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The August Revolution


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As are we. Having an ally that was willing to show their shared beliefs and commitment to our defiance in public was a shining light for FAN during some of the darkest days of the war.

FAN will remember our brothers of the Pocahontas Accords, even if we never got that last October rum mixer recipe from you.

The Pocahontas Accords could very well have been the greatest bloc of all time.

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Great times, fearful times. My membership in Vox was probably the period I was most active on the CN forums. Arguing in every Vox thread (remember how many there where?) for the revolution and against the system that had seized hold of Planet Bob. The excitement of breaking the New Pacific Order's grip on the Red Senate. Watching the dismissive attitudes directed toward us transform into desperate opposition. I hope this world never needs another revolution, that Vox's lesson has been taken to heart, but should the need arise. I stand ready.

Pro Populo

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I like how no one would say half these things a year ago.

That's how the world spins.

Of course I wouldn't have said these things half a year ago. Vox was an enemy. Now they are not.

Political environments change. Perspectives change. People change. And that's exactly what we want and need.

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I like how no one would say half these things a year ago.

I would not say that exactly. Several people spoke out against many things. I for example spoke out heavily against the TPF-NoV war while still in Polaris and even after Random posted Polaris's support of TPF. I may have even spoken out in that thread. I do believe others have spoken out in that time. IAA for example, spoke out and fought for GATO during the 1V-GATO war. and i am sure there are still more examples if i felt like thinking that hard.

So to state that no one spoke out a year ago is false, it was just drowned out by the endless hailing and brown-nosing that most in CN did at that time.

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I like how no one would say half these things a year ago.

I could say why and give a huge list of reasons why, but this is neither the time nor the place. But the fact that they can now proves that Vox was indeed successful in it's main mission. We set out to help start a new world where opinions mattered, and it's exactly what we did.

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I'm so glad this announcement was something other than a Vladimir rant. Although I was never part of Vox and was sometimes even critical of it, I must acknowledge the sacrifice and commitment that led the disaffected to believe they could change the world. I do believe that we'll see the rise of another hegemony, as the last war was not a destruction of the elite so much as a defeat of their most prominent figures, but should that come to pass, my hope is that the rest of the world will remember and be inspired by this revolution against the invincible.

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Ahh, those were the days. Despite the fact that I was quite a loathed figure at that time, I can honestly say it was enjoyable for me to lock words with you guys. To look back I am glad the story went the way it did despite my tiny little contribution on the losing end, the big bad evil really isn't supposed to win even though everyone thought it would when you guys started out.

I like how no one would say half these things a year ago.

For the record I realize you are absolutely correct that many folks saluting them now wouldn't dare utter a complimentary word in their direction. There were a few isolated incidents of mutual respect shot towards the other side although they were few and far between.

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What a fun time, fighting MCXA and GGA with Vox Populi was great. And yeah, I was on one of the forums. I even rescinded my application to TOP in order to join Vox. Kind of shot my friend's credibility for vouching for me in doing so, but I couldn't just do nothing.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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