.

so hopefully you can understand how i figured, apparently wrongly so, that this thread was about how spineless TSO was and how they have a history of abandoning people when it suits them too.
know i get what you're saying, but lets be honest about the split. it wasn't just a few friends leaving to form their own alliance, it was a large majority of the government (sam was a chancellor at the time) and a whole slew of other nations that they specifically recruited. When they decided to leave, they decided not to wait till they had fulfilled their obligations to their current alliance and instead decided to do something that would basically cripple MCXA (who has since made a quality recovery, and are actually significantly better now). They knew what they were doing and they knew what it would do to MCXA, and they did it anyways. They intended to harm MCXA, or at least knew their leaving would create a huge destabilization.

Fran did what she did b/c she was trying to help MCXA. Then again the road to hell is paved with good intentions...

What TSO did was far more than your garden variety spin off alliance, and their intentions make what they did far worse than what Fran did in my eyes, though she was still not right.

i believe their actions speak louder than words on that issue, and their actions are that of 3rd graders who don't quite know what tact is yet. Since then they've done nothing to prove that they have tact, intelligence, or any sense of decency.

As i stated originally, the only thing that sucks about this issue is that Fran doesn't have nukes and a huge warchest.

Actually the evidence to the contrary is just to numerous to continue on. "Tact", my good sir, is simply not something you have in abundance.

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Fran, Fran, Fran...

You've gone in a horrible direction post Vox and this is another terrible attempt at whatever it is you're trying to do.

It would seem a fragment of Vox rebellion still lives in her; unfortunately I am not well versed enough in current political affairs to state against what she is rebelling.

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If you find truth in your endeavours, then you will be fulfilled, even if your nation is destroyed.

If you believe this is the right path, then pursue it with the greatest righteousness you've ever felt.

And to TSO, I would assume you find this an affront, and therefore, be affronted, and defend yourselves; and with your upper hand smash any who oppose you, your friends, and your allies, with any and all power that you deem necessary and satisfactory, but do forgive in time. This user wants to be known, wants her voice to be heard, and perhaps one day will learn her own lesson, one which no amount of destruction can teach her but rather she must learn from within herself.

I think you win the thread with this post.

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thsi comment for starters

"Well, it is good to know that Polaris speaks through such a sound, rational leader[referring, of course to AlmightyGrub, who is pretty much universally regarded as one of the most rational and respected leaders around].


~ Watchman"

or this one

"I never said anything about hard work. Grub is probably a very hardworking. I just think he is so obsessed with bitterness that he has gone bat!@#$ crazy.

~ Watchman"

Well that's relatively moderate to some of the posts we have had to deal with in threads to be perfectly honest. So in that case, can I assume you find all those people who have gone against on the OWF to be even more tactless than you think we are? And you cannot say that Watchman represents the entirety of TSO, we have many other tactful posters I assure you.

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You remind me of a certain ex-senator from ODN known as Adeva Avatara. It would be freakin' hysterical if you two were the same person or even sisters, as it would explain your behavior, but even then.

I was trying to remember from where I knew someone like her. Thanks for reminding me, Soccer. :awesome:

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I've always found you quite the opposite of tactful elborrador. i.e. from this thread alone...

Actually the evidence to the contrary is just to numerous to continue on. "Tact", my good sir, is simply not something you have in abundance.

never said i had any tact, but good on you for side stepping the real issues at hand, pull that one out of sams playbook did ya?

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are you done yet? Seriously it takes a lot to conjure positive feeling towards TSO from me but you managed.

Addition of a negative charge into a sea of negative charges does not miraculously yield a positive charge, my good sir.

Fran may have temporarily softened the animosity of some of the community by directing it at her instead, but in the long run it isn't likely to give TSO a net benefit in how they are perceived.

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So how can you accuse of someone of not having a quality that you, yourself don't possess?

to be fair the only group of nations i treat this way is, TSO. i refuse to show them any respect as you deserve none. I'm quite pleasant to others most of the time ;)

Edited by elborrador
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to be fair the only group of nations i treat this way is, TSO. i refuse to show you any respect as you deserve none. I'm quite pleasant to others most of the time ;)

Assuming that you were meaning me and not just generalizing I feel a need to inform you that I'm not in TSO. Sorry.

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Wow, so many emotions pulling me in so many different directions. On one hand, Fran is beyond annoying, and has burtn through more spotlight bulbs in her CN career than anyone in Hollywood ever has. On the other hand, there is TSO, the very epitome of everything that is, and can be, wrong with this planet. Bad luck to both sides.

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To correct Cortath, whom is a busy man, I believe it was BTO who asked for that sanction, stating the case for TSO

Seems even more people dislike you nation

BTO loves to ask for sanctions on small rogues without nukes and no real capacity to hurt anyone. They've caused at least a couple of trade circles to fall apart that didn't need to fall apart. <_<

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