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Regarding peace terms with TPF

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I seem to remember OBM saying he wouldn't pay a dime to PC, directly or not. I stayed with that.

The other problem with your idea, as it's been stated, is why would a third party use its slots to save TPF's pride?

I offered to do it, OBM told me TPF would accept it, PC said no.

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Maybe they don't like the idea of waiting 2 years for someone with 5 slots to re-route 20k tech.

maybe, they didn't actually give the reason (to be fair it would take 10 months if I converted it to cash and did tech deals), but if that is the case they wouldn't have an issue if an alliance stepped up to do it would they?

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maybe, they didn't actually give the reason (to be fair it would take 10 months if I converted it to cash and did tech deals), but if that is the case they wouldn't have an issue if an alliance stepped up to do it would they?

Taking ten months would still keep them from sending out the required monthly amount. The terms will take no more than five.

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Mr. Srqt isn't the only one making offers to help with reps.


Just as Mr. Srqt is not alone, neither are you, though I think that paying any reps to PC is ultimately {insert expletive here}.

Edited by Chimay
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Brilliant, the master plan is working.

We're extorting tech from alliances we weren't even fighting to begin with!

That can also be read as relatively uninvolved alliances agree how much !@#$%^&* it is.

Personally I just agree with TPF's stance on this. Alliance or not, I would offer my coffers as well.

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-If you dont believe that TPF wanted PC, tell me that 1 week before the Karma war started, everyone in CN knows that PC was about to get hit by duckroll at update. We out maneuvered our way out of a war. if TPF needs help remembering what occasion it was, it was TFO-IRAN drama.

It was actually drama created by your protectorate and the aggressive action was also due to their hiding/misleading info. It was resolved in a timely matter so it became a moot point that you would like to create an argument out of.

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Why not?

The arguments are simple:

1. TPF is evil

2. Attacking alliances need to rebuild

3. MK wants tech back

3 just goes back into 1. The answer to that is more fighting, unless the "defending" alliance is offering sufficient "sweeteners" to make war the not-best-option. Which definitely cuts against the whole "we want peace!" thing.

2 is simply extortion.

Reparations are stupid. If you can't shake hands and say "alright, our beef is over" at the end of the day, then you should still be fighting.

Everyone please take note. This is the exact definition of the strawman fallacy. This poster has shortly paraphrased what he believes to be his opposition's arguments. Of course these are easy to disregard and defeat because they're inaccurate and plain out wrong. Do not do this and make sure you call out such a flawed debate tactic when you see it. Thank you, as you were.

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Everyone please take note. This is the exact definition of the strawman fallacy. This poster has shortly paraphrased what he believes to be his opposition's arguments. Of course these are easy to disregard and defeat because they're inaccurate and plain out wrong. Do not do this and make sure you call out such a flawed debate tactic when you see it. Thank you, as you were.

Yeah, because calling out purported straw men and red herrings instead of debating the subject matter isn't a flawed debate tactic.

Thanks Cap'n for saving the day once again.

Edited by Turkey
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Yeah, because calling out purported straw men and red herrings instead of debating the subject matter isn't a flawed debate tactic.

It's been debated for forty pages here and in another thread. What needs saying via debate has been said and trying to blast down the arguments via listing them with one's own bia is both flawed and useless. I was pointing it out very plainly to hopefully avoid it happening in future.

Thanks Cap'n for saving the day once again.

You're welcome.

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It's been debated for forty pages here and in another thread. What needs saying via debate has been said and trying to blast down the arguments via listing them with one's own bia is both flawed and useless. I was pointing it out very plainly to hopefully avoid it happening in future.

Welcome to Cybernations, enjoy your stay.

You're welcome.

It's nice to see that despite your acrimony, you've managed to retain some civility. :ehm:

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Then by all means, continue fighting.

Can we PLEASE quit saying that TPF is fighting? THEYRE NOT. it irks the crap out of me when they claim, or we claim they're "fighting" All they're doing is hiding in a closet like Tom Cruise, and refusing to come out. It's annoying at most. Let em stay in the closet for all I care.

Edited by EatDirtFartDust
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demanding peace, is not giving it. The ball is and has always rested with Karma, stop the war and you'll have peace, dont' and you won't

o/ TPF

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demanding peace, is not giving it. The ball is and has always rested with Karma, stop the war and you'll have peace, dont' and you won't

o/ TPF

Ahh yes the ever popular "you are evil for not coming up with surrender terms that make the losing party happy" Such a wonderful party line. Never saw in enacted much when you were the once dishing out terms but who knows, perhaps losing a war caused an Epiphany, We all eagerly await the next time you win a war so we may see if this represents change, or just cheap political double talk.

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