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Announcement from the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

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Announcement from the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

The Multicolored Cross-X Alliance completed the reparations required of us from our adversaries during the Karma War on the 26th of July, and the peace terms associated with our exit from that conflict have therefore come to a close. We would like to thank the Grand Lodge Of Freemasons and 1 Touch Football; for their speedy delivery of reps lists, the Viridian Entente; for their cooperation in ironing out some last minute payment issues, and Nueva Vida; for graciously waiving the final 1,400 tech which was to be paid to them. Their benevolence in this matter is very appreciated.

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One casualty of our recent spat of inactivity deletions included Sandbender, our Minister of Defense. Our Deputy MoD, Doug Falkner, is unable to assume this position due to other commitments, so the High Council has decided to appoint Draggie as our Acting Minister of Defense until elections early in August. Please feel free to accost her with any military-related issues you might have.

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I would also like to take a moment to recognise a number of individuals who have made contributions to our alliance over the past number of months, and deserve to be rewarded for their hard work and dedication.


The MCXA Champion honor shall be awarded to any member who has made significant contributions or service to the alliance, either through government or military participation, or who has acted in a manner which the High Council otherwise deems appropriate for this honor.

  • AndrewHG, for his efforts and dedication while serving as Minister of the Interior
  • Jimmy2E, for his efforts and dedication while serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Liffer, for his longstanding efforts to promote accountability and the rule of law within the alliance government
  • Rextu, for his efforts and dedication while serving as Minister of Finance


The MCXA Veteran honor shall be awarded to any member, at the discretion of the awarding party, who has commendably served as a staff member within any Ministry, who has been a long-standing member of the alliance, or who has acted in a manner which the High Council otherwise deems appropriate for this honor.

  • AncientEgypt, by order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, for his previous work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Andrew, by order of the High Council, for past military service and long-standing membership
  • BryanViking, by order of the High Council, for years of membership and service towards the alliance
  • Daedalus, by order of the High Council, for his service on the alliance Court
  • Jakevy Jacob XXVI, by order of the Minister of Defense, for past military service and long-standing membership
  • Mileious, by order of the High Council, for his long-standing dedication and sacrifice to the growth of this alliance
  • Omnifarius, by order of the High Council, for long-standing membership and service towards the alliance

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  • Dr. Fresh, Chancellor
  • Gopherbashi, Chancellor
  • KingEd, Chancellor
  • Mr Damsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Bobo the Monkey, Minister of the Interior
  • Bryn1030, Minister of Finance
  • NeuralLink, High Council
  • TIinPA, High Council

The Multicolored Cross-X Alliance appreciates your cooperation in not attacking us until we have more nukes.

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I have more nukes I should attack.. nah. :P It is a itty bitty gopher though. :wub: Gopherbashi :wub: Glad to see this and congratulations to all those who won awards. Staying a member is enough but to go above and beyond the call of duty and serve during tough times shows greatness and sacrifice. :)

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I suppose it would have been unreasonable to expect recognition for all that I, Sup4, NC, Ilya, OmahaHusker and the rest of us did for MCXA. I would have been touched beyond words, but I can at least treasure the Silver Star that I got in 2007 for military service up and above the call of duty, and the Purple Heart for dedication to MCXA.

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Nice job and good luck on rebuilding. B)

I suppose it would have been unreasonable to expect recognition for all that I, Sup4, NC, Ilya, OmahaHusker and the rest of us did for MCXA. I would have been touched beyond words, but I can at least treasure the Silver Star that I got in 2007 for military service up and above the call of duty, and the Purple Heart for dedication to MCXA.

Soundgarden's Jesus Christ Pose is playing in my head right now. Good luck with your alliance as well.

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