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An Important Milestone...

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An Important Announcement from the Global Defence Initiative

Today is perhaps one of the happiest days of the Global Defence Initiative. We haven't reached a milestone of pixels or nations unlike most that are mentioned, but we've reached one that roughly 2% of alliances ever manage to make.

It all started when DSCN originally collapsed due to a complete government revolt. Bobithy and myself were close friends and stuck out for eachother, but ultimately we just couldn't fit into an alliance that reflected our colours. So Bob (along with most of the other people in revolt) went off to form the Socialist Peoples Army, and I (along with Kate, a new but equally enthusiastic leader) formed the GDI. On that day, we both signed an MDAP and our alliances started. It's been awhile since that first happened, and alot has occured that has changed alot of IC lives. In fact, I think it's been a bit longer than most of us have thought.

I hereby announce that it has been one full year since the original formation of the Global Defence Initiative.

1.2- Alliance History: GDI is an alliance founded by RyanGDI on July 21st, 2008. It was founded on the Orange Team. It disbanded informally, and has now reformed on the date of April 13, 2009.

Unbelievably, it's been a full year. A year of joy and frustration. Fear and hope. Laughs and perhaps even a couple of tears. Our character, determination, and diligence has brought us to our point of success. Our focus has been more on the adventure throughout the year than the end result. We aren't a huge alliance with sweeping numbers or members. That's not our point. The point is the experiences we had getting here, not just how many pixels we have or how many nations we've got.

What it is about:

It's about the tactical teamwork of Carib, John and Dragontooth amongst others when fighting Soda...

It's about the laughs me, Bobithy, and Steff had in #GDI one night taking turns KBing French webcam chicks that kept popping up...

It's about the friendships we made and struggles we had in CoMA...

It's about the jokes the Warshaw Micro Coalition made up when preparing for The Christmas War...

It's about the friendships we made at Monos Archein before our reformation...

It's about those long dreams our old gov would sit back and have about GDI going on to be several years old...screw a couple of months or a year, why not a few...

It's about the GDI Cafe and pages upon pages of virtual TV, burgers, drinks and snacks...

It's about destroying the "Nod" alliance several times over...

It's about that time I talked with Hoo and he told me about how very few alliances ever make it to the point we've gotten to today...

It's about the GDI-Dyno duel and my personal duel with Jofna...

It's about the patriotism shown by the members of GDI when put in the light of an enemy...

It's about the long and difficult PR battles we fought on this ground...

It's about my conflicting views between Socialism and Communism... (damnit Bobs, they're the same thing. :awesome: )

It's about the countless times I've had to yell "IT'S DEFENCE, NOT DEFENSE!"...

It's about the rogue we hit out in a joint-strike with Rapture...

It's about our friendship with ARES and the ODP which we jokingly called our protectorate treaty...

It's about crazy ideas our Head Gov came up with, and the ones that we actually did...

It's about the forums that ended up being larger than Harvard University...

It's about the countless other events in our IC lives that occurred in the GDI that gave us the experiences that we did...

It happened. It's all happened. And it's those memories, friendships, and experiences that have made the GDI and anyone influenced by it who we are today: much more than just a list of numbers and pixels on a computer screen.

We've made it.

(And as for anyone saying that GDI technically didn't last a full year, hear this. While some nations split to KoTC and most of the remainders joined Monos Archein, Hummer and AGreatNation stuck behind, technically keeping the alliance alive in our absence. 1 of them may have left the AA for a short period of time, but there was always someone to keep the alliance alive. But wait... 1 nation doesn't make an alliance, does it? Ask Vilien. ;) )

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The Global Defence Initiative has proved its ability to move forward from past disagreements and conflicts. RyanGDI and the GDI general membership have shown nothing but respect for TMF and myself following our brief scuffle. In this light, and in acknowledgment of the significance of this date for the Global Defence Initiative, I hereby release GDI from any and all surrender terms and obligations to The Moralist Front.


Vilien, for The Moralist Front

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I spoke with you on a few occasions, and you seemed to have your head about you.

You showed me the logs of your "trials."

While there was combativeness in your voice, I can't say that any alliance leader in your position would have done much better, despite the criticism. When pinned into a corner, there are only one of two outcomes. You tried one path and seemed to decide on the wiser one afterwards.

Without knowing the full situation, good luck to you. Maybe you have learned something of the vindictive and treacherous nature of CN politics.

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The way I read it, you've got to wait until April 2010 to actually reach 1 year. Either that or add up all the months and deduct the time you were disbanded and annouce that "omg we've sort-of mostly been around off and on for kinda roughly 12 months!!! woot".

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The way I read it, you've got to wait until April 2010 to actually reach 1 year. Either that or add up all the months and deduct the time you were disbanded and annouce that "omg we've sort-of mostly been around off and on for kinda roughly 12 months!!! woot".

The precedent has been set by VE on this. They've celebrated anniversaries from their original creation date rather than their reformation date. IAA is doing it now as well.

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I spoke with you on a few occasions, and you seemed to have your head about you.

You showed me the logs of your "trials."

While there was combativeness in your voice, I can't say that any alliance leader in your position would have done much better, despite the criticism. When pinned into a corner, there are only one of two outcomes. You tried one path and seemed to decide on the wiser one afterwards.

Without knowing the full situation, good luck to you. Maybe you have learned something of the vindictive and treacherous nature of CN politics.

Well said my Nordreich brother and Ryan has stood the test of time IMO good luck and well done...o/ GDI

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I hereby announce that it has been one full year since the original formation of the Global Defence Initiative.

I contest this. There were two GDI's before your GDI (one that I helped found so I would know. :v)

Congratulations on the one year anniversary of your GDI though.

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The Global Defence Initiative has proved its ability to move forward from past disagreements and conflicts. RyanGDI and the GDI general membership have shown nothing but respect for TMF and myself following our brief scuffle. In this light, and in acknowledgment of the significance of this date for the Global Defence Initiative, I hereby release GDI from any and all surrender terms and obligations to The Moralist Front.


Vilien, for The Moralist Front

...Oh please.

Now, onto GDI-

Congratulations. Despite what I or the public might think, you've made it. You've done what many other more experienced leaders have failed to do. You have outlasted many of alliances.


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