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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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Vega decided it was time to voice his decision to the world...

"My friends, we are outraged at the atrocities committed by the Dragon, therefore, we have decided to sever all ties with the Dragon Empire. Those behind the attacks must be brought to justice and forced to serve the appropriate punishment given to them for the severe atrocities they have committed!

"Sure, we'll send you any government members of Khmer who are found to be still alive and that were part of the conference where our diplomats were shot as soon as this conflict is over.. if negotiations fail and there is a war." Maelstrom noted when the leader asked those behind the attacks be brought to justice. "We note that murder of civilians, which our diplomats are.. is classified as a crime against humanity.. therefore they are criminals."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Sure, we'll send you any government members of Khmer who are found to be still alive and that were part of the conference where our diplomats were shot as soon as this conflict is over.. if negotiations fail and there is a war." Maelstrom noted when the leader asked those behind the attacks be brought to justice. "We note that murder of civilians, which our diplomats are.. is classified as a crime against humanity.. therefore they are criminals."

"Yet what about those which your government killed unlawfully with a warhead, shouldn't those who were responsible for those attacks be brought to justice for their despicable motives."

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"Sure, we'll send you any government members of Khmer who are found to be still alive and that were part of the conference where our diplomats were shot as soon as this conflict is over.. if negotiations fail and there is a war." Maelstrom noted when the leader asked those behind the attacks be brought to justice. "We note that murder of civilians, which our diplomats are.. is classified as a crime against humanity.. therefore they are criminals."

A crime of diplomatic breech yes, murder by a state, yes. A crime against humanity itself, perhaps, but those are extreme occurrences Chairman and if you are looking at those as crimes against humanity, your excursion in blowing up the Khmer Government complex could be equally toned as such. The point here is that both parties are equally at fault for crimes against humanity. However, diplomats must realize the risk of attending any such meeting outside of their borders. Khmer will be brought to justice, but I would ask you to hold your tongue before you bring more nations of the world criticizing your already questionable policies.

You have lost lives in these conflicts, but you have also sat down to make peace. It would not be good to be so fire headed in doing so.

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"We didn't breach any law. No war crime was committed. We attacked a non-civilian government center. It is a valid military target. Civilian casualties were minimized with the use an appropriate diameter warhead on a precision guided munition. You can't be any more careful than that. Anything else is propaganda and a distortion of what actually occurred."

"Lady Protector. I appreciate you have weighed in on this." He was cool as a cucumber in making his responses, not a shred of spite or anger in him. "I understand how you feel and think, but as you must defend your country and its position in like manner must I defend mine. No crimes were committed by the Empire, as clarified above. We took the war to the people who started it. There is no greater justice."

"We feel the abuse, over-use, and mis-application of the term war crime threatens the very legal fabric upon which the term is based and we encourage the world not to use it so excessively to try to label every military or political event their particular governments may not agree with. The murder of people on a diplomatic mission who are not armed is very clearly a war crime and our use of it in this manner applying it to this event is appropriate."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[...] crimes against humanity.

"War is a crime against humanity, and thus anyone who has ever waged war for whatever reason is a criminal.

Has the Hansa ever waged war? If so, they are criminals, obviously.

But to be serious: Would you rather have the Dragon Empire annihilate an entire cityblock with MOABs or FOABs instead of using a precisely guided shaped warhead that took out a single building, in which a government that was very hostile to the Dragon Empire conducted operations?

They minimised casualties in every way they could to take out an important and potentially dangerous part of their enemy's command structure. I would have done the exact same, because it's a logical thing to do in war. You take out the command structure, prevent the enemy from broadcasting Propaganda and then watch them fall like dominos because they attacked your country."

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Zargathia wishes to point out a small discrepancy within the Dragon Empire's statements:

"Sure, we'll send you any government members of Khmer who are found to be still alive and that were part of the conference where our diplomats were shot as soon as this conflict is over.. if negotiations fail and there is a war." Maelstrom noted when the leader asked those behind the attacks be brought to justice. "We note that murder of civilians, which our diplomats are.. is classified as a crime against humanity.. therefore they are criminals."
"We didn't breach any law. No war crime was committed. We attacked a non-civilian government center. It is a valid military target. Civilian casualties were minimized with the use an appropriate diameter warhead on a precision guided munition. You can't be any more careful than that. Anything else is propaganda and a distortion of what actually occurred."

"Lady Protector. I appreciate you have weighed in on this." He was cool as a cucumber in making his responses, not a shred of spite or anger in him. "I understand how you feel and think, but as you must defend your country and its position in like manner must I defend mine. No crimes were committed by the Empire, as clarified above. We took the war to the people who started it. There is no greater justice."

"We can't help but wonder how many Khmer diplomats were killed in the attack on its government. Yet these are written off almost casually as being collateral damage, whereas anyone attempting to do the same to the deceased Dragon Empire's diplomats is treated as -- pardon the expression -- a heartless !@#$%^& for shrugging off this tragedy."

"Please explain how having your diplomats killed is a crime against humanity, yet your killing of their diplomats is considered a regrettable price to pay for the pursuit of the greatest justice? How being struck -- and i quote -- a 'devastating loss' is written off as perfectly fine when you're the one dealing the damage? It seems propaganda is indeed employed freely in this conflict..."

Edited by Amyante
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"If the diplomats were the ones that killed OUR diplomats, there is no innocence to be claimed. They are combatants."

"Anyone who signs up for a government job and supports the activity of the government knows the risks in a time of conflict they may be targeted. The people in that building all were acting contributors to the government which is responsible for condoning the murder of our diplomats. They took the risk, supported and worked for a murderous regime, and unfortunately were asked to pay the ultimate price for their loyalty for being affiliated with and supporting its actions."

"Anyone from head of state to circuit board operator could be targeted during a time of war.. they all have a role in making the wheels of the military turn."

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"Then I retract my statements, it appears that I was in the wrong for labeling the Empire as such. As it goes if Khmer they attacked first and then the continued aggravation from the killing of your diplomats you are doing well for trying to make peace. There is no real way to stop the world from burning unfortunately, it only seems we can extinguish the fire for a small bit of time. People pass, governments fall, life moves on. Especially since your citizens, real citizens, not diplomats, not government officials were killed you are in the right. The attack was questionable, but then again, everything that a nation does in this world is questionable. Again I apologize for painting you as such and still have hopes for a peaceful matter in the situation."

"To the Bavarian Ambassador, yes, I am a war criminal, most of the world is, I am also a murderer and have also been murdered. Trust me when I say this, you look at me, you are looking at a black heart."

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"Leaders of governments who defend their state have always killed out of necessity, not out of want or need though some have done the latter also. We all have blood on our hands to some degree, but that blood is not always put there by our own desire. Sometimes it is forced upon us. I just hold the sword and direct it.. it is up to those who would be my enemy as to whether or not they would fall upon it."

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"To the Bavarian Ambassador, yes, I am a war criminal, most of the world is, I am also a murderer and have also been murdered. Trust me when I say this, you look at me, you are looking at a black heart."

"Then the great woman I have read so much about appears to be dead."

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"Then the great woman I have read so much about appears to be dead."

She smiled and looked down at the ground with sadness in her eyes. "It is because of statements as these that I still have the hope to get out of bed in the morning. It is because of statements as these that I still have a sliver left of hope for the world. I thank you, eternally, for your support."

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"Then the great woman I have read so much about appears to be dead."

"Not dead, just suffering a crisis of self-worth. If she does not defend her people and they do not defend themselves.. who would? Are we to blame mothers for killing the wolves licking at the heels of their children for the blood they must shed? I will not let such a tragedy grace this world."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Mad Dog Bob Denard's Command Post

Mad Dog Bob Denard examines the map in front of him from his temporary headquarters. After jotting down a few notes he looks up to the commanders of the various units arrayed in front of him. He asks, "How does it go?"

General Sawal of the 1st Armored Division says, "All of my troops are in position."

"Are they well dispersed," asked Bob?

"Yes sir, and we are placing our scouts and missile teams forward as ordered," replies Major Sawal.

Bob looks to Colonel Red Sa'id of the 20th Special Forces group and asks, "What of your deployments?"

"We are right on the border in concealed locations. Command detonated mines have been deployed, sniper teams em-placed, vehicle choke points registered for artillery," he replies.

"Are you passively gathering intelligence on the Khmer across the border?"

"Yes sir," replies Red Sa'id.

"Sir, the Special Forces teams are the eyes and my two light infantry brigades are leg deployed to trip any incoming attack. Our missile teams, mortars, and sniper teams are being deployed along the border with particular attention being paid to obvious lines of attack. Terrain features are being utilized to give our infantrymen cover and to conceal our forward observers," comments General Mike "No Last Name" The Ripper.

"Gentlemen our mission is defensive in nature at this time. However, we must be ready to strike an offensive blow at anytime. Keep your eyes open along the border and you will be getting your invasion orders shortly. You will not act on those orders unless ordered to do so by myself. Am I clear on this matter," Mad Dog Bob Denard asks?

"Yes sir," his assembled officers reply.

Special Forces Groups Forward Area (Death's Ground)

Spec For groups have been assigned the area of observing the first one mile of terrain that runs along the border. With great care they have infiltrated into their positions in the dead of night. It is possible that some of them were spotted, but given the skill of the Somal Special Forces soldier the person who spotted them would have to be extremely lucky. Once in place they began their real work of preparing to act as the eyes and ears of the Republic forces.

Mine fields were prepared along vital choke points and vital targets that include vehicle choke points, river crossings, and other items of military value are quickly registered. The Spec For teams hidden in their spider holes all along the border settle in for a very quiet vigil as they keep watch. Their personal positions are protected by anti-personnel mines and other passive sensors that would make approaching them not impossible but very difficult. To aid in their concealment a thermal blanket is draped over the positions and then covered by a assortment of native grasses, branches, and other vegetation to make the spider holes difficult to detect.

Communications are done by laser transmitters directed at special communications relays established on top of major terrain features just for this purpose.

1st and 2nd Light Infantry Brigades Forward Area (The Ripper's Playground)

Three miles from the border the first real obstacles appear. The men of the 1st and 2nd Light Infantry division have deployed along the Republic front. They have zeroed in their weapons, deployed command detonated mines, registered artillery firing points, and are busy em-placing their vehicles to protect them from artillery or aerial attack. They concentrate their efforts along obvious lines of attack into and out of their area of operations by taking a few key precautions.

Not only are their vehicles being em-placed and camouflaged they are protected by layers of sandbags. Further, they have begun the work of clearing major obstacles that would impede the advanced of a large armored force. Not only have these obstacles been cleared they have been mined with more command detonated mines to prevent them from being used in an Khmer attack. Machine gun nests, missile teams, forward observers, and sniper teams are deployed in sand bag protected emplacements and then covered with thermal blankets and native vegetation to aid in concealment. None of these positions are impossible to destroy or see, but it would be difficult to do so unless they are specifically targeted.

1st through 4th Armored Divisions Forward Areas (Killing Ground)

The 1st through 4th Armored Divisions are deployed accordingly to active both offensively and defensively in two distinct layers. Five miles back from the border their mechanized infantry regiments have deployed in a fashion very similar if not identical to that of the 1st and 2nd Light Infantry Brigades. These Mechanized Infantry Regiments are supported by the Bionix 2 (S) APCs and their 30 mm auto-cannons. Vehicles are hidden, obstacles cleared, artillery strikes preregistered, command detonated mines deployed, and infantry squads em-placed in sand bag protected defenses that are covered with thermal blankets and native vegetation.

Ten miles back from the border the armored might of the Republic of Free Somal lies in wait in carefully chosen locations. The Main Battle Tanks, Self Propelled Howitzers, Grizzly A/A Vehicles, Combat Engineer Vehicles, MLRS Units, and A/A Platforms of the 801st Air Defense Brigade of the Somal Expeditionary Force lie in wait. These units are deployed behind sandbagged berms to conceal their nature and to protect them. Passive sensors sweep the sky to keep the location of the Republic Fire Control Radars a secret for the time being. Their on hand supplies and expendable munitions are enough to fight a three day battle if needed.

Rear Area Zone of Operations

Twenty miles from the border the Republic logistical units and Constabulary patrols are hard at work preparing for the invasion. Trucks, containers, and aircraft are being loaded for combat. The fighters of the Republic are lying in wait in their hangars and the Stealth Bombers are being fueled. Helicopters are quietly clattering their way to an fro as they ferry supplies, mail, food, and men forward to designated landing zones that don't give away current Republic positions. Whenever possible the Republic fuel, ammo, and other supplies are carefully diapered and then protected by sand bag berms. Guards are deployed to keep these vital supplies safe from other attacks as well .In other remote locations the men of the 201st Rocket Brigade are quietly waiting for orders to fire their cruise missiles at selected targets that are being prepared by Intelligence teams.

Using satellite data that is being fed to them by the Kingdom of Cochin the Intelligence teams of the Somal Expeditionary force are creating target lists. They have two target lists that include both the border regions and deeper in Khmer. They focus on vital targets that include bridges, airports, power plants, telecommunications hubs, road junctions, military bases, factories, and any large Khmer military units that can be located. They supplement this data by interviewing anyone who has been in Khmer recently and refugees. The target lists grow and the intelligence teams quickly realize that any invasion is going to be a serious issue of coordination between diverse units.

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OOC: Im assuming you shot that at Hue.

IC: The people of Hue were siting around enjoying the nice Summers day. The sun was shining, it had just hit lunch time. Some holidaying families were eating lunch in the park while others were still hard at work trying to deal with the mad rush the holidays tend to bring. The King was sitting out on the Balcony watching the river flow past when the sirens went off. He looked up but couldn't see anything. He turned and saw his guards come rushing into the room grabbing screaming, "Missile incoming Go Go Go." He turned and saw groups of people rushing into air raid shelters others cowering together waiting for what was to come. Hun stopped, returned to his chair and waited for the missile to hit. 30 seconds later it did. A fire ball exploded out of the palace engulfing it and much of the surrounding area in smoke and flames. Bodies littered the ground. Burnt human flesh could be smelt from miles around as the bodies burned in the fire storm. A few survivors described the remaining smell as a BBQ like smell. This was the day that the 3rd Indochina war was to occur.

--Public Announcement from the Khmer Empire--

We the people of the Khmer Empire will not accept the Dragon Empire's Ultimatum. You accuse us of being despicable for killing 10 of your assassins yet you claim to be peaceful by destroying an ancient cultures spiritual home!. We offered talks in neutral Jinan but you do this instead. We see this blatant act of war as your official deceleration of war and as such the Khmer Empire will fight tooth and Nail to stop your culture destroying beast from taking Indochina. One superpower attempted to conquer this region once before and they were beaten. WE SHALL DO IT AGAIN!!!!. May your souls be blasted in the fires of hell for eternity, less we get to you first.


The full mobilization off all troops have been ordered. Tonkin HQ has been ordered to take up defensive positions in the hills surrounding the border. No man or machine is to get through the passes.

Phnom Penh HQ

Divisions brought back after Pax Pacis collapse to be stationed on Siam's border pending Further DE actions.

Cochinchina HQ to be responsible for defending southern Vietnam.

"Wrong place, wrong time. Unfortunately necessary casualties of the war. Our diplomats were civilians. But again.. better a small amount of people killed in delivering a message, than a widespread military offensive. If Khmer has gotten this message clearly, this war can be over.. they just need accept the terms."
Incorrect, I would hardly call a military team headed by a general a group of civilians. Mr Chairman I suggest you either get a better speech writer or do us a favor and stop lying.

OCC:Sorry if I missed anything.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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