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What in the world is wrong with Planet Bob?


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I'm debating whether or not to quote "Damage, Inc." lyrics here...


Just give it time. We have to beat the GRL record of 47.something or another now.

EDIT: Damn you spelling.

Edited by ty345
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I was having a conversation with my good friend President Kent this evening. We are both former Voxians and we both struggled against the Hegemony, which in President Kent's case was a nine-month long struggle, and mine three or four months. We both danced around an issue for about an hour before coming to a shocking conclusion.... we are both affected by the following:

Post-Voxitus: Apathy and a complete lack of motivation caused by overexertion towards a particular goal which, when fulfilled, leaves a sufferer feeling empty, lethargic and worthless.

Strange though it may seem, the New Pacific Order in all its stagnation provided many with a reason to play Cyber Nations. I never knew a world which Pacifica did not rule, I'm not quite sure how to play in this strange new political situation. I'm now looking for a different reason to play this game, a new goal for which I might strive. Nothing of interest has happened in the past month, I'm sick of waiting for Karma civil war, TOP aren't very good at being evil overlords, and frankly I can't be stuffed bringing them down. So, with a complete lack of stimulation, I'm really getting rather bored.

What are your thoughts?

(oh, and props to Kent for the Post-Voxitus definition.)

My thoughts are as follows:

1. Suck it up. CN goes through boring periods no matter who is in charge. I left the game at least once out of boredom during the height of the NPO's power and they were my favorite adversary. I regretted leaving too as you'll see in my next point.

2. Stay alert. I missed hugely important events, like the NoCB War, while I was away from CN. I missed my own alliance (GATO at the time) nearly getting itself into a war against the members of its own sphere. I missed the coup of Ivan Moldavi. Etc. Maybe nothing is happening at the moment, but that will change and it will change quickly and you'll miss it if you aren't alert.

3. Open your eyes. It's not even boring around here! We've got alliances shifting and moving all trying to figure out this new world and all causing friction here and there. We have small but interesting conflicts igniting on an almost weekly basis. We have people being oppressed, we have new leaders coming to power, we have old friends reuniting and old friends going separate ways. There's more going on now than perhaps there ever has been. Are there any epic struggles of Good vs. Evil right now? No. But there is plenty to hold your attention if you just recognize that it is there.

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3. Open your eyes. It's not even boring around here! We've got alliances shifting and moving all trying to figure out this new world and all causing friction here and there. We have small but interesting conflicts igniting on an almost weekly basis. We have people being oppressed, we have new leaders coming to power, we have old friends reuniting and old friends going separate ways. There's more going on now than perhaps there ever has been. Are there any epic struggles of Good vs. Evil right now? No. But there is plenty to hold your attention if you just recognize that it is there.

This. There might not be any major military wars going on, but there are almost always political wars going on, as the people vie for power within and between colour spheres.

"The calm on the surface of any lake is an illusion, there are always underlying currents."

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This. There might not be any major military wars going on, but there are almost always political wars going on, as the people vie for power within and between colour spheres.

"The calm on the surface of any lake is an illusion, there are always underlying currents."

Some folks prefer their wars huge, perhaps. I wonder if folks really are fine with little brushfire wars. Even the whole mess between the Viridian Entente and the Global Defence Initiative drew in a treaty partner or two, I think--even if they're small partners.

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This. There might not be any major military wars going on, but there are almost always political wars going on, as the people vie for power within and between colour spheres.

"The calm on the surface of any lake is an illusion, there are always underlying currents."

Yeah i agree with both yourself and Raga, there is a lot of activity going on. Besides for all the bored warriors out there a soldiers life usually consists of periods of boredom interspersed with intense bursts of conflict, just make your preparations as best you can because you can never be to sure when the shooting will next start.

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Some folks prefer their wars huge, perhaps. I wonder if folks really are fine with little brushfire wars. Even the whole mess between the Viridian Entente and the Global Defence Initiative drew in a treaty partner or two, I think--even if they're small partners.

A couple of things:

1. These little brushfire wars are slowly but surely shaping the next big war. Some of these events won't ever be thought about again but I fully expect that some will. Of course we'll have to watch everything since none of us can predict which events will fall into which category.

2. I'm sure there are those that prefer huge wars, but I would hope there are others like me who prefer no war unless there is a darn good reason for it. I think VE, for instance, had a darn good reason for their war. I think some of the other conflicts that have happened since the Karma war are just plain stupid. Fortunately I don't get my way all the time. If I did then I'd be bored and whining about it. ;)

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A couple of things:

1. These little brushfire wars are slowly but surely shaping the next big war. Some of these events won't ever be thought about again but I fully expect that some will. Of course we'll have to watch everything since none of us can predict which events will fall into which category.

2. I'm sure there are those that prefer huge wars, but I would hope there are others like me who prefer no war unless there is a darn good reason for it. I think VE, for instance, had a darn good reason for their war. I think some of the other conflicts that have happened since the Karma war are just plain stupid. Fortunately I don't get my way all the time. If I did then I'd be bored and whining about it. ;)

Understandable. I'm one of those who doesn't really like the war bit that much. Never got the glee of building something up and then blowing it to bits afterward. Well, OK, there was that time when I was young and had those building toys that I kept..um, let's just say I'm more careful with my stuff now.

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Understandable. I'm one of those who doesn't really like the war bit that much. Never got the glee of building something up and then blowing it to bits afterward. Well, OK, there was that time when I was young and had those building toys that I kept..um, let's just say I'm more careful with my stuff now.

In my opinion the war itself is ok, but its the events leading to war which is the best part. Remember when VE cancled with NPO, GGA, and IRON(IRON might have cancled with VE)? When that happened, I'm sure people new it was coming and once Sparta left the Continuum and LoSS cancled almost all their treaties, the peak of fun had come and by now we could easily know what would happen instead of predicting and not knowing. Almost everyone I knew, knew it was obvious MHA and TOP were leaving Q. Even though that was a day before the whole thing started, by than we knew war was coming in a day or two and we knew the sides. The same thing will happen in the next war. The peak of fun will be a week before the war when we don't know the exact sides yet, but we can see some lines and we know war is just beyond the horizon. After that we will most likely know the sides and so begins the war. Trust me, it will come and I see the whole treaty cancleation period happening not now, but soon.

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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I'm still enjoying Karma's victory in the last war as I continue to build up my warchest again. I don't think we'll see anyone rushing to start any major wars for a while.

I agree. Because the Karma war was so consuming, a lot are building up their nations. Not many are yet to the point where they want to lose what they are still building back up.

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TOP aren't very good at being evil overlords, and frankly I can't be stuffed bringing them down. So, with a complete lack of stimulation, I'm really getting rather bored.

What are your thoughts?

Eh. Only just caught my attention, this thread did. Weekend starting on monday ftw. Evil overlords? Whut? TOP are the puppies with which Argent entertains themselves with. :3 Also, too lazy to read 8 pages. Sue me. Also, get me another beer now, damn it.

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Believe me I know exactly what you mean. After six months of working toward one specific goal where every right move made it just a little less likely that we'd get ourselves killed and every wrong move meant risking the collapse of everything we'd done and eventual annihilation, where every thing I did in CN was focused on achieving that one single goal of avoiding being smashed into bits, and then we succeed and suddenly it's all over; after all that, having to look around and realize I didn't have a goal and even if I found one my success or failure wouldn't really be a life or death thing made stuff a bit boring. This is on top of the fact that six months of that kind of tension on a daily basis will burn you out real good.

I know a lot of people who are suffering post-war depression of that nature, especially people who are or were in government. Luckily for me, I bounce back from things quickly. Found myself some new goals and a new wind. They're not as glamorous but they're challenging and it's enough to keep me interested. If the politics aren't doing it for you, pick something you can do yourself and work on that. It's what I did and IU'm much happier now.

Quoting this to ensure it lives on in its original glorious form. I mean I guess these days it's the cool thing to do to tout your involvement in bringing down Pacifica, but I just never realised that coming out and publicly taking credit for working against a MDP partner behind their back while you are allied was something that the general populace of CN approved of. While not what the OP was talking about, this is surely one of the things that is wrong with Planet Bob.

Edited by WorldConqueror
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Quoting this to ensure it lives on in its original glorious form. I mean I guess these days it's the cool thing to do to tout your involvement in bringing down Pacifica, but I just never realised that coming out and publicly taking credit for working against a MDP partner behind their back while you are allied was something that the general populace of CN approved of. While not what the OP was talking about, this is surely one of the things that is wrong with Planet Bob.

Actually, you're wrong.

People working in secret to bring other people down is what makes this whole thing fun. You NPO guys did a great job of it for what, two years? Don't complain when the very same thing happens to you. Especially not when it happens for what was actually a just cause.

Edited by Ragashingo
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Actually, you're wrong.

People working in secret to bring other people down is what makes this whole thing fun. You NPO guys did a great job of it for what, two years? Don't complain when the very same thing happens to you. Especially not when it happens for what was actually a just cause.

No, Raga, you are intentionally skewing my post. I was not complaining about people working in secret to bring others down, of course that is what makes this game fun, all the political manuevering. My point is that anyone making those kinds of admissions before Armageddon would have been torn apart for working against an ally. Even alliances who simply didn't follow their treaties were lambasted for being useless and 'dishonourable'. Think of all the flack ODN copped because they kept finding ways to not fulfil their treaties, let alone actually actively working against a treaty partner. However, since/during Armageddon, it has become clear that things like that don't matter any more. All that matters is whether you did your part to bring down the evil empire. As long as you did, all is forgiven and forgotten. Even the act of rendering your words unbelievable and your treaties meaningless is ok as long as it was done in the pursuit of defeating Pacifica. As for it being a just cause, well, theres no point arguing about that, as neither of us will the convince the other we are right.

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Actually, you're wrong.

People working in secret to bring other people down is what makes this whole thing fun. You NPO guys did a great job of it for what, two years? Don't complain when the very same thing happens to you. Especially not when it happens for what was actually a just cause.

Ugh the depths too wich that one line "just cause" irks me is amazing. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm posting this. Its over, your always going to think that it was some grand moral crusade, and I'm always going to know it was just Judases and vipers e-preaching their way to dominance by any means they could. Nothing about 'just cause' or 'morals' or any of that nonsense I know you believe in less than I do, seeing as yall managed to break or commit each 'moral' you could while ramming them down our throat. But dont even respond, I'm not going to defend it. Its an argument we already lost, buts its true, and everyone not full of themselves knows it.

@OP there will always be someone next. You may have to be patient. Give it a couple months, it will happen. FYI, Once Sparta grows a spine and actually stands for something, I'm voting them into the evil costume.

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