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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Francoism and Francoist thought is nothing more than a play on the "laws of nature", offering "Security" in exchange for liberty. Once a nation enters into this agreement, it is quickly indoctrinated into Francoism, conditioning one into a set political belief, where any other form of government or ideoligy would fall and ones security would forever be lost as the individual would be destined to stand and shiver in the cold, dark, wet world, alone. Francoism uses this fear to keep its subjects in line and states all others are fools because its easy to have the masses ignore someone who is "crazy", even if crazy is the truth, because francoism knows people hear only what they want.

It prevents teaching of other philosophies and restricts freedom of speech, keeping the people silent which prevents the spread of knowledge which would in turn threaten the power of the elietist few, to rule them without question.

But those leaders know that if a working democracy were to ever actually work, the people that they claim to protect and serve as equals would leave for that democracy realizing that the laws of nature are even better served in a democracy. If planet Bob were to ever give birth to a fully functioning and defendable Direct Democracy, it would mark the begining of the end of Francoism and the rule of the elietist few. Therefore Direct democracy would be a direct threat to the crown.

Planet Bob has given birth to a fully funtioning Direct democracy, the end of Francoism is no longer a question of if, but rather when. A new dawn has come.

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Sometimes I wonder how such genuine sounding words can be written about an alliance entirely incapable of honesty or honor. Also I was half expecting you to use this opportunity to have Moo step down and get a decent Emperor, but I guess that would require a revolution...

Congratulations on still clinging to the same false trappings that brought you down.

My my, aren't we bitter?

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Personally I am a fan of Pacifica but like others have said we shall watch and wait.

Otherwise, I honestly wish you guys good luck in your future endeavors and in this new direction you have taken. I also give congrats you guys on the 6 long years of existence and hope you guys live for many more.

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Planet Bob has given birth to a fully funtioning Direct democracy, the end of Francoism is no longer a question of if, but rather when. A new dawn has come.

Oh really? Where? You'll have to excuse me as I'm a bit skeptical. Direct democracy is a terribly inefficient form of government in this realm. It just doesn't work well here.

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My my, aren't we bitter?

No really bitter, no. I was getting sick of all the positivity crap though. The NPO wont change. The same leaders that abused others trust, lied, and backstabbed are still in power. It's the same people doing the same things. If the NPO wants change, or progress, or any genuine improvement you'll need to get decent leadership. I don't see that happening.

Or maybe I should have read the topic, ignored the body of the message, and hailed his like some half-brained idiot. I guess that would be the proper thing to do. The more things change the more they stay the same.

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It might be nice to follow up the call of change and respecting other alliances with a removal of the Frostbite signatures that falsely identify the NPO as a member.

You tempt me to put that in my sig, but the template of frosbite sig is so ugly I cant do it really.

There are like two members that have it, and one even posted he has it out of sympathy for frosbite. You are really a sensitive little fella arent you?

NPO o/

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We are here in testament to the brilliance of lost patriots like Comrade Francos Spain and Comrade Poskrebyshev, but also to the great Pacifican masses and their descendants; those that swept across the globe moving the immovable and resisting the irresistible. Together they shaped and reshaped the world against all the odds, in a process of constant revolution that took a backwards, agrarian and occupied land and turned it into a global superpower, improving the lives of thousands. All the old assumptions and traditions melted into air, replaced by mass revolutionary spirit that both questioned and answered all before it.

It is in such a revolutionary Francoist spirit that we stand today, questioning everything -- questioning ourselves -- and correcting the contradictions and flaws of the past. The Revolution is forever; the Revolution is now.

Hail Francos Spain!

Hail the Order!

Hail the Pacific!

Glory to the Revolution!

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You tempt me to put that in my sig, but the template of frosbite sig is so ugly I cant do it really.

There are like two members that have it, and one even posted he has it out of sympathy for frosbite. You are really a sensitive little fella arent you?

NPO o/

I thought it was a pretty funny sig, to be honest. I even asked if CoJ can join the Imperators Emeritus Bloc if I can convince Moo to step down and join CoJ. But I can see where it'd be annoying to Frostbite since everyone already expects NPO to be auto-joined as soon as terms end (though I don't see how they could think that given the personalities involved).

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But I can see where it'd be annoying to Frostbite since everyone already expects NPO to be auto-joined as soon as terms end (though I don't see how they could think that given the personalities involved).

Sometimes I think I've hit the pinnacle of stupidity, and then I read stuff like this.

You cannot be serious. Who ARE these people?

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What about your humbleness? When has Pacifica ever shown any sign of humility?

They will never be able to show the emotions that the dogs snapping at their ankles seem to want. You must give them props for not appealing to the lowest common denominator to appease the egos of others.

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We are here in testament to the brilliance of lost patriots like Comrade Francos Spain and Comrade Poskrebyshev, but also to the great Pacifican masses and their descendants; those that swept across the globe moving the immovable and resisting the irresistible. Together they shaped and reshaped the world against all the odds, in a process of constant revolution that took a backwards, agrarian and occupied land and turned it into a global superpower, improving the lives of thousands. All the old assumptions and traditions melted into air, replaced by mass revolutionary spirit that both questioned and answered all before it.

It is in such a revolutionary Francoist spirit that we stand today, questioning everything -- questioning ourselves -- and correcting the contradictions and flaws of the past. The Revolution is forever; the Revolution is now.

Hail Francos Spain!

Hail the Order!

Hail the Pacific!

Glory to the Revolution!

More interested in seeing your corrections on these so called contradictions then I am in hearing that you are questioning yourselves.

Sometimes I think I've hit the pinnacle of stupidity, and then I read stuff like this.

You cannot be serious. Who ARE these people?

That is what I would like to know as well. They aren't very bright whomever they are.

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But I can see where it'd be annoying to Frostbite since everyone already expects NPO to be auto-joined as soon as terms end (though I don't see how they could think that given the personalities involved)

This baffles me because it is a completely unrealistic perspective as you also recognize and I can not really seriously take that as an explanation.

What I can take as a explanation is that some (probably just couple of guys, bkphysics being one lol) of the haters in frosbite are insulted that dreaded NPO parades with their precious sig thing. And its only two guys, one out of lulz most probably, the other out of sympathy and no spite or something. Some thicker skins maybe?

Anyway, not important. Whatever really.

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expected Branimir posturing

Hey, I read the OP and then I suggest as a manner of respect such sigs not be used. True, it isn't a big deal, but if this whole "new" NPO path is about offering more respect to others and what not, it would seem a simple (and by your own accord) very easy act to achieve. However, your response as predictable as it may of been, is exactly what I was expecting.

Basically, if you want people to buy into this whole new NPO then it might be worth your while to try to put up a facade at least. Otherwise, cut the crap and just be what you are without all the proclamation that you have changed and are different. The only change you have incurred is another point in the L column.

**Before the "OMG, non-Gov member doesn't represent the whole!!!1!**

Yes, I know that

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