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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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Did you ever reach Echelon's/NPO's terms?

I was denied the ability to re-apply after my nation got inactivity-scripted.

you were not banned on our forums and you never posted an application, so no you were not denied the opportunity.

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Oh, for heaven's sakes Delta. Karma imposed the majority of all reparations payments ever ordered. The total reps from GPA were 70,000 tech; the total reps from Hegemony were 458,500 tech and $12,350,000,000.

You just can't compare that. There's no "adjust for inflation" argument to be made, unless you think that tech is now worth less than 1/6th what it was when GPA lost its war.

The majority of alliances did; the majority of nations did not. Funny how that works.

NPO got heavy reps. Your alliance didn't, your purple allies didn't, actually just about everyone else got white peace or close to it. NPO got its $@! handed to them post war because of the crimes they committed, not all of which can be included in a rep sum that was asked from them. Also why'd you only include GPA in your figure? Seriously though, people defending their !@#$ ally got off so extremely easily compared to what your allies have done in the same situation that its not even funny.

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We were at war with NPO at the time and I viewed them as an eternal enemy that made an alliance I spent about 2 years of my life helping build disband. Having NPO disband was necessary. Otherwise NPO comes back and destroys us. Well, and that's what's going to happen, Round 2.

VE and CG were not in a state of war and CG not disbanding did not threaten VE's security. How can you compare those 2?

Are you saying it's worse for a leader to threaten the disbandment of an alliance they are at war with and thus in a position to withhold terms than it is for someone to be thoughtlessly amused at a disbandment they had nothing to do with after the fact? I suppose there really is no comparing the two.

This whole debate has gotten ridiculous. The sides appear clearly stacked by political affiliation rather than belief structure or logic. Keep fighting these meaningless surrogate verbal battles if you want. As I don't consider myself associated with either party, I'm just posting here so that when the inevitable Polar member makes an insensitive comment in an out-of-character forum I can shrug it off without looking like a hypocrite. If I were you, I would think about whether you can live up to the high standards you are setting for your own alliances in this thread and at least relax the exaggerations (i.e. A member joking about a disbanded alliance is worse than a leader refusing to give an alliance reasonable terms!) a little bit.

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To all those saying this was a classless and tasteless OP, I agree with you.

The little betting poll was created by members and not government, and this announcement was posted by a member and not government. Please, do not criticize us as an alliance or paint us all with the same brush because a small group within our 280+ members had a momentary lapse in class. Believe me, this sort of thing is not the type of attitude we advocate in Viridia, and any of you who know us can vouch for that.

Furthermore, I would like to officially clarify our involvement the CG/IS extravoganza: None.

Our only interest in the aforementioned situation was our protectorate TJO. As any Secretary of Defense worth his salt would do, I prepared for TJO being countered if they chose to support CG militarily, and nothing more. Never did it cross our mind to attack IS, rather just simply to protect our protectorate if they came under attack by one of IS's treaty partners for assisting CG. Myself or no other government member spoke to IS nor any of their treaty partners, and to be honest we cared very little about the situation until TJO notified us of their intent to support CG in the event that a peace agreement could not be reached...however even then we only took interest in the aspect of the situation that involved our protectorate.

Edit: By the way, to those of you saying "OMG MY RESPECT FOR VE JUST DISAPPEARED"...you cant be serious. This is in bad taste, but it is certainly not representative of our alliance as a whole. The thread from which it originated on our forums I didn't even know existed. To formulate an opinion on the stupid actions of a few members is ignorant. If you choose to do that, all I can say is its a shame, because you will never really know us.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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Whilst I'm not entirely happy with this announcement, I would say to goldielax25s, other signatures on that document including my own defence, the relationship between the certain Viridians and members of the Crimson Guard is rather unpleasant, due to certain behaviour in the past. Other than that, on account that my name is featured on that list of names, I can only own up to my statements.

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There is a massive humor difference between watching a gang of thugs throw an innocent party into a brick wall/off a bridge or watching a drunken individual stumble off a porch and land face down in a thorn bush.

Of course there is also humor in watching a Deputy Sec of State shove both feet into his mouth at the same time and then trying to fit a third one in there. Even if he's doing it on his own time.

Edited by Sonata
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Thought it was obvious.

OP thought posting this in the public forum would be funny. It did not pose the desired results he was looking for.

Half the people here so far have found it amusing. You can't appeal to everyone.

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Not on any high horse, just saddened to see this come from Viridia.

So what if it was different circumstances, it is still a sad event and should not be mocked and laughed at. I was devestated when VE disbanded so to see some of them laughing at another alliance disbanding just strikes me as incredibly sad.

I just hope those that I tried to comfort when Viridia was disbanded aren't amongst those laughing now.

Jeez, you must really have your hands full 24 hours a day criticizing everyone on your home forums for this kind of behavior. AMIRITE?

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Oh, for heaven's sakes Delta. Karma imposed the majority of all reparations payments ever ordered. The total reps from GPA were 70,000 tech; the total reps from Hegemony were 458,500 tech and $12,350,000,000.

You just can't compare that. There's no "adjust for inflation" argument to be made, unless you think that tech is now worth less than 1/6th what it was when GPA lost its war.

The majority of alliances did; the majority of nations did not. Funny how that works.

So "The Hegemony" is just those alliances who fought the GPA? Weird!

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It's pretty rare you see me liking an Impero post. This is one of those times.

To all those saying this was a classless and tasteless OP, I agree with you.

The little betting poll was created by members and not government, and this announcement was posted by a member and not government. Please, do not criticize us as an alliance or paint us all with the same brush because a small group within our 280+ members had a momentary lapse in class. Believe me, this sort of thing is not the type of attitude we advocate in Viridia, and any of you who know us can vouch for that.

Thanks for the clarification of your policy. And speaking as a guy who's had members of his alliance do some incredibly dumb things (worse than this thread), I completely sympathize.

Furthermore, I would like to officially clarify our involvement the CG/IS extravoganza: None.

Our only interest in the aforementioned situation was our protectorate TJO. As any Secretary of Defense worth his salt would do, I prepared for TJO being countered if they chose to support CG militarily, and nothing more. Never did it cross our mind to attack IS, rather just simply to protect our protectorate if they came under attack by one of IS's treaty partners for assisting CG. Myself or no other government member spoke to IS nor any of their treaty partners, and to be honest we cared very little about the situation until TJO notified us of their intent to support CG in the event that a peace agreement could not be reached...however even then we only took interest in the aspect of the situation that involved our protectorate.

That's what I thought, which is why I was a bit puzzled by people claiming you guys were going to hit IS.

The same thing was true for our allies; they were prepared to defend us in case anyone attacked us for aiding CG.

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So "The Hegemony" is just those alliances who fought the GPA? Weird!

You missed the part where I said "more than all other reparation payments in history totalled together" I guess.

I mean, nearly half a million tech and over 12 billion dollars (actually probably more tech and less money, as I believe NPO is converting as much of its money reps to tech as it can) is staggering by any definition.

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Like VE you mean? A lot of people were pissed off about that, myself included. I regretted our part in it. Not any more.

I realize others have responded to this, but I had to. It's classic pacifican membership logic. You were pissed about your role in attacking an alliance for no reason, but now you aren't because a couple of said alliances members are dumb? Clearly this is a rational take.

I'd like to note that this was not endorsed by the government of VE, nor did any Parliament member participate. It's an example of the freedom that our members enjoy. I for one do not like dancing on graves as we were once in that state, but then not everybody in the alliance was around for that either.

Are you sure you aren't going to issue these guys some demerits? Not even a couple? I'd issue some demerits if I were you. Got to keep they troops in line you know.

You do not need to educate me on history I was part of. About 25 percent of VE was green, and it was officially a BLUE alliance at the time of the DoE, and was never intended to go back to green.

Yeah you are pretty ignorant. You may have been a member then, but you must have been a pretty ill-informed one. Blue was always to be temporary. The reason so many VE folks were on blue was due to the open invitation and hospitality of Polar. But the VE belonged on Green and was always intending to return. It was just a matter of getting the NPO (by proxy of the GGA) to let them move back over more fully.

Also this thread is great. Stuff like this happens all the time in private channels, (and it certainly happened in the NPO, so quit the pathetic surface-level outrage) but no one is dumb enough to actually publicly announce it. So, props to the VE for looking like fools and props to im317 and Eledan for their correct guess!

Edited by RandomInterrupt
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This. Is. An. OOC. Forum.

What part of that does anyone not understand? Moreover, this isn't sanctioned, to my knowledge, by VE government? Christ people. Chill the $%&@ out. God forbid people have any fun outside of "ZOMG BUM RUSH WAR" in Cyber Nations, jeez.

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This. Is. An. OOC. Forum.

What part of that does anyone not understand? Moreover, this isn't sanctioned, to my knowledge, by VE government? Christ people. Chill the $%&@ out. God forbid people have any fun outside of "ZOMG BUM RUSH WAR" in Cyber Nations, jeez.

The average OWF-goer is not concerned with such meaningless distinctions as "OOC" and "IC." Nor are they capable of "chilling out." A lesser being like yourself might be able to appreciate a joke, but we're government members in an internet nation game. We're too important to take a joke, much less react in any way except "politically convenient faux-moral outrage."

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Yeah you are pretty ignorant. You may have been a member then, but you must have been a pretty ill-informed one. Blue was always to be temporary. The reason so many VE folks were on blue was due to the open invitation and hospitality of Polar. But the VE belonged on Green and was always intending to return. It was just a matter of getting the NPO (by proxy of the GGA) to let them move back over more fully.

I believe, from reading the logs of Bilrow, that blue was going to be permanent but that VE was allowed to reform on green instead, and thus they did so. I could be totally wrong though. :)

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