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Ah, a month ago when you suddenly reversed position because NPO was in a convenient position to play victim? Really, you don't stick with anything.

Very well. As much as I admire good masonry I've better things to occupy myself with than talking to a wall. Toodles.

Keep avoiding the whole "use specifics" thing, it works wonders at masking ignorance.

I regretted my actions against NPO for quite a while, but did not apologize to them until a month ago. I'm sure if I had done it at any other time, it also would be perceived as opportunistic by you due to your agenda.

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I would give a friendly advice to Sileath to just shut up for a while: when 99% of the people are disagreeing with you (or openly displaying their hate for you) the best course of action is to take a pause and reflect a bit. They can't be all wrong.

Unlike many think, however, Sileath has several positive and useful traits - being an hard worker not the least of them - and he can and (hopefully) will eventually become a useful party in CN, unless some earthquake or other disaster sweeps his nation away before it can properly evolve [ooc] (If he will escape the banhammer long enough...) [/ooc]

... He only needs to learn a few hundreds things! :awesome:

(Also let's be honest: most very active people in CN caused some little or great debacle, during their career. Let's play the saints a bit less, for decency's sake...)


Edited by jerdge
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I like how the people who dislike you are less credible than the people who dislike me, because you're the "lost legend" or something of the sort.

I never passed info from within an alliance

It is true I passed info from NPO after leaving, most notably the dunce cap image created by MaskofBlue, which I sent to Fark and to Schattenmann for use in the issue of TWiP in which I was featured. And yes, I told Moo about this an apologized for it months ago.

Id take Doitzel's word over a proven liars like yours, Sileath. Not to mention your outrageous ego demanding you be absolved of blame for acting like a tool.

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Id take Doitzel's word over a proven liars like yours, Sileath. Not to mention your outrageous ego demanding you be absolved of blame for acting like a tool.

I did not contradict Doitzel. He provided a log, and I clarified the context behind it.

Where do I demand that I should be absolved?

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Athens - Resigned due to Londo not caring that a member of MK and a member of Sparta were trying to bribe other government officials to get me expelled, also Londo's lying about knowing about me using NSO's recruitment parser

1) Do you know WHY I didn't care? It's because I was the only one in Athens that actually had the power to expel you. So what if people dislike you and want you expelled - why should I care if I'm not going to do anything about it? <_<

2) I have lied about nothing.

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Is Sileath honestly at the center of another issue? Can this be the last time? Please?

I think, honestly, that we should all use this thread to just squeeze out every last lolSileath controversy we have and just leave it here so it never happens again.

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Sileath, throwing out allegations against alliances here does not help your cause. If you have concerns, I'm sure there are many other channels wherein to pursue and express them. I recommend that you drop these paths of argument and reassess your situation since it looks like things have not turned out how you would have liked them to. To be bluntly honest, I'm getting quite tired of these mudslinging threads between you and RV and I really don't care who is doing what to whom anymore.

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I think, honestly, that we should all use this thread to just squeeze out every last lolSileath controversy we have and just leave it here so it never happens again.

Sargun is a messiah.

Honestly, Sileath doesn't even deserve this much attention. Stop accepting him into your alliances. Stop aiding him. Stop fueling the fire he breeds. Honestly, is it that hard to say no to an application? Really... it isn't worth it. Go forth and stop talking about him... he isn't worth the bandwidth.

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Damnit, I completely missed round 2 :P

Sup Doitzel, why you talking about things you know nothing about? Have we ever been in an alliance together, or do you only know what you hear from people on the OWF? Here's a run down of reasons for leaving alliances.

NPO - Resigned following a rant in the Diplomatic Corps channel

/A\/A\ - Expelled for having +o in #blackstonecollusion

STA - Resigned to join NSO

NSO - Resigned due to citizenry not being informed of Frostbite treaty before it hit the OWF

Athens - Resigned due to Londo not caring that a member of MK and a member of Sparta were trying to bribe other government officials to get me expelled, also Londo's lying about knowing about me using NSO's recruitment parser

MHA - Resigned to fight BTA

CG - Resigned due to refusal to surrender to Dynomite Pact

tF - Expelled as part of peace deal with GDI

Okay, I'm just going to say this. I've been here on this big ole Planet Bob for 1168. You've been here for 214 days. So I've been here a little bit over five times as long as you have, and yet you've been in more alliances then I have.

Edited by Nintenderek
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Okay, I'm just going to say this. I've been here on this big ole Planet Bob for 1168. You've been here for 214 days. So I've been here a little bit over five times as long as you have, and yet you've been in more alliances then I have.

Let it all out in here. Let your rage consume yo--

wait, I'm not there anymore.

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Okay, I'm just going to say this. I've been here on this big ole Planet Bob for 1168. You've been here for 214 days. So I've been here a little bit over five times as long as you have, and yet you've been in more alliances then I have.

I always find it amazing how people can just jump between alliances like this. I've only been in one since I got here 1238 days ago, and I even remember a time when calling someone an alliance-hopper was an insult. Now it's commonplace, and we get situations like Sileath. We should probably revert back a mindset or two.

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