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0 Rorschach 0

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Everything posted by 0 Rorschach 0

  1. ...And with that, the man who I'd never known slowly grew transparent. Hollow. Faint. Free from the curse that this game entangles it's participants in. Goodnight, Twisted.
  2. Rorschach's Journal, August 2, Sunday 10:50 AM... ...A cat disguised as a mouse lours in a rat. After 6 months preparing for the day he would stand high and mighty over vermin, he reported it out to the world. He claims moral superiority, and the public, as always, will believe it. You're no better than him. You loured a weak thieve into your trap because you wanted recognition in this world. It got you recognition. From moaners. Moaners that can't take what the world has to give. Moaners that don't understand that there are others who do this without shouting it to the world and thus, without displaying themselves or canceling their operation once they received recognition. Don't quit your day job.
  3. Rorschach's Journal, Saturday, 2:16 PM... ...As I was walking through the dirt infested streets I noticed a crumbled piece of newspaper. Picked it up and read it while walking. A cowards plea for help to an even more cowardice population. I crumbled it back into a ball, tossed it over my shoulder, and continued walking away as the cold wind blew across the hoods of vacant parked cars and into a sewer. As if this place wasn't already.
  4. To express friendship in a world where people will lie, cheat, and attack you the first chance that they get. It's giving a knife to someone and then turning around, as if they were somehow no longer aiming for you as you turned a blind eye. Friendship around here get's you nothing. Or perhaps it does. Perhaps... 6 feet below the surface.
  5. Rorschach's Journal, Saturday 11:40 AM... ...Sakura stands, foot perched on top of a beaten, submitting Kobiashiy. A man that just wants peace, and isn't prepared for the world to not spin into his direction. Sometimes I wonder if the swine will ever stop waiting for someone to stand against the wolf without fleeing or surrendering. To stand in the face of death without some political alterior motive aside from survival. Then I remember, they're all too ridden with pusillanimity and faintheartedness to consider it.
  6. Rorschach's Journal, Saturday 11:12 AM... ...RAD joined in the conspicuous boat of Sileath movements, the entire fiasco becoming a bloated leech taking from the community. Taking without giving anything back, except for a certain weariness that infests the populous. For some reason they're still interested. Like watching a car smash into a brick building full of the deceased and the diseased. They know it will only hurt people, but they keep going relentlessly. They realize what they're doing, but they still continue. I sense that soon the people will become so weary that they stop watching all together, look away, having seen the same sequence ad nauseam.
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