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Just for Tradition, August 28.


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Redcom, I am certain not one of the Pacifican Revolutionaries like yourself and my pacifican experiences were most definately limited but I do find some similarity between your stance and my own.

Well said.

Edit: Essenia and Chron.....please.

Edited by HeinousOne
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Where is Francos Spain? Does he play CN?

It's my understanding that he got banned from the game that NPO was formed in, and then never played CN.

I'd be interested to know what he thought about CN NPO.

In purely IC terms, Doitzel ruled the nation Francos Spain during the Vox Populi Resistance.

Edited by Schattenmann
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It's my understanding that he got banned from the game that NPO was formed in, and then never played CN.

What did he get banned for? I thought hus nation was deleted due to inactivity; or did that game no delete nations upon banning?

I remember reading on the forums that he actually did play CN, though that sounds unlikely.

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Revolutions come and go, the changing of the winds changes the conditions and revolutions are abandon and new ones are take up. In my time i watched a people stand united, I watched what could only be described as human will power, I saw what I believed then to be nothing more than a passing revolution turn into a system of beliefs that has grown greater than the individual who founded them, or the institution on which it was founded. The August Revolution has played such a role in shaping our world and the alliances within it. Is it not the goal of every alliance to have security, peace, and prosparity. The revolution in my eyes is more than a Pacifican revolution, it is a revolution for anyone seeking to exist free of fear.

Edited by Dodger
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not an established government that exerts the opposite. I will never stop fighting, I will always be an August Revolutionary, and maybe the last.

- RedCommunist, August Revolutionary

is this directed at pacifica? because i got the impression that it was


entertaining post it was well done

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is this directed at pacifica? because i got the impression that it was

I believe he was referring to the true nature of the Revolution.

The Revolution is by no means confined to an alliance. It is an ever changing, ever evolving thing. Pacifica once stood alone in this world as the vanguard of the Revolution; in a world where most were content to sit and have tea parties, they pressed forward.

Later, the Revolution came to be embodied by Vox Populi. In a world where most were content to suck at the teat of a bloated shell, we stood alone.

Today, the Revolution has no single leader. My own home, the New Sith Order, can certainly be considered to be a part of the Revolution, along with our allies in the New Polar Order and the Liquor Cabinet. Some of the new red colonists can be considered Revolutionaries. And, like it or not, in a world that has become one big Karma back rub, it is not unlikely that the New Pacific Order will once again join in the Revolution.

The Revolution has existed before this world was built, it has existed before the NPO was conceived. The Revolution stretches back to Creation itself.

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I believe he was referring to the true nature of the Revolution.

The Revolution is by no means confined to an alliance. It is an ever changing, ever evolving thing. Pacifica once stood alone in this world as the vanguard of the Revolution; in a world where most were content to sit and have tea parties, they pressed forward.

Later, the Revolution came to be embodied by Vox Populi. In a world where most were content to suck at the teat of a bloated shell, we stood alone.

Today, the Revolution has no single leader. My own home, the New Sith Order, can certainly be considered to be a part of the Revolution, along with our allies in the New Polar Order and the Liquor Cabinet. Some of the new red colonists can be considered Revolutionaries. And, like it or not, in a world that has become one big Karma back rub, it is not unlikely that the New Pacific Order will once again join in the Revolution.

The Revolution has existed before this world was built, it has existed before the NPO was conceived. The Revolution stretches back to Creation itself.

Hell of an interpretation, Cheyenne.

Hell of an interpretation.

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I will express some concern on this matter, even if it is no longer precisely my business:

First off, the Red Communist is an authority and an inspiration on what it truly meant to be a Revolutionary. I admire his example.

But I am more concerned with what seems to be a silent (and yet not so silent) division between the old guard of Pacifica, many of whom have lately come to join (or found) the New Sith Order. Francoism and Sith Philosophy share a great deal in common with each other (As the guy that was in charge of putting it together in the early days) and it seems that this may be the roots of a great struggle someday to come. This is fine for the Sith; the Sith way is to live in a state of struggle and competition. What it means for the Pacific, and the Cyberverse itself, only time will tell.

Francoism has spread its roots deep across many alliances in one form or another. Perhaps one day all those who hold the Revolution dear will stand together; we will see what we will see.

Edited by Margrave
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Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question now, what had happened to their faces. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.
sad... Edited by lordliam
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It was never my impression that you could divorce the revolution from the Order. I believe Vladimir and others have referred to it as the vehicle of the revolution or something to that effect.

New Frontier's interpretation too if awfully different from ones seen in the past. It would be helpful if we could separate the rhetoric from the "meat" of the subject and get down to it: what is the revolution, really? I would really like to pin this down.

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It was never my impression that you could divorce the revolution from the Order. I believe Vladimir and others have referred to it as the vehicle of the revolution or something to that effect.

New Frontier's interpretation too if awfully different from ones seen in the past. It would be helpful if we could separate the rhetoric from the "meat" of the subject and get down to it: what is the revolution, really? I would really like to pin this down.

Well, there were originally 5 dominant regions in !@#$%*, each named after an area of the Pacific. And then, a few guys came along and said, wait a minute, this is boring. And they made the New Pacific Order. That's basically what the revolution was, from what i've heard.

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Well, there were originally 5 dominant regions in !@#$%*, each named after an area of the Pacific. And then, a few guys came along and said, wait a minute, this is boring. And they made the New Pacific Order. That's basically what the revolution was, from what i've heard.

That's actually pretty accurate.

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Well, there were originally 5 dominant regions in !@#$%*, each named after an area of the Pacific. And then, a few guys came along and said, wait a minute, this is boring. And they made the New Pacific Order. That's basically what the revolution was, from what i've heard.

Yes, I was there. I want to know what the goals and methods of the revolution are. I want specifics, basically.

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