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A Brief Notice from the Orange Defense Network

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Forgive me, I forgot that IRON is morally superior.

Difference being we returned and fought..and fought hard..we returned, for whatever reasons, be it being humbled by a mistake, shame, sense of honor or some sort of a mix. Something you lack.

...IRON as an ally was a mistake, a mistake of previous administrations and not of any administration i have served in. ...

...Well i have a scar on my back from IRON's part in the GATO-1V war and the ICP reformation war back in the day, so perhaps you will understand why i feel little sympathy for you ;)...

You mean to say mistake of the GA as we know, GA made it, it broke it, or wait, sorry, 'suspend' is the new hip word for it. Blaming a 'clique' is very convenient.

..Old scar..seems like it didn't tingle until 1 day before the war.

A Question by the way, your awesome new foreign policy, does it involves more cancellations?

Edited by shahenshah
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Actually, we did fight. We supported the allies that supported us. I told pretty much anyone who would listen that we would oppose the NPO weeks in advance. In fact, I even said this without knowing for certain which side we'd eventually fight with.

The ODN has a legacy of having treaties spread all across the web. If it's any consolation, I can assure you that we will not be making the same mistakes again.

As for cancellations, that was addressed earlier in the thread.

Edited by Style 386
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The ODN has a legacy of having treaties spread all across the web. If it's any consolation, I can assure you that we will not be making the same mistakes again.

Thank You, I hope to have same respect for ODN as I did day before the war, doesn't matters if it matters or not.

Will I be right to assume that these cancellations and perhaps the ones in future (if any), will be ones to address that ODN does not finds itself in a situation where a mistake (from one side's point of view) become unavoidable?

Edited by shahenshah
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Will I be right to assume that these cancellations and perhaps the ones in future (if any), will be ones to address that ODN does not finds itself in a situation where a mistake (from one side's point of view) become unavoidable?

I think thats exactly what hes saying.

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IRON as an ally was a mistake, a mistake of previous administrations and not of any administration i have served in. Its this inability of you to distinguish between the clear difference in outlook between say Walkerninja and his clique and the govt has held sway since his departure (Haflinger: the walker era ended when he departed) that leads to you drawing such conclusions. I am a partisan for Karma and i make no bones about that fact, and i have enough motive for such an outlook based on my experiences in CN since 2006.

Just to be fair Cata, when WN left, the 3 Secretaries he appointed did stay around for a tad bit longer :P

Regarding the term clique: the IRON MDP found great support among the majority of the GA, as well as the Senate (which I happened to be part of) and it was out of a great enthusiasm for Orange Unity that this and most of the Orange treaties signed during this period were signed.

If you were fair, you also have to blame treaties like the RnR treaty on this 'clique'.

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What I find amusing is the people in here defending ODN; its worth noting the AA of the people (and even leadership; hey Sponge) and the distinct lack of treaties with their alliances and ODN.

Rising above all the spiel I wonder why theres so much support but no treaties, is it because they know better than to treaty ODN or just a bunch of "woot ODN'ers" on the loose?

Actually, we did fight. We supported the allies that supported us.

Was that before or after IRON provided you with advice and assistance on upgrading your military system or kept VE off your back?

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Just to be fair Cata, when WN left, the 3 Secretaries he appointed did stay around for a tad bit longer :P

Regarding the term clique: the IRON MDP found great support among the majority of the GA, as well as the Senate (which I happened to be part of) and it was out of a great enthusiasm for Orange Unity that this and most of the Orange treaties signed during this period were signed.

If you were fair, you also have to blame treaties like the RnR treaty on this 'clique'.

I think if I finish this term, I'll break the record for longest consecutive senator. I might have the record for longest consecutive member of government also :\

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What I find amusing is the people in here defending ODN; its worth noting the AA of the people (and even leadership; hey Sponge) and the distinct lack of treaties with their alliances and ODN.

Rising above all the spiel I wonder why theres so much support but no treaties, is it because they know better than to treaty ODN or just a bunch of "woot ODN'ers" on the loose?

Last I checked, it is possible to support an alliance without signing a treaty with them.

Was that before or after IRON provided you with advice and assistance on upgrading your military system or kept VE off your back?

With regards to the military system, I have no idea what IRON did to help us; however, the system we have no is totally independent of that. As for the VE incident, I would have preferred a fight.\

Also, rogues please.

Edited by Style 386
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Last I checked, it is possible to support an alliance without signing a treaty with them.

A favorite of the ODN no?

Also, rogues please.

Got decent terms for the most part and are thus biding their time/ getting on with things. Casting aside ignorance and/or bravado does ODN really think that finding ~15 nuke rogues with WRC's/MP's is that difficult?

Edited by bill n ted
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What I find amusing is the people in here defending ODN; its worth noting the AA of the people (and even leadership; hey Sponge) and the distinct lack of treaties with their alliances and ODN.

Rising above all the spiel I wonder why theres so much support but no treaties, is it because they know better than to treaty ODN or just a bunch of "woot ODN'ers" on the loose?

Speculation isn't your thing I fear. You are more fun when you post in your regular style in ODN announcements :)

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Got decent terms for the most part and are thus biding their time/ getting on with things. Casting aside ignorance and/or bravado does ODN really think that finding ~15 nuke rogues with WRC's/MP's is that difficult?

It was 13 last I heard. Only been able to recruit two more members since April? Surely someone with your charisma should be able to entice more participation in such a venture.

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What I find amusing is the people in here defending ODN; its worth noting the AA of the people (and even leadership; hey Sponge) and the distinct lack of treaties with their alliances and ODN.

I am surprised to see Sponge here after ODN's treatment of Polaris right before the latter was rolled.

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Thats one conflict I wish people hadn't gotten in the way of.

i dont remember anything happening lol (could be before me but i guess its hush hush) but i like both ODN & MCXA so good luck to you both.

now off to have some orange caek.

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As regards Polaris i think i and others have made it perfectly clear as to the magnitude of the error committed...while IRON was not a regretable decision at all (in my eyes anyway). As for MCXA i am not sure how we screwed them over but i am sure you are going to enlighten me B)

Thanks blood brother ;)

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Walkerninja clique?

One of IRON's problems was that they never really understood how ODN worked. This is an example of that problem.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't IRON still defend NPO, thus following the treaty?

More or less.

The ODN has a legacy of having treaties spread all across the web. If it's any consolation, I can assure you that we will not be making the same mistakes again.

My biggest concern is that you will be making new (at least, to you) mistakes. But - time will tell.

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What I find amusing is the people in here defending ODN; its worth noting the AA of the people (and even leadership; hey Sponge) and the distinct lack of treaties with their alliances and ODN.

Rising above all the spiel I wonder why theres so much support but no treaties, is it because they know better than to treaty ODN or just a bunch of "woot ODN'ers" on the loose?

Was that before or after IRON provided you with advice and assistance on upgrading your military system or kept VE off your back?

To your first point, Vanguard has a treaty with ODN. Maybe others think they know better, but that's their loss.

I don't know what kind of organization or help IRON provided ODN, if any at all, but IRON didn't save ODN's $@! from VE. Firstly, ODN was decently armed then, and secondly had others besides IRON behind them. Not to mention, the fact that it conflict would have made it pretty awkward for Rok and ourselves, being that VE is tied to Rok through Bastion, Rok is tied to us, and we're tied to ODN. Either the war would have escalated to a point much further beyond VE and ODN to where it's pointless to extrapolate now, it would have stayed between ODN, VE, and Int, or it wouldn't have happened at all due to the intervention of Rok and ourselves. To claim ODN was all alone in that situation shows a lack of knowledge of the full situation.

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..Old scar..seems like it didn't tingle until 1 day before the war.

Those who know me know that is not the case, internally everyone knew were i stood in crystal clear terms.

Just to be fair Cata, when WN left, the 3 Secretaries he appointed did stay around for a tad bit longer :P

Regarding the term clique: the IRON MDP found great support among the majority of the GA, as well as the Senate (which I happened to be part of) and it was out of a great enthusiasm for Orange Unity that this and most of the Orange treaties signed during this period were signed.

If you were fair, you also have to blame treaties like the RnR treaty on this 'clique'.

i retract the use of the term clique :D , perhaps its better put as the WN era for want of a better term.

I'll have you know I am the Viceroy of ODN good sir


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IRON Nations attacking ODN nations for alliances of convenience is amusing, considering IRON gave up its supposed Independence, and with it is Moral high Ground, a very, long time ago.

What happened to that first ever IRON treaty with ONOS? anyone remember that?

ODN is trying to take a new, harder line in its affairs and I for one respect that. You were a valiant, loyal alliance while I served with you as TGEF, you will be so again.

*bring back the Unilateral-minus IRON- defence commitment* :P


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What happened to that first ever IRON treaty with ONOS? anyone remember that?

People got their panties in a bunch over IRON and ONOS signing a defense treaty and so GUARD officials pushed ONOS officials into making a statement that the IRON Secretary of State had accidentally posted the wrong draft (Oh those wacky IRON SoS's! Haha!), which was a blatant lie and never approved by us at all other than some sort of "Hang on, I'll fix this" statement briefly beforehand. Then ONOS officials got caught having had a spying operation for a few months, including on the NPO, and we were like "$%&@ these guys" and canceled the treaty that they had made so clear was in fact an ODP and not an MDP.

Yes, I remember that.

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