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Vote on the planned/non-planned war issue


Planned/Non-planned wars  

55 members have voted

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First of all ONLY votes that are actually posted by cnrp'ers will be counted. The poll serves just as an estimate on how it will end.

Now the issue.

Over the last months people have suggested planned wars many times before therefore I wish to propose a final plan that will appease both sides, namely the following.

A player once he joins gets the option to chose from 2 modes, planned war mode where the player recognizes only wars he agreed to in advance but also has to discuss all war plans first should (s)he decide to attack and open war mode where the player is forced to recognize attacks made against him/her but can also attack any other open war mode nation. This allows people who desperately want to remain open for surprises to do so while allowing others who want to rp laid down the same right.

To prevent abuse there will be a time limit before you can change of X months where X will be decided when the poll closes in favor of this proposal.

The polls will remain open for 5 days at the time of posting.

Again post your vote in this topic or it will NOT be counted

Edited by Centurius
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...Or we can just wing it whenever a war comes around and see how that goes. Because there are many that like planned wars and always seem to only get into them (any gentleman should PM them of the invasion anyway), while those that like unplanned wars always seem to only get into unplanned wars.

I don't think a vote was neccessary. (go for null vote!)

Edited by JerreyRough
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People should be civilized enough to decide between them what their approach to a war would be. I therefore vote against this proposal, because it takes the freedom away to decide for yourself if you want to plan a war or not, and with whom.

If Lübeck and I want to RP a war, and hes in planned mode, and I'm not, and we don't plan the war, people are gonna scream that we are misusing this rule. Also, I don't like too much rules, it takes the freedom and fun out of a game.

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People should be civilized enough to decide between them what their approach to a war would be. I therefore vote against this proposal, because it takes the freedom away to decide for yourself if you want to plan a war or not, and with whom.

If Lübeck and I want to RP a war, and hes in planned mode, and I'm not, and we don't plan the war, people are gonna scream that we are misusing this rule. Also, I don't like too much rules, it takes the freedom and fun out of a game.

If Lübeck and you want to rp a war the war is planned already as both agree.

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As a note, arguably the most and best roleplayed out war was an unplanned war; it reached a total of 53 pages! Located here.

EDIT: Although it was around a time when everyone wanted to stomp someone, at least they didn't back out and continued roleplaying until they lost. Unfortunatly, they left. :(

There is such a thing called "rebuilding" and another thing called "rerolling". Because they can still roleplay a blockade and military buildingup and other harmful things; nothing you can do about that.

Edited by JerreyRough
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As a note, arguably the most and best roleplayed out war was an unplanned war; it reached a total of 53 pages! Located here.


Wait, what? Wasn't that one of the first cluster-$%&@-wars where half of the Amazonas got burned down in nuclear fire and then retconned?

I'd hardly call that a well-done war.

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Wait, what? Wasn't that one of the first cluster-$%&@-wars where half of the Amazonas got burned down in nuclear fire and then retconned?

I'd hardly call that a well-done war.

It was never retconned.

I consider it a good war for several reasons. One, they never backed down and fought to the end. Two, nations planned out where to land forces, where to attack, etc.

I have never seen a war since that had both sides fight for quite a long while, with the possible exception of Greater Nordland.

EDIT: Although there was a lot of OOC, now that I realise it. Ok, it isn't neccessarly the best one out there.

I still vote "null" as I feel that a rule like this should not be forced upon us.

Edited by JerreyRough
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I voted yes because if you dont have planned wars, then anyone who wanted a particular piece of land could jump the tiny, under developed nation that owned it and drive them right out without consent. I was never keen on the whole "If you dont recognize the war, its an auto win for the other guy."

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Heh. I see a large OOC war coming; it always comes when someone declares war then the declared upon doen't recognize it.

And what happens when you consider treaties? There are manditory ones that you are required to furfill, but what if you don't want to for OOC reasons? What happens then?

I voted yes because if you dont have planned wars, then anyone who wanted a particular piece of land could jump the tiny, under developed nation that owned it and drive them right out without consent. I was never keen on the whole "If you dont recognize the war, its an auto win for the other guy."

Often numerous nations go and help the smaller nation. Which I will be doing with my new nation Diberia, and if my plans work then it won't be attacked due to overwhelming force.

Edited by JerreyRough
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I voted yes because if you dont have planned wars, then anyone who wanted a particular piece of land could jump the tiny, under developed nation that owned it and drive them right out without consent. I was never keen on the whole "If you dont recognize the war, its an auto win for the other guy."

Doing so carries the risk that the attacker in turns gets rolled by a coalition of nations. They THEY would be the one that would have to recognize the war.

Yes all the way. It should help cut down on OOC whining.

No, it'll really only create a new set of OOC problems.

My vote is no.

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Voting no. This doesn't need to be set in stone as a guideline, people just need to decide whether or not your war will be planned between both sides or a "surprise". Since some may want a planned war one day and a "surprise" the next, this isn't a great idea.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Nulled my vote cause I don't have a country, lol, but I think this is a bad idea for all its worth. However something that I think might be an improvement. Perhaps, the wars could be planned and still be a surprise. For instance, say Cent wanted to invade The Stig, he would call his generals together, classified of course and begin planning the attack, call his alliance, much like Rebel Virginia did when he was part of the invasion of Greater Nordland in December. I thought that was a very well planned, I could be wrong, but it wasn't as bad as OOC wars we've had recently.

So while The Stig couldn't really get ready for the war, except for normal peacetime movements, otherwise it would be metagaming, he'd no the war would be coming and could possibly talk to Cent about it later or not and make it completely non-planned, what the problem is is a respect thing, we're all guilty of it and we all need to try to build back up the respect to ourselves in the forum. I think that would be a push in the right direction.

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Alright, I put my vote in for "No" a while ago, but here's my logic:

Forcing the preplanned wars would open a whole field for metagaming, and would take a lot of spontaneity out of RP. If everything is planned ahead of time, it gets rid of the bit of realism out, as, in reality, world leaders won't always know what's coming, and hence, make a lot of decisions on the fly, like you end up doing when being caught by surprise. Now, I don't think every war should be completely unplanned though. If someone planned on invading me, I would rather be able to work out some basics with them before the war to cut out a bit of the OOC, but too much takes some fun out of the RP.

I would much rather see some sort of rule making people have to RP everything about their defenses though, as so many people pop up and say "I has border fortification" right when they get invaded with no prior RP, and I think i that fun bunch of godmod got cut out a lot of the OOC bickering <_<

That's my two cents at least.

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