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Tabloid Tribune #149 | Clerk Report Y5.T3.4

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He does have a point on the face of it about other nations choosing to pay reps for them, or joining the NPO. After playing similar shens on MK, though (not to mention FAN), NPO are not in the position to get sympathy for 'violations' of terms that are really following the spirit of the terms instead of an accident in the letter of it.

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He does have a point on the face of it about other nations choosing to pay reps for them, or joining the NPO. After playing similar shens on MK, though (not to mention FAN), NPO are not in the position to get sympathy for 'violations' of terms that are really following the spirit of the terms instead of an accident in the letter of it.

It could have been intentional for all you know <_<

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The home run though is the veiled threat to release all payments to the public. So basically karma can try and keep all that hidden but if NPO doesn't go with it, then what's the point?

Hi, if any good sir can kindly shed a light on it, is NPO under any obligation to keep the total payment amounts breakdown hidden? Also, if I am not wrong, today the reps begin, anyhow, what are the reasons for Karma not disclosing them, obviously they are under no obligation to do so nor do they have anything to hide, hence bit of a confusion.

Anyway, the humor was most funny (Grammerphail?), Regards,

Edited by shahenshah
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Rorschach's Journal, Saturday, 2:16 PM...

...As I was walking through the dirt infested streets I noticed a crumbled piece of newspaper. Picked it up and read it while walking. A cowards plea for help to an even more cowardice population. I crumbled it back into a ball, tossed it over my shoulder, and continued walking away as the cold wind blew across the hoods of vacant parked cars and into a sewer. As if this place wasn't already.

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Listen, you know the terms do not allow for others to pay off your reparations. Your leaders know the terms do not allow for others to pay off your reparations. You leaders did not request for anyone else to pay off your reparations. You personally came around and asked if others may pay them off or wave them, knowing the answer would be no, for the sole instance of having something to put in your little paper thingy here.

I would be willing to bet there are many within your ranks that are very, very glad that you don't actually speak on behalf of your alliance, but still...funny read nonetheless.

Last I checked Sir Paul had IO status. It has been awhile since I have checked (like back when I was NPO) but I hardly think he has done anything to warrant a demotion.

Good read. I like the part about PC and well PC. Heh it's a shame Zhadum's back though

I won't believe zhadum is back till I see him out here. Atleast one post. Till then they are just using his name.

Hi, if any good sir can kindly shed a light on it, is NPO under any obligation to keep the total payment amounts breakdown hidden? Also, if I am not wrong, today the reps begin, anyhow, what are the reasons for Karma not disclosing them, obviously they are under no obligation to do so nor do they have anything to hide, hence bit of a confusion.

Anyway, the humor was most funny (Grammerphail?), Regards,

Just look at how the world has gone over all other rep numbers from the other theatres of war. Take that and quadruple it and that is the size of the headache for the Karma nations fighting NPO when it comes to discussion over the terms. So, I can see why they would want to keep it to themselves but NPO already showed that they are willing to take such things public like they did with the initial terms so it amuses me in massive amounts that those Karmic alliances think that this is going to remain under wraps. They just compound it by making it appear like they have something to hide. So when NPO releases it, it shall be like a tank full of piranha around here looking for the bits that those alliances wouldn't have wanted to be seen.

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Last I checked Sir Paul had IO status. It has been awhile since I have checked (like back when I was NPO) but I hardly think he has done anything to warrant a demotion.

I won't believe zhadum is back till I see him out here. Atleast one post. Till then they are just using his name.

Just look at how the world has gone over all other rep numbers from the other theatres of war. Take that and quadruple it and that is the size of the headache for the Karma nations fighting NPO when it comes to discussion over the terms. So, I can see why they would want to keep it to themselves but NPO already showed that they are willing to take such things public like they did with the initial terms so it amuses me in massive amounts that those Karmic alliances think that this is going to remain under wraps. They just compound it by making it appear like they have something to hide. So when NPO releases it, it shall be like a tank full of piranha around here looking for the bits that those alliances wouldn't have wanted to be seen.


Anyways, a good piece of work. Congrats SirPaul.

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I must admit that this is the first Tabloid Tribune (that was public) that I have enjoyed, the whole PC thing at the start was neither here nor there. However the remainder was a good read, NPO may very well know what that term meant in spirit but well picked up on the fact that it was not explicit in the wording. Although I do find the implied reference of 'collecting' on reparations payments at a later date a tad concerning.

Nevertheless a well written piece :)

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TWiP will never be matched, ever again. However, this is a decent read. I remember telling my comrades that I fully expected NPO allies to cough up reps, since so many got white peace. I was involved in negotiations with such alliances and saw myself how dedicated they were to NPO. Karma should have planned for this.

The P_C vs PC section is a waste though.

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It's funny to see complaints about the supposed "change" in terms when they did the exact same thing to MK with our terms, not allowing outsiders to pay despite it not being in the terms, and then extending the 3 month terms when reps weren't finished even though there was nothing in the terms about reps having to be finished for those terms to end.

It's nice that Karma uses the justification "They did it, so why can't we?" "It's not evil, because they did it before".

OOC: Reminds me of Animal Farm by George Orwell. "Well, you don't want NPO to come back, do you?"

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Probably for the same reason that MK wasn't allowed to pay their reps as agreed to in their surrender terms and had to adhere to unspoken/unwritten rules that were not laid out in the surrender terms themselves.

Ok, so it's an "eye for an eye" revenge thing. Just wanted to clarify. Not that I have any issues with a good old fashioned revenge killing, but at least have the courage to call it for what it is. It's tiring to see some of the Karma types go on and on as if they're liberating the Cyberverse from Pacifican oppression. You could say that they did depending on your point of view, but they're simply replacing it with their own oppression. Take this for instance:

This sounds rather ominous, and I hope that NPO learned a lesson this war. If you do this, when another coalition forms to take you down, you won't be given peace. Ever. If you come out of this war and try to enact the same revenge you did after GWI, it will not end well for you. I honestly want Pacifica to have this second chance. But this IS your last chance. Don't begin trying to knock off Karma alliances one by one, don't try to form coalitions to enact revenge. Realize that the world spoke with this war and said that it is tired of bullying other alliances, destroying communities and running players out of the game. You're being given another chance. Don't screw it up. Because if you do, when the world again mobilizes to take you down, and the world will, you won't be given surrender terms.

Notice how this one threatens to run Pacifica off the face of the planet in one sentence while admonishing them for (supposedly) doing the same thing to others. And to think that NPO members are the ones accused of doublethink!

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I love how some people take this tabloid thing seriously.

Of course its a PR jab, but nobody really takes it seriously. Personally I love reading things like this because it brings humor to planet bob. I mean if all the international community had to read was just Declarations of Existence and Treaty announcements then it would become a boring place.

So I applaud NPO for still doing this....

I Hope a few on Karma's side get the idea to do similar humorous PR spins on things, especially since one of the things they stood for was allowing people the freedom of speech instead of curb stomping anybody with a difference of opinions.

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