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Trashcat's Corner: Is Anyone Out There?

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Oh Rebel Virginia, What Will You Think of Next?

It looks like RV is at it again people with all sorts of shenanigans and tom foolery that will keep you guessing for hours. He actually even made headlines this month with his FAIL alliance, the one man team that seems to be hell bent on causing as much trouble for several alliances as possible. Added to his list of gags RV declared some wars, stole RLMMO (I don’t know if that’s right) name, and then made a ton of threats in extremely extravagant ways. The only thing I have to say is that the people taking RV seriously need to really get a reality check. Hes taking a piss guys and the sooner you realize that the better his posts will be. Chill people, just chill.

It is not a one man alliance. At least two individuals wear that AA.

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Another excellent edition, Stumpy. I'm glad Karma allowed you access to a computer in your subterranean dungeon.

A good point about the Valhalla terms and PC not requesting reps. I wonder if that was their decision or one imposed on them by higher moral authorities. But, as I mentioned at the time, the Valhalla terms threw any semblance of consistency and fairness of terms out the window so we can't be too surprised that things went pear-shaped after that.

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Something is terribly wrong with that tiger. Terribly, terribly, terribly wrong. Looks kind of like the one in heinousone's sig, but there's something terribly, terribly wrong with that one too.

The hell is up with that?

[ooc]The tiger in that pic has a kidney disease...yes, really[/ooc]

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I love you stumpy :wub:

Same :wub:

Delta you did not read all that in 3 minutes ya jerk.

I especially agreed with the part about Echelon's terms... specifically banning Caffine from .gov. For shame.

I agree. Banning people from gov isn't cool, guys, no matter who you are or what "side" your on. Unless, of course, your on the anti-CN side. Then, I guess you could say its cool... :ph34r:

Edited by Kochers
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Another excellent edition, Stumpy. I'm glad Karma allowed you access to a computer in your subterranean dungeon.

A good point about the Valhalla terms and PC not requesting reps. I wonder if that was their decision or one imposed on them by higher moral authorities. But, as I mentioned at the time, the Valhalla terms threw any semblance of consistency and fairness of terms out the window so we can't be too surprised that things went pear-shaped after that.

It just baffles me how they let Valhalla off then cry when TPF doesnt want to pay them reparations.

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[ooc]The tiger in that pic has a kidney disease...yes, really[/ooc]

[ooc]aww... poor tiger :( [ooc]

Welcome back! Excellent read, very funny as well, thank you Stumpy!!! The picture of the fat man... a little disturbing, it took me a couple minutes to stop staring... :blink:

This... this is what I've been trying to tell people who cry foul against NPO. I'm not very skilled at making my thoughts reach the screen in coherent, logical, and resonable sentences but... You have put it in perfect words. :wub:

The Bigger You Are… Well You Get the Picture

The New Pacific Order surrendered this month AND admitted defeat to Karma forces, making it impossible for them to claim that they have never lost a war. That’s right, this Vladimir style nonsense is over once and for all. More importantly, Pacifica saw the largest reps assigned to an alliance in the history of the game when they surrendered this month with a whopping 10 billion dollars and 350,000 technology to the parties that fought them. Lets start off by saying that I am glad to see the silly peace mode term dropped because, well lets face it, it was never actually gonna work out. Now on to the monetary considerations of this surrender, something that I must admit I am torn on. On one hand, NPO has committed more crimes in the history of this game and destroyed more communities than I care to count. On the other hand, they are being charged more tech than they actually have, all of which has to be paid by nations with over 1k tech. Well, I think Im about to disappoint a lot of people when I say my reaction to this is… Meh. You all ask me to feel outraged over what has happened to this alliance, but I don’t. I just don’t. NPO used abusive terms to destroy alliances that didn’t deserve what they received and that is very fine distinction from handing down harsh terms to an alliance that deserves more than we could ever possibly make them pay. The fact is, if we punished NPO for every crime they’ve committed, every person they’ve hurt, then they would become a tech farm forever and never see the light of day. Instead of doing that, they were given harsh, but doable terms, as a means of paying for their past. Will it be hard? Yes. But not nearly as hard as the things they have put other people through in their quest to control this game. Look at what has happened from this war and tell me that we are continuing a vicious cycle my punishing NPO. If you actually look at it, you truly cant tell me that unless you are just too blinded by your own propaganda to see. Old Guard, Valhalla, NATO, Legion, so many others who were honoring treaties and have done bad things in their past were let off with white peace, or something very close to it. So many alliances in the between were not charged a dime for fighting in this war. The innocent, those who truly were just honoring their commitments, have been treated as the honorable soldiers they are and have been let go. NPO, however, does not fall into this category and thus will not be treated as such. You ask me to pity them after all they’ve done? You ask me to weep for the tech they will lose after what they did to LUE, GATO, GPA, GOLD, and so many more? I wont. I cant even possibly consider doing it. Its not morbid, its not sick, its justice, and that’s all I see in this so called “atrocity.”

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Well done as usual. Apparently I'm not the only Uralican who thinks so. There is much time and effort being spent on translating this publication into the other 29 official/Tribal languages of Uralica that aren't English. :P

(OOC: couldn't you just imagine reading your own words in a language like Mansi :lol1: )

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And Now For Something Completely Different!

The Phoenix Federation was the topic of discussion over the last few weeks because of their persistence in the art of getting rolled. TPF announced that they will not be accepting any surrender terms under which they have to pay a cent to Poison Clan because Poison Clan broke a treaty to declare war on TPF in the Karma war. Both sides then took turns making more topics that each clarified the same thing over and over again just for the sake of having "their side known." Now, what we have here is a multi sided situation that needs thorough examining. On one side we have TPF, and lets face it, is only refusing to surrender out of mhawk's abused and damaged pride following this war. The only reason you wont accept this terms is not because of your damaged morality or hurt sense of right and wrong, but merely because your pride is blocking you from acknowledging PC in that way. Oddly enough, however, I absolutely know where they are coming from when they say that they don't feel like they should have to pay Poison Clan at all. Believe it or not people, PC broke a treaty in just about every way shape and form, and hiding behind "WELL IT WAS WRITTEN IN THE TREATY" is really one of the dumbest things I have ever read. No matter how you view it PC had to conflict with the treaty, which by definition means they broke it, to make it null and void. No matter how you view it PC broke a god damn treaty. However, do I blame them for doing it? No way. TPF has been hounding PC for their entire existence and has made it their goal to make PC's existence a living hell. They have gone out of their way to isolate and damage PC at every turn and naturally PC is going to take a golden opportunity to strike out at a blatantly obvious threat and well known enemy. It's a perfect example of what goes around comes around in its purest form. You made enemies TPF, and now you have to deal with those enemies calling your number. As for the terms, they are truly light for all the things that have been done under the TPF banner, even if you try to downplay your past crimes like you always do. So whats my verdict you ask? I don't think TPF should have to pay PC a god damn cent. If PC wanted reparations for this war they should have taken them out of Valhalla, the alliance that took aggressive action against PC and actually opened a non-defensive war with you guys. They actually had good reason to pay you reparations, not the alliance you broke a treaty to attack. However, what TPF needs to realize is that right or wrong, they will almost certainly have to pay PC if they want to go back to growing. I want to see TPF out of this war, you have proven yourselves to be quite admirable in your convictions, but you will not be able to do that without swallowing your pride and accepting one last swift kick in the nuts. Im sorry, but that's the cold truth. A tip of my hat to TPF though for sticking true to their principles.


(Image by Jipps)

Alas, we've read your post and decided that the end is nigh. And it is kick in the nut.

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Yeah, I think Heinous copied me. Whats up with that?

Oh no you didn't!


A brilliant result of inbreeding indeed.

Its such a beautiful kitty.

OOC: White tigers are the result of a recessive gene. Since it looks cool, there has been some effort to selectively breed them and the small gene pool has led to an unusually large number of genetic defects in the white tiger population, hence we get tigers like HeinousOne and the one in the OP.

IC: Good read, Stumpy. I hope to see this return to regularity. Thanks for including my humble graphic.

I agree with you on many fronts. I've liked what I've seen from Arsenal so far, and hope that the ODN can move past the unfortunate reputation it's gathered in some circles. I also whole-heartedly agree that the TAB-BTA affair is one of the most "meh" topics I've ever stumbled upon.

OOC: I see what you did there.....

Oh snap, really? wow, that makes sense then. Good to know, thanks.

Yes, yes what can I say? Aristocrats tend to come in interesting forms due to our disdain for interbreeding with a majority of the population.

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It just baffles me how they let Valhalla off then cry when TPF doesnt want to pay them reparations.

The answer is probably as simple as we spent far more time fighting off Umbrella and RIA (among others) than we did attacking PC. It could also be that we spent less than three weeks at war with them, while TPF has been at war with them for over 3 1/2 months.

But hey, keep looking...the truth is out there, Mulder.

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The answer is probably as simple as we spent far more time fighting off Umbrella and RIA (among others) than we did attacking PC. It could also be that we spent less than three weeks at war with them, while TPF has been at war with them for over 3 1/2 months.

But hey, keep looking...the truth is out there, Mulder.

Yet... still... you declared a nuclear war on them... they broke a treaty to attack TPF... hmmmmm... One of these things seems more deserving of reparations than the other...

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