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A Review of the Strongest Alliance in CN

Chancellor Bismarck

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Dear CN players,

I'm here today to discuss the most powerful alliance in all of CN's history.

That's right, you guessed it: "None".


"None" has been in existence since the very foundations of the game. From the start, "none" awed the world by its rapid growth and firm membership. It seemed that every player who joined CN also joined "none". As if that was not enough, "none" has a membership that never seems to grow or shrink, due to the rapid influx and output of nations.

But there are some mysteries surrounding "none". For example, it has the lowest average NS of any alliance that has ever been in existence.


In addition to this, it has only 2,000,000 nation strength in total, only 1/7 of TOP's total strength.


What, then, makes this alliance so great? You guessed it. Membership. Somehow, even though their alliance sucks horribly, "none" manages to carry on with a whopping 5,700 members. Probably the most surprising feat is how they manage to keep these members, even though their alliance was founded on the principles of complete anarchy.

Perhaps all of us could take a lesson or two from "none". Through all of CN's four year history, "None" has repeatedly come out as the best of the best.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Reporter,


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NPO and IRON had higher scores than none before the war.

Clearly "none" was the superior afterwards!

EDIT: Yeah I fail at MS Paint (which is like admitting that you fail at crapping in the toilet, I know...), so the white spots are there.

Edited by Pacifism
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One might wonder why "None" isn't in the Sanctions Race...

Wouldn't be much of a Sanction Race then, since #1 would be pretty much permanently occupied.

The only two alliances I've seen pass None got the crap kicked out of them fairly recently, so...

Edited by Aurion
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